one; lara caroline roth

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Dear James Buchanan Barnes,

I really hope this has been sent to the right address. Your penmanship isn't the greatest. I might have mixed up some of the letters. That would be embarrassing.

How's the war? Are you guys winning it or losing it? For freedom's sake, I hope you guys are winning.

Steve has left for the army now too, so this little café is sort of lonely now. Of course, I still have my other friends, but it's not the same without him. He actually reads good literature.

I hope you aren't dead, either. I mean, that would be tragic. Especially since you had been deployed only three days ago.

I really hope this letter gets to you.

By the way, I asked my friend Connie about you. Apparently, you took her dancing before you left. Was it nice? I've never been dancing. Most men don't dance with a girl who spurts out random statistics and facts when she's nervous. They find that they can't keep up with me.

Well, I guess not everybody can dance. Plus it doesn't help that I don't know how to. That makes it awkward, even though most males teach us girls how to dance.

Oh, but how wonderful it looks. The swaying and dance steps. It's so beautiful to see them, moving in sync, like they were meant to be. I wish I could be that graceful.

But, enough about dancing. How are your troops? I hear you were a sergeant. Please, don't be stupid out there. Just, do what your supposed to do and don't show off. You seem like the type to show off.

And don't die.


Lara Caroline Roth.


not edited.

i ship them so much. lucky is adorable.

i like this book, even if it is short. and the chapters are short...

Travelin' Soldier ° BUCKY BARNES | VOL. 1Where stories live. Discover now