Chapter 10 Butterflies

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The next day when I woke up, I got ready for Nolan's funeral. I wore a plain black dress with black tights, a silver necklace, silver earrings and black heels. I brushed my hair then Put it in a messy bun with small pieces of baby hairs sticking out. Then I heard my phone buzz.

Milo: Hey, we are here to pick you up.

Ally: Okay I'll be out in a second.

I grabbed my phone, house key, wallet and my black cardigan then walked out front, locking the door behind me. "I grabbed some flowers on the way here." Milo said as I got in the car. "Okay." I said back. Milo stood by me as we watched Nolan's casket being lowered in the ground. I felt my heart sink and my eyes began to water. My knees hit the ground, and my heart felt like it had been ripped out of my chest all over again. Tears began to pour from my eyes like a waterfall. I felt Milo's arms wrap around me. After they placed the dirt over the casket Milo placed the flowers on top. "They won't have the headstone ready for about 3 to 4 months." Nolans grandma said to me and Milo. "Why is it taking so long?" I asked, confused. "It's a very long process to make a headstone." Milo said, looking at me. "Thank you both for coming." Nolans grandma said, hugging me tightly. "You're welcome." We both said back. "Take care of yourselves." Nolans grandma said, walking to her car. After we left the funeral, we stopped at the library so I could print the pictures on my camera. After I finished printing the pictures Milo's dad dropped me and Milo off at my house so Milo could help me hang the pictures in my room. "Should we hang these up?" Milo said, holding a bundle of fairy lights. "Sure. Why not." I said back. "Thanks for helping me." I said, watching Milo step down from the ladder. "You're welcome." Milo said back in a sweet voice. "And about yesterday I'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave things awkward." Milo explained. "It's okay. I understand and I like you too. I just want to make sure we aren't just doing this to cope with everything that happened." I said sincerely. "Well, I guess I should get going." Milo said, grabbing his phone off my dresser. "Be safe." I said, hugging Milo. "Take care." Milo said back, walking out of my room, closing the door behind him. After Milo left, I laid in bed and watched tv then I sent a message to my mom.

Ally: When do you plan on coming home?

Mom: None of your damn business. Stop Texting Me!

I sat my phone on charge then fell sound asleep. The next day I woke up to Milo's messages.

Milo: Hey, are you awake?

Milo: Open the door.

Ally: It's 9:00 in the morning.

Milo: I got breakfast. Open the door lady.

Ally: Fine, I'll be down in a moment.

Milo: No, you won't, you're going to fall back asleep.

Ally: Fine, I'm getting up.

I unplugged my phone and made my way down the stairs to open the door for Milo. "Sorry I know it's early, but I figured you'd want some breakfast." Milo said, smiling as he walked in the house. "It's fine." I said sitting at the table. "So, when's your mother supposed to be back home?" Milo asked as he sat a plate in front of me with a bagel with bacon, and cheese and a glass of orange juice. "I don't know, she said not to worry about it and to stop texting her." I said back, taking a bite of the bagel. "Wow some mother." Milo mumbled as he took a sip of orange juice. "Yeah, I know." I said wiping my face with a napkin. "Well William's funeral is tomorrow." Milo said, looking at me sad. "I'm not sure I can handle any more funerals." I said, looking down. "This will be the last one." Milo replied back. "I know." I muttered. After we finished eating, we went upstairs and played card games while watching movies. After about 20 minutes of playing card games, I heard the doorbell ring, so I went downstairs to open it. "Omg Xavier your back!" I shouted with happiness. Xavier were friends with me and Milo before he had to move away in 9th grade. "Milo's upstairs if you want to say hi." I said, closing the door after Xavier walked in. Then walking up the stairs. "Omg dude your back!" Milo said, standing to hug Xavier. "So how long will you be back for?" I asked Xavier, sitting on the floor, to continue the card game with Milo. "Just for a week." Xavier said back as he sat on the floor next to Milo. "How have you guys been after everything that's happened?" Xavier asked, looking at me. "How did you find out about that?" Milo asked back in confusion. "It's all over the news." Xavier responded. "Would you two like to catch up and watch a movie tomorrow?" Xavier asked, looking at Milo then me. "No sorry we have to go to Williams' funeral tomorrow." We both said back in disappointment. "Oh, okay I understand. Well, I have to get going. I just wanted to stop by to let you know I was back in town." Xavier said standing up. 'It was nice seeing you again." Me and Milo said, watching Xavier leave the room. "That was kind of awkward." I said looking at Milo. "Yeah, I know we haven't seen him in 2 years." Milo said back. "So is your mom sending you back to school?" Milo asked, laying a card down. "No. She's just homeschooling me since we're almost done with this year anyways." I said back. "Same. My dad is scared to let me go back to school since everything is all over the news." Milo explained. "Yes, I won!" I shouted, throwing my hands up. Milo smiled as he grabbed the cards and shuffled them again. After a few months had past me and Milo decided to throw a small party for Nolans grandma. "Thank you so much." Nolans grandma said, hugging me and Milo. "You're welcome." We said back, smiling. After we did cake and presents, Milo and I went to sit on the back porch. "I'm glad she's having fun, she deserves it." I said, smiling. "Yeah." Milo muttered back. "Look at the cat!" I said, rushing down the porch stairs. I picked the cat up, petting it. "It's adorable." Milo said, petting the cat on the head. As the cat jumped out of my arms its claw went across my arm. "Did it scratch you?" Milo asked, looking at me. "Yes, but it's fine." I said looking up at Milo. We stared into each other's eyes and my heart began to race as Milo stepped closer to me. The smell of his cologne rushed through my nose. Milo moved his face close to mine, our noses nearly touching. My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. I moved closer to Milo, his warm lips touching mine. It felt like we had been kissing for an eternity. "I'm going to be leaving." Nolans grandma said, opening the back door, me and Milo quickly stepped back from each other, turning to look at Nolan's grandmother. "Well, be in, in just a second. Me and Milo said, watching his grandmother shut the door. "Well, that was unexpected." I said, smiling while looking at Milo, the butterflies rushing from my stomach. "I know." Milo said, smiling, his face turning a little red. Milo grabbed me by the hand and we walked inside to say goodbye to Nolans grandma. "Take care of eachother." Nolans grandma said smiling, looking at both of us. After Nolans grandma left it wasn't long before everyone else began to go home. After the house was empty, me and Milo began cleaning everything up, then we popped some popcorn and watched movies on the couch until both of us fell soundly asleep. In the middle of the night Milo's phone began to ring non-stop. "Shit it's my dad I have to go." Milo said, standing up and grabbing his phone. "I'm sorry." Milo said, hugging me tightly. "It's okay, I understand he wants to make sure you're safe." I said, smiling. "Be safe. Lock the door when I leave." Milo said as he made his way out the front door. After Milo left, I locked the front door then went upstairs to go to bed.

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