Chapter 5 The lucky find

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The next day when we woke up Milo put some of the leftover fish in the pan and we waited for it to heat up. "Can you hand me a bottle of water?" Nolan asked. "Of course." I said, grabbing a bottle of water and passing it to Nolan. I grabbed another bottle of water and tossed it to Milo. "Thank you." Milo said, as he caught the bottle of water. After the fish finished heating up we let it cool and then we ate. "After we finish eating, we're going to walk for a bit if that's okay with you two." Nolan said after he took a sip of water. "Sounds good to me." Me and Milo said at the same time.  After we finished eating, we began to pack everything up. "How does your side feel Ally?" Milo asked as he passed me my bag. "It feels a little better." I said as I hooked my tent bag to the side of my book bag. "That's good, that means it's healing." Milo said as he attached his tent to the side of his bag as well. After we finished packing, we began to walk. "So, what do you guys plan on doing after we get out of here?" I asked. "I'm going to William's funeral and I'm telling my grandfather I'm never going camping again." Milo said jokingly. "I'm going to sign up for college and hopefully get accepted." Nolan replied. "How about you Ally?" Milo asked as he looked at me smiling. "I'm going to apply for college as well." I said back. "Well, you're smart enough so I'm sure you'll get accepted." Milo said in a sweet tone. "Are you two ready to start walking?" Milo said as he picked up mine and his bag. "Yes, we are." Me and Nolan said. Then we began to walk. Milo was a good friend even though he was a jerk sometimes, but I think a lot of it has to do with him losing William. William and Milo were like brothers. Milo met William in 7th grade when they were picked to be science partners and after that they were inseparable. William had a pretty normal childhood but Milo's parents got divorced when Milo was 13 so William was always around to help Milo through it. "You okay Ally?" Milo asked as he looked over at me. "Yea just thinking." I said back. The woods were beautiful when it was daytime. There were birds everywhere and sometimes if you were quiet enough you could hear deer moving in the distance. These woods make me feel free of course when I'm not being chased. How? How could I feel free when I'm trapped in these woods? The breeze was perfect today, it wasn't too hot, and it wasn't too cold. The sun shined down beautifully. It's been 11 days since we've been trapped in these woods. "So how do we know if we're going the right way to get out of this place?" Nolan asked as he looked at Milo. "I have a compass." Milo said, handing Nolan a vintage compass. "Holy crap you've had this the whole time?" Nolan said in shock. "Yeah, it's been passed down in my family for years." Milo said as he took the compass back from Nolan. "Look at you two getting along." I said, jokingly. "Oh hush." Nolan said back, laughing a little. After we walked for about 2 hours, we took a break and drank some water. "Are you two hungry?" Nolan asked. "No." I said back. "I am." Milo said as he took a small piece of the cooked fish. "Are you sure Ally? We must try to eat this before it goes bad." Milo said, holding a piece in his hand. "No, I'm not hungry. I said back. After Milo and Nolan finished eating, we began to walk again. "Here you can lead the way for a little bit." Milo said as he gave the compass to Nolan. "You two are so adorable when you get along." I said as I turned to take a picture of Nolan and Milo. "Let me see that." Nolan said, quickly handing Milo his compass back then taking my camera. "Smile." Nolan said as he took a picture of him, me, and Milo. "There you go." Nolan said, handing me back my camera. "Thanks" I said, grabbing it out of his hand.   We continued walking for about 4 hours. "Shit." Milo said, hitting the compass against his hand. "What's wrong?" Me and Nolan said, turning to face him. "The compass isn't working." Milo said, giving us a concerned look. "What do you mean the compass isn't working Milo?" Nolan asked in a serious tone. "It's not working." Milo said back. "So, we have no clue if we've been going the correct way?" I asked. "It was working fine but now it's not." Milo said back. "What do we do?" Nolan asked. "I'm not sure." Milo said back. "Do you know when it stopped working?" I asked. "No." Milo said back. "Well, the most we can do is keep walking and hope for the best." Nolan said back. We continued walking for about half an hour. "Look." I said, pointing to what looked like an old cabin. "Maybe we can find supplies in there." Nolan said back. "Look what happened last time you 2 entered a cabin." Milo responded. "Worth the risk." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "She's not wrong." Nolan said back. "Fine." Milo said, shaking his head in disappointment. We began to make our way towards the cabin door. "Wait." Nolan said, stopping me and Milo from walking. "We need a plan." Nolan Said in a slightly fearful voice. "We're fine." Milo said, walking forward and kicking the door open. "See." Milo said, looking around to see an empty cabin. There was a desk in the corner of the room and a small mattress on the floor. There was also a small kitchen area and a tiny bathroom. "It's us." I said, staring at the pictures of us scattered on the table. "What the fuck." Milo said, picking up a picture. "We need to be quick." Nolan said in a profound tone. We searched around for anything we could use. "I found a couple knives and some cans of beans." I said as I put them in my bag. "Gross." Milo said as he grabbed a lighter off the counter. "We can't be picky about what we eat." Nolan said. I searched around in the bathroom and found toilet paper, pain relievers, and some bandages. After we finished searching around, we packed everything into our bags and got ready to leave. "What should we do about all of these pictures?" Milo asked Nolan. "Bring them with us. We don't need some creep staring at pictures of Ally." Nolan said back. Milo grabbed the pictures and shoved them into his bag then we began to walk again. We walked for another hour before finding a camping spot for the night. "Ally, will you set the fire?" Milo asked while handing me the lighter he found in the cabin. "Yes." I said taking the lighter from his hand. I lit the fire while Nolan and Milo sat the tents up. "We can heat some of the beans up for us to eat tonight." Nolan said, grabbing a can of the beans from the bag and opening the top with a knife. Nolan sat the pan on the fire then dumped the beans in it. Milo began to cut small pieces of the can top and folded them to make something like spoons. After the beans finished heating, we each got a bottle of water and began to eat. "I hate beans, but these taste pretty good considering we haven't been eating anything but fish." Milo said jokingly. After we finished eating Milo grabbed the pictures from his bag and threw them into the fire. We watched as the photos disintegrated into the fire. "So, what did you guys find in the cabin?" Nolan asked. "I found a couple knives, toilet paper, the cans of beans, pain relievers and bandages." I responded. "I found a lighter, a pen, and some soap." Milo said back. We sat around the fire until it was nearly burnt out. "Ally, you should go to bed so you're not over tired." Nolan said, looking over at me. "I'm fine." I said back. "Well, I'm going to bed." Milo said, standing up and heading to his tent. "Ally, are you sure you don't want to get some sleep?" Nolan asked. "I'm fine." I said back. "Well, I'm going to go to sleep. Don't stay up all night. You need energy to walk." Nolan said, heading to his tent. I continued watching the fire until it fully burnt out then I went to my tent and read my book for about an hour. After I finished reading, I fell soundly asleep.

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