Chapter 1 The beginning of a nightmare

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One day on a nice sunny late afternoon me and my 4 friends William, Milo, Jen, and Nolan were taking a hike in the woods. William and Milo were behind me and Nolan hitting each other with sticks when suddenly one of the sticks flew out of their hands and went right past my head. "Hey, what the hell you two knock it off!" Nolan shouted at them. William and Milo both stopped and stared at Nolan then continued walking. "Guys can we take a break?" Jen asked in a whining voice. We all rolled our eyes, stopped walking, and sat down. We each got a snack and a bottle of water from our book bags. You see each of us have a book bag and inside is a flashlight, snacks, water bottles, a sleeping bag, a tent in a bag connected to the outside of our book bag, and some clothes. We were planning on staying the night in the woods but after like 20 minutes of walking Jen was complaining because her hair was messed up and her shoes were dirty, so we decided not to. "What time is it?" I asked Nolan. I couldn't help but stare into his bright green eyes. "Uh Ally?" Nolan said, confused. "Ally." Nolan said a little annoyed as he waved his hand in front of my face until I blinked. "Sorry I zoned out." I said, a little embarrassed. "I can see that." Nolan replied back. After everyone finished eating and drinking their water we continued walking for a few hours. "Guys, we should start heading back." William suggested. "What? We've only been here for like 3 in a half hours." I said back. We all stopped walking for a moment. "Ally he's right it's already 6:30pm, and it's going to start getting late pretty soon." Nolan replied back to me in a sweet calm voice. "Fine." I said back even though I knew I wanted to stay longer. "Well, we better start walking." Milo said as he started walking ahead of us. Everyone else turned to me and Nolan. "You coming or what?" They all asked at the same time. Me and Nolan stared at each other for a couple of seconds then started walking. "So what college are you planning on going to?" Nolan asked as he glanced over at me. "Well, I wanted to go to Pembroke but it cost a lot of money so I might be going to Sunnydale." I replied back in a disappointed tone. "Well at least if you go to Sunnydale, I'll get to see you everyday." Nolan replied back smiling as he nudged my arm. "Hey, less talking and more walking." Milo Shouted. "Oh, let them be in love." Jen said back. Milo slightly glared back at Nolan. "It's not like that, Jen." Nolan said as he quickly looked away from me. "Yeah Yeah." William replied back. After about an hour of walking my legs began killing me. "So, Jen you've been pretty quiet, surprisingly." I said as I turned to look behind me. "Jen?" I said as I stopped walking. We had all stopped walking for a moment. "This isn't funny." Milo shouted. I started to panic I could feel my stomach sinking in. My hands started to shake, and I became dizzy, so I went over and sat by a tree. I could feel my heart racing and my eyes starting to water. Nolan walked over and sat beside me. "You, okay?" Nolan asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said back in a smart tone. "Right. dumb question." Nolan replied back. "Me and Jen weren't all that close, but I can't help but be worried about her." I said back as I wiped the tears from my face. Nolan reached his arm around me, and I laid my head on his shoulder. William walked over and took a picture. "Really you had to take a picture?" I asked as I looked up at William. "You guys look so cute together." William replied back as he walked over to Milo. I saw Milo slightly glance over at me. "We should camp here tonight, it's going on 9:00pm." Milo said as he glanced over at me. "William and Milo go collect some firewood and stay together." Nolan said in a serious tone as he stood up. Me and Nolan sat the tents up. After about 30 minutes Milo and William returned with the firewood. Everything was going perfect that night until it took a turn for the worst.

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