epilogue; one last time

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Shit, this is the first book I've ever finished (on Wattpad) [(don't ask, please)]

Hope you enjoyed Lucky! This is where it ends.

Lara stared at the letter, her hands trembling, the tears flooding her vision. It was short and sweet, but it was enough to crush the girl's heart.

A sob escaped her mouth, the letter crushing in her fists as she clenched them. The tears streamed steadily as the girl cried, her body trembling. The powerful sobs wracked through the petite girl's body, shaking it violently.

She felt her body collapse as she cried, her body curling into the fetal position.

Lara cried for hours, days even. The school that she taught at let her have the week off, and Lara spent most of that time crying, and clutching the letters in her hand.

Once back to her job, she wasn't as happy anymore. Sure, Lara put on a fake smile for her students, but for recess, she'd sit at her desk emotionless. She couldn't deny that she missed Bucky with her whole existence.

He was her one true love. She couldn't forget about him.

Lara had tried to fill the void in her heart though. She had tried to go on dates with many men, to see if any were as good as Bucky. The girl only saw the things that reminded her of Bucky, however, and ended up leaving halfway through the date.

Lara just couldn't forget about the soldier. No matter how hard she tried.


She stood at the grave, all the letters gripped in her hand. Lara walked forward, smiling weakly as she crouched down. Her hand pressed against the tombstone, as tears started escaping her eyes.

"I guess it really was goodbye, Buck."

The sob ripped through her body again, and she looked at the tombstone.

Here lies James Buchanan Barnes
Loving Son and Fiancé

She smiled, through the tears as she sat down in front of the grave. "I miss you, Buck.

"You know, when the soldier came to give me the letter, I wasn't expecting this."

She pulled out the small envelope, her hand finally opening again. She tipped it upside down, the dog tags fell into Lara's lap. Then, the ring tumbled out. It was simple, a golden band but Lara knew the meaning.

It was her engagement ring.

She slipped it onto her ring finger. Then, she leaned forward and placed the letters on the grave. Lara put her hand lovingly on his name one more time, the tears still streaming steadily.

She got up, before walking away. Lara took one last look over her shoulder at the grave, before exiting the graveyard.

The girl would be back tomorrow, and the day after, and everyday after that. She wouldn't let James Buchanan Barnes slip her mind ever. He was her one and only love. Even though he was also her downfall.


70 years later.

Lara stared at the Smithsonian exhibit, her great-grandniece holding her hand. She was pointing at the things in in the Captain America exhibit. Until she spotted the picture of Lara on the Bucky memorial.

"Auntie Lara, is that you?"

"Yes, Sophie," Lara answered, her hand ruffling her hair.

"But, why are you there?"

Lara's other hand went to her finger, and the engagement ring that was still sitting on her finger.

"Because, sweetie, I was to be married to him," Lara said. "Come on, let's go get some ice cream."

Little did she know, the man himself was standing behind her, listening into the conversation.


Lara was back at her apartment, fixing herself some food when she heard the door open. She walked cautiously out to her living room, when the plate slipped from her hands. It shattered against the floor, the food spilling all around the plate.

"Bucky?" Lara blinked, before she rushed forward. Her hand planted on his chest. "Oh my god, it is you!"

Her arms were wrapped around his torso, her head resting on his shoulder.

"It's really you. I've missed you so much." Tears were leaking from her eyes, and she was holding onto him like a lifeline.

"I- I'm sorry, but I don't remember you," Bucky mumbled.

Lara pulled him back.

"I don't care," Lara mumbled. "At least you're here. You came back. After all this time, you kept your promise. You came back."


Lara had died happily. At least, that's what her great-nieces and nephews liked to say.

She was admitted into the hospital not long after reuniting with Bucky, her liver and kidneys failing after all those years. Her family came in to visit her regularly, asking her to tell them the war stories and such for them one last time.

They all knew she was dying, it was only a matter of time.

Bucky had snuck in and saw her a couple times, asking for stories about his life. Lara told him about how they met and stuff like that, but she directed him to Steve.

Or tried to, at least.

The Captain had come to say goodbye as well, clutching on to the old woman's hand as they joked about stuff they would have in that old café.

Steve had even convinced the doctors and nurses to let him take her out. He had driven her to that old Brooklyn café, and sat her down. The super soldier had ordered her her favourite favourite drink, that damned hot chocolate, and they discussed a long overdue topic.

The war, and more importantly, Bucky's 'death'.

It wasn't long after that. It had been a Tuesday, and it had been raining. Lara's family liked to say that the sky was crying because the world had lost such a beautiful soul. The woman had taken her last breath at one p.m. as she smiled at her family.

Lara had thought she had a happy life, and she did. But the last thing that crossed her mind before the world faded into black, was that she was grateful she got to see Bucky one last time.


le fin

also, i am very sorry for all the hearts i broke with this story. i broke my own, trust me.

Travelin' Soldier ° BUCKY BARNES | VOL. 1Where stories live. Discover now