Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty One- The Wedding

"You're not mad?" Carmine asked Loral as she helped her younger sister into the wedding dress she was supposed to be wearing.

"Of course not!" Loral exclaimed as she patted the dress down and then began braiding white flowers into Carmine's hair. "I was surprised, certainly. And I'm quite in shock now! One moment I'm getting ready for my wedding, the next my sister is the one marrying my fiancé and I'm next in line for Chiefdom! It's a lot to take in."

"Yes," Carmine said as Loral twisted and braided her hair. "But you don't hate me for marrying him? Instead of you?"

Loral smiled as she concentrated on her sister's hair, almost done with it. "I never felt anything for him the way you do. He was very nice, but it was awkward to think of him as my future husband. Remember? It didn't even feel right kissing him."

"I think you're wrong, by the way." Carmine smirked. "He's a very good kisser." The two sisters giggled and Carmine stood from her seat to hug Loral.

They squeezed each other before Loral whispered, "It's time now." And they had to let go and leave their room one last time.


Loral and the two girls' parents walked Carmine over to Roux, who stood in the center of the community square. He smiled at the sight of Carmine in her white, simple lace dress. Her hair looked nice pulled back and braided with white flowers in the strands, and her eyes shined brightly as they met Roux's. If anyone had doubted it before, they could see now that the two of them were completely in love with each other. Neither turned their eyes away as Carmine came to stand next to Roux, and their smiles were sweet and only for each other.

The godsman recited the wedding ritual, the crowd smiling at the beautiful couple. Edom was sitting next to his new bride, the two of them holding hands, Aviva's head resting on her husband's shoulder. At the end of the wedding ceremony, Roux kissed Carmine and finalized the marriage, then commencing the celebrations.


The carriages rolled away from the community gates, all of the nymphs standing at the entrance to wave goodbye. The farewell Carmine had shared with her family had been bittersweet with many tears shed, but they knew Roux would take care of their little girl. Roux had shaken hands with Ormond and Carmine's mother, and had even shared a hug with Loral before he and his new Queen had boarded one of the two carriages.

The other was for Edom and Aviva, who were wrapped up with each other, even in the small carriage seat.

"Call me your wife again!" Aviva begged of Edom between passionate kisses. She had waited so long to be the wife of a royal advisor, and now she couldn't believe it had happened.

"You. Are. My. Wife." Edom answered when there were breaks in the kissing. The two of them shrieked with laughter as they continued their honeymoon escapades on the ride to the Red Palace.

In the other carriage, Carmine lay with her head in Roux's lap, the two of them holding hands and cuddling peacefully.

"How do you feel?" Roux asked quietly as the carriage rumbled on. "Being the Red Queen?"

"I'm not sure yet," Carmine whispered back. She looked up and said, "But I'm sure I'll be fine." Roux bent his head so they could kiss, one slow, sweet kiss. They went back to cuddling, Roux only thinking of one thing. How he had to, how he must, protect his new wife. War had been declared, and Roux knew he didn't just have a kingdom to protect anymore, but the love of his life.


~One Month Later~
Many a distance away in the White kingdom, Gavin was pacing the hallway outside Arwen's chambers. They'd kept it a secret all this year, wanting to avoid even more enmity with his cousins. He and Arwen hadn't told anyone she was pregnant again so that the other kingdoms wouldn't send even more spies in.

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