three; lara roth

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Dear Bucky Barnes,

I thought I told you very descriptively in my first letter that I didn't know how to dance! Plus, my father wasn't like that. Sure, he tried to teach me to dance, but gave up because I kept tripping over my own feet. I'm a little bit of a klutz.

And pretty little ass? When did you become so demanding?

I do have an older sister, but she's married to one of the soldier's fighting. She already has a kid, and he's already the cutest thing ever. Wesley's only two years old, and he is already cuter than most of the guys I know.

As for boyfriends, have you seen how I spend my time? I read in a little corner café, and would probably say something intelligent and make a complete fool out of myself. I'm even surprised you haven't run for the hills yet. So, no. No jealous boyfriend you have to worry about.

Just little ole me, word vomiting facts at you like there is no tomorrow.

As for how I'm friends with Connie, well, we knew each other all of our lives. I'm like her Steve, you know. She's the daring, flirtatious one (like you (don't deny it)), and I'm the shy, small one (like Steve.)

And since when have I become adorable? First, you call me pretty, then beautiful, and now adorable?

Can you see my blush?!

(Oh, darn, I wrote that in pen!)

I actually work as a teacher. I teach the younger ones, because they seem to be easier than the older ones sometimes. I don't understand how high school teachers get the kids working once they start talking. I'd probably pull my hair out after one week of dealing with them.

As for what I'm doing, I simply sit at the café and read, or jot up a lesson plan. Sometimes, I'll visit my sister, and comfort her about her husband. Or I'll babysit Wesley while she goes out with her friends. And I do the basics, like eat, sleep, talk, use the washroom. You know, human basic functions.

My sister showed me one of the letters her husband wrote her. She was crying, and the letter confessed how much he actually loved her. It also had his wedding ring on a chain tucked in it, just in case he died in combat. He said that she'll give it back to him when he's home. If he comes home.

And, James, I like writing these letters too. I'm glad I'm your normalcy. It makes me happy to know that I get to be your little piece of home. But shouldn't you be writing Connie? She was your dance partner before you left.

Now, I wanna know the basics. What's you favourite colour, animal, and smell? Also, how tall are you?

And please, don't lie. I'll ask Steve so I know you aren't lying.

Sincerely Yours,

Lara Roth

Travelin' Soldier ° BUCKY BARNES | VOL. 1Where stories live. Discover now