Chapter 4 20 feet down

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"Ally?" a voice said softly. I sat up seeing a blurry haze of Nolan's face. "Ally, do you remember what happened?" Nolan asked as he grabbed the first aid kit. "No." I said back, confused. "You were hit with an axe in the side and you nearly died from blood loss." Nolan said as he bandaged my side. "Thank you." I said back, smiling. "You're welcome." Nolan replied as he stood up to put the first aid kit away. About a few days later we began to run low on food and our water supply was nearly gone. We all knew we were going to die soon if we didn't find food. "How many granola bars are left?" Nolan asked as he looked over at me. "3." I said back. "That's counting what we have from Jen's bag right?" Milo asked as he began to take his tent down. "Yeah." I responded back. "Hey, I have a book about forest survival, there might be a list of things we can eat in there." Milo said as he grabbed the book from his bag. "Why do you even have that?" Nolan asked, confused. "Are you kidding? Do you have any idea how many people get lost in the woods?" Milo replied back. "It says we can eat seeds, grass, fish, insects and non-poisonous berries." Milo said as he turned the page of the book. "How would we catch fish?" Nolan asked as he looked over at Milo. "We could make fishing spears out of sticks with the pocketknife Ally has." Milo said back. "Why do you have a-" Nolan began to say. "It's mine. It was in the hoodie I let her use." Milo interrupted Nolan to say. Milo slightly glanced over at me then continued reading. I got up and searched for some sticks to use for the fishing spears. "Are these okay to use?" I asked Milo as I showed him the sticks I collected. "Perfect, great job." Milo said back. Nolan started to shape the ends of the sticks into sharp spears. After Nolan finished, we walked down to the river. I watched as Nolan and Milo used their spears to catch fish. We stayed down at the river until we caught about 5 fish. After we got back to the campfire, we cooked the fish with the travel size pan Milo had brought with him. "So how come you have all these pans and fancy tools." I asked Milo. "I used to go camping with my grandfather so I kind of know what tools to bring along." Milo said back. After we finished eating, we put the rest of the cooked fish in a small bag then Milo and Nolan grabbed the book bag we had been using to put our empty water bottles in and went down to the river and filled each bottle up. When they got back to the campfire they boiled the water with the small pan. Even though it had taken forever to boil each bottle of water it was worth it because we had fresh water, and we wouldn't take chances of getting sick. The next day when I woke up my hands were covered in blood. My side must have reopened while I was sleeping. "Nolan!" I shouted. It was a good thing we had decided to sleep in the sleeping bags because Nolan was right across the campfire. Nolan woke up and helped bandage my side. "Thanks." I said as I began to pack everything up. "You really should be sitting before you make your side bleed worse." Nolan said as he put the first aid kit away. "I'm fine." I said back, continuing to pack everything up. "Ally sit the fuck down! Stop being a stubborn bitch!" Milo shouted. "What the fuck is your problem?" Nolan said, standing up. "Would both of you shut the fuck up!" Milo shouted back. I started to get a feeling in my stomach that this would not end well. "You need to sit and calm down." Nolan said as he nudged Milo's arm. "Don't fucking touch me!" Milo yelled back as he pushed Nolan. "Don't push me. I'm warning you." Nolan said as he tried to stay calm. Milo kept screaming at Nolan and shoving him. Nolan went to turn and walk away until Milo shoved Nolan so hard, he nearly fell. Suddenly Nolan swung around and punched Milo across the face. I watched as Milo fell to the ground as Nolan continued to punch him. "Nolan stop!" I shouted as I tried to pull Nolan off of Milo. Nolan pushed me back and I fell to the ground. "Shit Ally I'm sorry!" Nolan said as he stood up, facing me. I stood up wiping the tears from my face. I looked at Milo as blood poured from his nose and lip. "Both of you set the tents and other shit up here tonight. I'm going on a walk to breathe. Both of you better leave me the fuck alone until you two can learn to get the fuck along!" I shouted at them. I began walking for about 30 to 40 minutes. On the way back to the camping spot I stepped over a log on the ground and just as I placed my foot down the ground beneath me caved in. My head slammed against the ground, and everything went black. I sat up holding my head. I looked up at the sky seeing that it was night. I don't know how long I had been on conscious for. There was dry blood on my forehead and my side was slightly bleeding but I needed to try to get out of this hole, but it was too far down for me to climb out of, and I knew there was no point of screaming because no one would hear me anyway. I knew Milo and Nolan had to be looking for me by now. My thoughts were telling me that they had given up and left without me even though I knew they would never do that. I sat there with my hand on my side and my head leaned back as I closed my eyes, drifting to sleep until I heard footsteps moving towards the hole. "Help!" I screamed. "Where are you?" I heard a man's voice yell. It wasn't Milo and it wasn't Nolan so who was this man and why was he out here in the middle of the woods? "Down here!" I yelled back. As the man got closer, I saw that he was a police officer. "Ally?" The police officer said, looking down at me. "I've been looking for you and your friends for about a month." The officer said. The police officer got in his bag and grabbed a rope. Just as he went to toss the rope down, I saw a man standing behind him. The man was dressed in all black and his face was covered. "Look behind you!" I shouted. The man slit the police officer's throat, and his body dropped in the hole, landing right next to me. Blood was pouring from the police officer's neck. "Ally!" I heard Nolan yell. "Nolan!" I yelled back. Nolan and Milo looked down at me. "Who's that?" Milo asked as he pointed at the body. "A police officer, he said he had been looking for us." I replied back. "Please get me out of here!" I begged Nolan. "Climb up as far as you can and then me and Milo will pull you up the rest of the way." Nolan said calmly. I climbed up as far as I could and just before slipping Nolan and Milo pulled me up. "We need to go

now!" I said panicking. "What?" Nolan said, confused. "There's another killer."  I said, trying to catch my breath. After Nolan got me to calm down, we ran back to the camping spot where Nolan and Milo had sat our tents up. We each took out a bottle of water and got a small piece of the leftover fish to eat. After we were done eating Nolan helped bandage my side and then we sat around the fire. "Are you doing okay Ally?" Nolan asked. "I'm gonna head to bed." I said as I stood up and walked to my tent. "Do you think she'll be okay?" Nolan asked Milo. "She's exhausted and wants to get out of this place just like us." Milo said back. "We're gonna all make it out of here alive." Nolan said back. "Are we though?" Milo said as he walked to his tent to go to sleep.




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