Chapter 17

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Chapter Eighteen- The Engagement

Carmine was curled up in her bed, her legs folded up against her chest. She had had to hide her tears all night so no one would know. After the argument with Roux, she had run home and stayed in bed like this all night. At first, she'd been able to drown in her sorrows and sobs because no one had been home. But as her sister and parents slowly filtered into the hut, she had choked back her tears and pretended to be asleep. She had kept up the charade until morning.

"Carmine?" Her sister had asked as she got dressed. "Are you awake?" Carmine hadn't responded, and so Loral had left, giving Carmine more time to drown.

The sun shined brightly into their room now, making it warm and hazy. Carmine lay with her eyes wide and unblinking, scared to move. She was scared if she went out she wouldn't be able to hide her sorrows from everyone. Especially from Roux, she didn't want him to know how hurt she was. She wished she could be strong and defy his claims of her weakness, but she knew seeing him would only break her heart even more.

Carmine heard rustling drawing closer to the bedroom door and quickly turned over to face away. She took deep breaths as the door opened; she had stopped crying awhile ago, but now became afraid she'd burst again.

"Carmine! You're still in bed?" Loral came over and patted her sister's shoulder. Carmine pretended to stretch and turned back over to face Loral. "Oh, Carmine! You stayed in this hot room so long your face is all red."

"Yes," was all Carmine mustered out. She realized Loral was opening drawers and looking through them, and asked what she was doing.

"Getting dressed. It's already time for the engagement." Loral finally found a light blue dress and threw it over her head after removing the one she'd been in all day. "You need to get dressed as well."

"Already?" Carmine felt her heart pitter patter in her chest quickly, and she sat up abruptly, earning a look from Loral.

"Yes," Loral answered slowly. She shook her head and told Carmine to hurry.

"I can't," Carmine told Loral without thinking, earning another look. "I mean, I do not know what to wear."

"Oh, Carmine." Loral said again, shaking her head and giggling. She tossed a pale green dress to Carmine, saying, "Here, green always looks nice on you."

Carmine stood and dressed herself, pulling the dress on ruefully. Loral was brushing out her soft wavy hair, and asked Carmine if she should do anything else with it.

"No, it looks nice just like that." Carmine took a moment to smile at her sister. She had been so caught up in her own sorrow, she had forgotten that this was a momentous occasion for her sister. She would have to forget her own feelings and be happy for Loral, if for anything at all. "What about my hair?"

"I'll braid it," Loral sat Carmine down and began to deftly braid her stick-straight red tresses and twist it around her head. Once done, Loral patted Carmine's shoulders and they stood up together.

"Are you ready?" Carmine asked Loral, trying to seem positive.

Loral shrugged and told her, "I suppose."


All of the nymphs had gathered in the community center to watch the engagement. Roux stood before everyone as Loral, escorted by Carmine, made her way toward him. She looked pretty, her hair framing her face nicely and her blue dress looking lovely against her skin. Roux had to use every inch of his power to keep his eyes trained on Loral and to avoid looking at Carmine.

Once the girls reached the front, Ormond began his speech. "Welcome, all! Today is a glorious day, as it is the first step toward an alliance with our wonderful king! May this union bring success to our kingdom, and happiness to my daughter." After smiling sweetly at his firstborn, Ormond handed both Loral and Roux a ring and announced to the crowd as they exchanged them.

Carmine watched as Roux placed the ring on Loral's finger, how it slipped on so easily. Her chest tightened at the sight, and her thoughts still rang loudly in her head: this is wrong. It should be her finger with Roux's ring around it, her hand in his. But no matter how wrong it was, it had happened and now she had to live with it.

The crowd clapped as the engagement finished, and loud, hearty music began to play. Some went to the tables to begin eating the delectable meal set before them, while others went to the center to begin dancing.

Loral headed over to high table to take her seat of honor, leading Roux with her. But as they walked, Roux seemed to stop and explain something to her. Loral nodded and Roux turned and walked away, headed toward a line of huts. Carmine watched him, and by some instinct began to follow. She didn't deserve to be heartbroken and miserable, and he didn't deserve being cried about by her. Her anger pushed her towards him, until they were both hidden from the party behind the huts.

"Roux!" Carmine practically growled. Roux turned and sighed heavily.

"Carmine, please-"

"No," she shouted. "It's my turn to speak! I have something to say, which I wanted to tell you after your engagement to my sister was announced, but you shut me down. I love you, Roux." Roux looked up at her words, his eyes wide in disbelief. "And I hate myself for it. I wanted to tell you so that we could figure this out, but you ruined everything. And now I just want to say that you are not worth my tears."

Carmine was going to turn and leave, when Roux caught her arm. "Do you think I look happy? Do I look like someone who is enjoying his engagement party?"

"What do you mean?" Carmine asked slowly, pulling her arm out of his grasp.

"I mean," Roux breathed deeply, seeming flustered and unsure of what to say. "I'm asking you to notice that I don't want this engagement to happen anymore than you do."

Carmine squinted her eyes and stared him down. His eyes were honest, but her heart was apprehensive. She stood up straight and told him accusingly, "You can't love me. You can't love someone and hurt them as much as you've hurt me."

"It hurt me to hurt you," Roux argued quietly. His eyes flashed desperately now.

"Then prove it," Carmine asked. But she more than asked; in her heart of hearts, she was begging. She begged him to prove it, to show her what he claimed they both wanted.

Roux sighed and closed his eyes tightly shut. He bowed his head and whispered, "I cannot." And then he began to walk away.

But before he was completely out of earshot, Carmine called out, "You cannot do anything, Roux! But if you won't prove it, then I'll make you!" And she strutted off.

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