Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve- The Summit

Roux couldn't sleep all night. Every time he closed his eyes he saw Carmine, soaking and simmering in the moonlight. He didn't understand why he could not stop thinking about it. Yes, he was a man and she was a woman. So it was only natural; but somehow he knew it couldn't be so simple. She was to be his sister by law, and men wouldn't think of their sisters in such a way. But he couldn't stop, and it plagued him all through the night. He didn't want to wake up, didn't want to leave his chambers and have to see her again. He knew every time he looked at her all he would see was the way she looked last night.

And so it was a blessing when Edom knocked on his door the next morning and said, "Your cousins have called a Summit meeting."

"When?" Roux asked, rubbing the sleeplessness out of his eyes.

"Starting later today. We need to get onto the roads right away. Is that alright?"

"Yes, fine."

Edom paused for a moment and looked Roux up and down, taking in his tousled hair and messily arranged clothing. "Are you alright?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Fine," Roux nodded, giving a curt nod. Edom nodded back, patting Roux's shoulder before turning to arrange the journey. Roux left his room as pages walked in to pack his belongings. He made his way out of the hut and towards the Chief's hut.

After knocking on the wooden door, Carmine opened it energetically. "Morning!" She chirped, smiling as usual. Roux nodded, diverting his eyes from her.

Looking at the ground, he asked, "Is your father at home?"

"Yes," Carmine stretched the word out, trying to catch his eye but failing. "Do you want to come in?"

"No, no." Roux replied hastily, clearing his throat. "Please let him know I wish to speak to him urgently."

"If it's urgent, why don't you just come in, Roux?" Hearing his name roll off of her tongue sent unwelcome shivers down his spine, and he shook his head in answer, unable to speak. He stepped away from the door and walked towards the center of the community to grab some food. Though he didn't know if he could eat; his stomach felt as if it had been taken out of his body and put back in upside down.

Carmine stood at the door, watching him walk away. He seemed to be sick; maybe that's why he was acting so strangely. She turned to find her father and relay Roux's message.


"Leaving?" Chief Ormond asked Roux with his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Just for a couple of days," the Red King explained. They were at an isolated corner of the dining tables, speaking privately with only Edom as witness. "My cousins have called a meeting. We'll be back by tomorrow night."

"Alright," Ormond replied, taking it in. "Do you have everything prepared for your journey?"

"Yes, thank you. We'll be leaving after we break our fast." Roux gave a small, reassuring smile. In truth, he could not wait to be away from there.


"Are you nervous to see your cousins?" Edom asked as the entourage rumbled through the forest. They had been traveling for a few hours, Roux not letting out one word while Edom talked his ear off. The advisor could tell his friend hadn't heard a word he said.

"Mm?" Roux turned to look at the other man, sitting up straighter in his saddle as his horse continued its endless stroll. "No, it's not that."

"I heard you spent the day with Loral," Edom smiled mischievously. "Thinking about your bonny bride?"

It was as if Roux could feel his insides cringe. He hadn't thought about Loral since the moment she left his cabin, after the kiss. His mind had been immersed in thoughts of Carmine, and he could now feel his cheeks redden with guilt.

His best friend knew something was wrong, and asked, "What were you thinking about?"

"Loral and I shared a kiss," Roux sighed, deciding to start from the beginning.

"Oh," Edom smirked. "She couldn't resist your charms anymore, I see! And how was it?"

"That's the thing," Roux explained. "It was nothing, it felt like nothing. I couldn't understand why there was no feeling to it, so I needed time to think. I grabbed my paint materials and then I ran into Carmine. She took me to a place to paint the sunset. She even helped me find the right shade of red I've been looking for since childhood!"

"And?" Edom prompted, noting the change in his friend. When talking about Loral, he was awkward and embarrassed, but talking about her sister made him sit up taller in his saddle. Almost excited.

"And so we spent some time together. On the way back to camp, we raced each other in the river and as I was getting out-" Roux cut himself off, seeing her image, burned into his eyes. He saw Edom raise his eyebrows in question and finally mustered out, "She was wet, and so her dress clung to her. And-"

"Good lord, Roux." Edom exclaimed in a whisper. "Don't tell me you took your fiancé's sister!"

"No, I didn't!" Roux exclaimed back at first. He stopped and then continued, "Would it have been so bad if I had?"

"Roux!" Edom scolded as if Roux were an ignorant child. "It would be wrong! You're marrying her sister."

"I'm not married to her yet," Roux defended. "And who knows if I will? We're in a trial period, to see if we like each other."

"Yes, and the entire trial would be dashed if you put yourself between the wrong woman's legs," Edom countered.

"But I didn't!"

"But you wanted to," Edom challenged. Roux bit his tongue and bowed his head down.

"I couldn't help it. She looked..." Thinking of her again, he was at a loss for words.

"Oh, lord." Edom shook his head. "I knew this would happen. I told you to enjoy some whores before we came here! You needed to let off some steam, exercise your loins so you could control yourself." Edom turned to Roux and very seriously said, "Look. She was the first woman you've seen in a while. It's understandable. I could arrange for a whore to meet you at the Summit, warm your bed for a night, and then you'll be good as new."

Roux scrunched his face up and shook his head. "I don't have the heart."

"You have the manhood."

"Not for a whore," Roux elaborated.

"Well, it can't be for your future sister by law either. Maybe wait till we return and try to get Loral to open her legs for you?"

Roux shook his head again. "I don't think she would let me get within a mile of what's between her legs. It wouldn't matter because I don't think I'd want to. If our kiss had no meaning, I don't think I'd be able to truly make love to her."

"By lord, it gets worse." Edom breathed heavily. "You can't make love to others why? Because you love Carmine?" When Roux said nothing, Edom exclaimed, "You can't love her. You hardly know her!"

"But I feel as if I do know her, I know everything about her. We understand each other, it's never awkward. Loral and I don't have that connection."

Edom shook his head, but not as vehemently as before. "I understand what you're talking about, I really do. But you still need to be careful. It's a dangerous game you're playing at."

Roux nodded his head. Love was a dangerous game indeed.

The Emery Chronicles: The Red King's Romance (THIRD BOOK)Where stories live. Discover now