Chapter 8 Coping

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When I woke up, I felt like I couldn't get out of bed. I laid there staring at the ceiling. I had almost forgotten that Nolan was dead, sometimes I wish I had forgotten. I think it would be much easier to cope. I knew he would leave a permanent scar. "Ally, breakfast is done." Milo said, opening the door. "I'm not hungry." I said, turning on my side, facing the wall. Milo walked over and sat on the bed next to me. "You have to eat." Milo said back. "I know you miss him, but you have to take care of yourself." Milo added on. I sat up looking at Milo blankly. "You look so exhausted." Milo said in a sad tone. Milo wiped the tears from my eyes, and we began to head downstairs. "Look who's awake." Lyla said jokingly. Me and Milo sat at the counter, staring at the food in front of us. "Here's some plates." Lyla said, handing us plates and silverware. "Thank you." Me and Milo said at the same time. As Milo got his plate of food I sat there staring at the pancakes on the counter, they remind me of the mornings Nolan would bring breakfast over to my house at like 5 in the morning. I began to cry. "I'm sorry. I can't." I said standing up and quickly going back upstairs. I laid on the bed as tears dripped down onto the pillows. About an hour later Milo came back upstairs to let me know that it was time to go to the police station. I put on a gray hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans then I brushed my hair. After I finished getting ready, I walked downstairs, and we made our way out to the car. "Who's going to watch the children?" Milo asked in confusion. "My husband is awake in my room. I told him to watch the kids." Lyla said back as she started the car. After we all buckled up, we began driving to the police station. When we arrived at the police station, they called our parents and had us tell them what happened. I saw as Milo's parents walked through the doors and hugged Milo tightly. "Where's mom?" I asked my dad as he hugged me tightly. "She's been gone for weeks." My dad said back. "Where did she go? Does she even know I was missing?" I asked in anger. "Yes. The night you were supposed to call me I had a feeling something was wrong, so I called you mom, and she said you hadn't been home in 2 days and that she was leaving for vacation with her friends." My dad said back. "I was the one that filed the missing persons report." My dad said in disappointment. "So, she didn't even care." I said back, looking down. "Milo and Ally please follow us." 2 police officers called us in a serious tone. We followed the police officers as we made our way to the interview room. "So, you said you have no idea who the second person was that was trying to kill you?" The police officer questioned. "Yes." Me and Milo said back. "Jen and that other person killed William and Nolan." I said in a serious tone. "We will go out tonight and see if we can find anything and we will call you back in to let you know what we find." The police officer said back. After we finished explaining in very detail what had happened the police officers told us to go home and get rest. "Ally, I will take you home. Your dad had to leave for work and Milo's staying at my house so it will be on the way." Milo's dad said as he grabbed his car keys from his pocket. When we arrived at my house, I hugged Milo then walked inside and locked the door. I walked to my room and changed into sweatpants and a tank top then turned the tv on and laid in bed. After about an hour of watching the tv I got a message from my dad.

Dad: Hey sorry I couldn't take you home, I got a call from work.

Ally: It's fine it just would have been nice to not have to be home alone.

Dad: You'll be fine Ally.

Ally: How could you say that after everything I've gone through?

Dad: I know but you're safe now.

Ally: I lost my best friend don't you think it would be nice to help your daughter through a rough patch in her life?

Dad: Ally I can't argue right now I have to get back to work.

Ally: You're just as bad as mom. Never there for your daughter. You don't care, you never did just like mom.

Dad: Whatever Ally, stop texting.

Why couldn't I have parents like Milo where they love and care for me and help me through the most traumatic things in my life. After laying there staring at the ceiling for about an hour or two Milo sent me a message.

Milo: Hey, you doing, okay?

Ally: No. My dad is a complete asshole.

Milo: I know I'm sorry. I'll come over tomorrow and bring lunch. We can watch movies if you want so you're not laying in bed all day.

Ally: Sounds great! Thank you so much for actually being there for me.

Milo: Your welcome Ally. Get some sleep. I'll be over by 1:00pm.

Ally: I'll try to get some sleep. See you tomorrow.

At least I have Milo to help me get through everything that has happened. I still miss Nolan so much and life will never be the same without him. Sometimes I wonder why he died, and I survived. I laid there staring at the old messages from Nolan until I fell asleep.

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