Chapter 6

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Chapter Six- The Vixen

It turned out that every group had hunted enough meat for both lunch and supper. After they had quickly eaten their lunch, Roux's entourage had arrived early, so Roux and Edom and gone to their guest hut next to the Reed family's hut and began settling in with their luggage. They hadn't been able to properly enjoy their meal, so they both looked forward to the supper feast.

Roux was seated next to Carmine and Loral at the large table. Before supper, the nymphs had all set up a circle of tables in the center of the community, a large bonfire in the middle of the circle where they cooked the meat. As the meal cooked and people put food on the tables, a band began playing lovely music and people got up to dance around the fire.

"Is this normal?" Roux asked the sisters loudly over the music. "Do you hunt every meal and then make a grand feast of it?"

He had wanted Loral to finally look at him, but she had stuffed a piece of meat into her mouth right when he talked to her. Instead, Carmine answered, "Yes. We hunt as a community and eat as a community."

"Oh," Roux replied, glumly watching Loral. "That's very interesting." He kept looking at his future bride, but she seemed to be ignoring him, instead focusing all of her attention on the dancers. He glanced at Carmine who looked at him and rolled her eyes. Then she made an understanding look to him, blinking at her sister so he knew that she could see he was trying. Roux smiled back graciously, but Loral still made no move.

"You dance?" Carmine wiped meat grease off her hands onto her dress, looking at Roux.

"Not this style, particularly." Roux replied, turning to look at the gyrations the nymphs were displaying around the bonfire.

"Alright, then. I'm going to dance, you two should talk." She remarked pointedly at her sister before standing and leaving her seat.

Loral turned to Roux and gave him a polite smile, but before he could say anything, she turned back to watching the dancers. Roux wanted to try to spark up a conversation, but he didn't feel like forcing it anymore. He sat back dejectedly in his seat and watched the dancers as well.

At another end of the table, Edom sat drinking and eating merrily, while telling adventurous stories to a group of nymph women. They all fawned and gawked over him, and he was enjoying the attention, when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Pardon, m'lord." A royal guard said to him. "But there's a delivery for you in your bedchambers."

Edom looked at him confusedly before standing up and wishing a regretful farewell to his admirers, making his way to the hut he shared with Roux.


Aviva waited, her cloak tight around her, her hair loose and hanging around her face. When she heard the door slam, she approached it herself.

Aviva turned the knob and opened the door, entering the bedchambers. The man turned and raised his eyebrows at her, curiously but appreciatively.

"Sir Edom?" She asked, her voice sweet as honey.

"Yes," he replied, eying her up and down. "Are you my delivery?"

Aviva smirked and responded, "I've been sent by Madame Baize's brothel, the one you graced with your presence today."

"Oh really?" Edom asked smiling widely and crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Will they be sending me a girl every night?"

"Actually, I've been sent here to keep you company all month." She replied, smiling back at him.

"What, one girl?" Edom looked rather shocked. "I don't even remember seeing you at the brothel today."

"They keep me for special occasions. Trust me, m'lord, I'm no girl." Aviva let her cloak fall to the ground, and she stood there completely nude. Edom excitedly looked her up and down again, this time appreciating her womanly curves, thin waist, and perky bosoms. "And you won't be able to handle me alone, much less more than one girl."

"Oh," Edom teased. "Quite the little vixen, are we?" He asked as Aviva approached him. She placed her hands on his belt and lifted her face up to his. She kissed him slowly, and then passionately, grabbing his lips with hers and pressing her naked body to his clothed one. She could feel him becoming excited beneath his clothes, her signal to go on. She stopped kissing him and pushed him down onto his bed, making him chuckle lustily.

Aviva unlaced his trousers and pulled them off swiftly, throwing them onto the ground. She climbed on top of Edom and began to take his vest off, meanwhile kissing his neck. She could feel him getting more excited, trying to enter her, but she evaded his entry. She pushed him down and ripped the rest of his clothes off, throwing them across the room.

Edom laughed, wanting her. He grabbed her by her shoulders and turned her over so he was on top. He kissed her passionately, trying to position himself for the entry, but she wouldn't even let him between her legs.

"Come on," he pleaded, kissing her neck. "Let me in, darling." She giggled and pulled his hair so she could lift his face up. Edom heaved at the slight bit of pain, looking down at her with wild eyes. He used his hands to rub her breasts, feeling their softness in his palms and enjoying the way they perked up for him.

"Mmm," Aviva purred for him, knowing it would drive him crazy. Edom did go mad, shoving her hand out of his hair and trying to kiss her again. Before he could, Aviva flipped them over so she was back on top. She held his hands down on either side of him, using her mouth to lick his neck and chest. He grunted in anticipation, about to completely go mad.

"Now you're ready, m'lord." Aviva said, her words and eyes fiery as she looked down on Edom, still holding him down. She spread her legs on either side of him and plunged down.

"Gaah!" Edom made an animalistic noise as Aviva began thrusting up and down on top of him, finally giving him what he desired. "Yes, yes!"

She noticed him enjoying it, so she slowed her pace, going from a thrust to a roll. She move her hips as liquidly as a professional dancer, slow as molasses. Edom rolled his eyes to the back of his head, trying to catch his breath.

"Faster!" He ordered her, his voice hoarse as she teased him, sending stings of pleasure up and down his spine.

"Is m'lord sure? He seems to like the way my hips roll," Aviva continued to tease, moving even slower. "Don't you like this rhythm? The way my skin feels grazing yours?" Edom grunted, becoming delirious. "Aren't my thighs pleasing m'lord?" Aviva could see he was completely hers now, completely entranced by her and willing to do all, so she decided to treat him. "Oh, m'lord. Yes, m'lord, yes!"

She began to pick up the pace again, her rolls becoming faster and faster until she was going a mile a minute.

"Yes, m'lord! You're so good, m'lord!" She let his hands roam up to her breasts and continue to rub them, squeezing and holding on tightly as she heaved on top of him.

"Oh, gods! Gods!" Edom yelled, unable to even bother to try to sit up. He just lay on his back and let her do her work. "Oh, gods, yes! Gods, yes! Gods! Yes! Yes!"

"Yes, m'lord! Yes!" Aviva responded, sensing the climax. "Ah, ah! Yes! Mmm, m'lord!"

"Gods! Ah, ah, oh, oh, oh! Oh! Yes!" Edom shouted at the top of his lungs as he finished. He felt as if his bones had turned to liquid; unable to move even an inch, he was helpless. Never had he felt so alive and so defeated all at once. Aviva got off from on top of him and instead lay down next to him, softly kissing his neck and jawline. "You were right. You're plenty woman for me."

"I hope I can please m'lord all month," she replied, rubbing his shoulders. "I'm here as your personal servant. I'll sleep in here and do as you want, day and night."

"Oh, I hope I can handle that!" Edom laughed. "You're going to kill me, the way you go at it!"

Aviva smirked and continued rubbing. "No, no. M'lord is very strong and pleasing." Edom purred at her words, enjoying the flattery. "And look! Ready again!"

Edom chuckled as Aviva sauntered to the end of the bed. "What do they call you, darling?"

"Little vixen," Aviva quipped before taking Edom in her mouth and continuing to give him the best pleasure he'd ever received.

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