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The Tragic Night : Never saw this coming

Carolyn looks pale but tries to comfort Amare.

Carolyn: "It's okay Amare, we just have to reset the clock and go about our business as if nothing is wrong, surely we will have a way out."

That same night while in her room, Amare hears some disturbance in the lower part of the house. She feels her heart racing and when she gets to the living room, Azazel is in a nasty altercation with Carolyn.

Azazel: "These are mild words in anger 'I told you so, Carolyn I told you that it is wrong to disobey me!'"

Carolyn attempts to talk him down but to no avail, Azazel is furious. He takes a lamp which is close to him and then he attacks Carolyn by head butting her violently. She drops on the ground and blood begins to spread on the floor.

Amare: (screaming) "No! Mom!"

Amare quickly noumeries to the side of her mother, attempt to use any means that would help to stop the bleeding. Finally, Carolyn can breathe but only with difficulty, her breaths being short; she slowly tightens the grip of the hand which has been holding Amare's.

Carolyn: (whispering) "Go, Amare. ... to Grandma ... look for Alice ... be strong ... "

In what turns out to be her final moments, Carolyn's eyes shut and she is lifeless. When Amare realizes that she cannot help her mother, her heart splits into two; however, she has to obey her mother's last wish.

Amare: (through tears) "I will Mom, please don't worry I promise".

Azazel understands that what he has done was terrible, and scoffs at Amare.

Azazel: "You will never get away from me Amare, you are mine, "

But Amare is already running, It seems that Amare cannot sit still and is constantly in motion. Despite wanting to kill Azazel on the spot, she remembers the address her mom had given her which she had stuffed in her pocket and darts out of the house with a new determination, she will make sure she survives to see Azazel behind bars for murdering her mother. She flings open the front door and dashes toward the driveway; her chest is heaving with fear.

All the while she runs, she can feel and hear Azazel chasing her down like his footsteps are the pounding of war drums. A moment of panic washes over her and she starts to pedal harder with her legs. However, she hurriedly trips on a certain stone that is protruding out of the ground and end up falling down with a lot of force on her knees and hands.

Amare: They only muttered, cursing and wailing as though saying "No! Please, no!"

Her next scene is with Azazel who is mad at her, and reaches her with a great wrath on his face. He grabs her roughly by the arm and drags her back toward the house adding,

Azazel: Mark's Voice: (low, menacing) "You actually thought you could just run away? What a disgraceful, foolish girl, just like your mother"

Even as Amare fights against it, the grip seems tight and Azazel's arm is too strong to let go. He pulls her and locks the door of the house, shutting her in angrily. He pushes her to the floor and with a wicked expression on his face he glares down at her.

Azazel: 'If you ever attempt to leave like the way your mother did, you will be killed,' one of the men said angrily.

Fearing for himself and overcome with sorrow, Amare is able to only nod hurriedly. She can even feel the tears running down her face but the woman managed to put on a brave face.

Amare: "Yes , I understand. "

To this, Azazel bends low, getting as close as possible to the girl's face.

Azazel: (whispering) "Good. Because if the situation is different next time and you dare to disobey m-"

With that, he stands up and slams out of the door further angering Amare who crumples on the floor. She holds the address tightly in her hands thinking of her mother's last words to her.

Amare: (whispering) " I'll be strong, Mom. I will look for a way out. For you."

Focused on the fulfillment of her mother's wish, Amare starts to develop a new strategy and the girl understands that she cannot be reckless any longer. She removes the tears rolling down her cheeks, determination setting in as she expects the fight with the woman.

This was in the morning and the curtains were half pulled; the living room in which Amare spent the night had a greyish sharpness. Her mother's murder was one of the things that was fresh before her in a cycle of which each part reminded her of the others. It became a house of horror now that Azazel was acting like a free spirit living in the house.

Therefore, Amare felt certain that it was high time for her to do something. She aimed at running away from her mother's house, and she opined one day she will do so. She couldn't wait any longer than she had to; she couldn't anticipate it any further than that.

Before she left, she noticed that there are individuals approaching closer to her. The door slid open and out came Azazel, his expression passive, but the second he had seen her, she quivered.

Azazel: 'You are going to school today.'

This she detested and in order not to let them see her in that state of mind Amare composed herself so that the panic beating in her did not show.

Amare: nods at her "Yes, I think that I do need to get some air. "

There was a short period of silence wherein Azazel looked at her as he tried to judge if the girl was lying to him. Then he nodded, maybe for a few seconds he felt that 'aha' moment that a man that a man has gained the upper hand and the woman should listen to him.

Azazel: "Good. It's about time you came back to discipline again.' "

He carefully and defensively screwed the strap of her backpack in his hands; he noticed the increased rate of her tiny heart. She referred to this as her best – and quite possibly, the only – chance that she could attempt at running away. It was about her having to get out of this house, and from Azazel, and find her grandmother.

Amare: 'I will be back later.' 

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