Chapter 3

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Chapter Three- The Meeting

"Why don't you go on ahead?" Edom called to Roux. They were both on horseback, trotting through the woods, just the two of them. But it wasn't just a merry exercise; they were headed towards the nymph community where Roux would spend the next month getting to know his future bride. The thought scared him; marriage, children. Since he was just a boy of ten, he was crowned king and ever since then he'd been completely independent. He'd run a kingdom on his own, had no one to answer to for twenty years now. All of a sudden, this new responsibility seemed daunting and a challenge he perhaps wasn't prepared for. But just as he'd taken the challenge of being king at ten so he could look after his kingdom, he would accept this challenge as well; all for his kingdom.

"Go ahead?" Roux reiterated back to Edom. "I have no guards or anything!" Roux's normal entourage took longer to assemble and travel through the rough woods than just the two men on horseback, so they would not reach the community until later that night whilst Roux and Edom would reach together by lunchtime. Or so Roux thought.

"It's still about a mile to the community, I'll catch up to you if you stay at this trot." Edom answered, already heading a bit off path from the road they were taking.

"But why?" Roux yelled after him.

"I've heard the brothel in these parts is the best in all of Emery," Edom winked.

"Edom," Roux warned.

"I'm only taking a look to see my options for this month! I'm not going to stay," he called over his shoulder as he picked up speed away from Roux. "I'll catch up to you!"

Roux was about to call him back, but he just shook his head and let him gallop away. He had just better catch up like he said he would; a king shouldn't be by himself, especially in these times. Roux continued a brisk trot through the woods, his horse skillfully stepping over tree roots and fallen branches. The woods became rougher and more condensed with trees as they got further into it. Roux didn't like it; thicker woods would make for a more difficult escape, should he need to run. He really didn't like being alone.

As his horse continued the trot, Roux thought he heard a rustle behind him. He turned his head while his horse continued going forward, then quickly reprimanded himself. Was he some child scared of the dark? He shook off his uneasiness and looked forward again.

The second time, even his horse stopped and turned his head to the side. Roux tightened his grip on the reins, letting the horse know to stay stopped. He looked around, eyeing the forests carefully. One more rustle was heard, and Roux knew he wasn't imagining it. He unsheathed the sword at his side, holding it in front of him.

"Alright, out with you." He called into the trees in front of him. "No need to hide, out with yourself." Another, louder rustle came from Roux's right side and he quickly pulled the reins so his horse faced that way.

Out of the trees, a figure appeared, stepping out from behind the shrubbery. First, Roux saw the long, slender legs, then the small torso and finally the eyes. Eyes the color of the sky, but shining brighter than any gems  Roux had ever seen. Her hair was stick straight and hanging down her back like a sunrise-colored waterfall. Her dress was not like what everyone else wore; instead of a corset and a full gown, her dress was like a nightdress, the color of pale plums, a silky thin material held up by two thin straps on her shoulders. It flowed down to her ankles, blowing in the wind lightly like her hair. He saw she wore no shoes, instead she was out and about with bare feet, her toes darkened with dirt. The sight was somewhat breathtaking for the king.

"Who are you?" She asked eyeing his sword pointed towards her throat. She didn't look at it with fear, instead with a kind of bland question of what he thought he'd be able to do with it.

The Emery Chronicles: The Red King's Romance (THIRD BOOK)Where stories live. Discover now