two; james buchanan barnes

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Dear Lara Caroline Roth,

You got the right address. And, since I replied, I'm obviously not dead.

My guess is as good as yours as to if we are winning the war or not. I hope we are, or else all my gruelling efforts would be for nothing.

Also, I do have to show off from time to time to make sure my men still respect me. Of course, most of them respect me anyways cause I'm the commanding officer, but it's good to have them respect you in more ways than one.

You've never been dancing? You don't know how to dance? I thought, since you seem like daddy's little girl, that you'd be twirling around your living room on his feet. Laughing your pretty little head off, as he showed you new ways to dance.

Man, that would be a sight to see.

When I get back, I'm taking you dancing. No ifs, ands, or buts. You can't refuse. I don't even care if I have to drag your pretty little ass out of that café and force you.

You're coming.

So, do you have any siblings or jealous boyfriends I should know about? I wouldn't want to ruin your love life over some stupid letters.

Other than that, what are you up to? What do you do for a living? And how does a girl like you become friends with a girl like Connie?

Don't get me wrong, you two are both beautiful girls. It's just, she's so outgoing, and your shy and adorable.

(Yes, Bucky, you really just put that)

Hope to get a response soon. I don't want to pressure you or anything. But, I like writing to you. It keeps the war out of my mind. And there is a lot of weight on us soldier's shoulders at the moment.

These letters give me some normalcy. So, thank you, Lara Roth, and please do write back.


Bucky Barnes.




otp. otp. otp.

lucky is adorable.

Travelin' Soldier ° BUCKY BARNES | VOL. 1Where stories live. Discover now