eleven; dancing with the stars

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Lara was finishing up her make up when there was a knock on her apartment door. She stood up from the vanity, straightened out her dress, and made her way to the door. In front of her, was the one and only James Barnes.

Before the girl knew what she was doing, her arms were around the man's waist, hugging him close as she took in his scent. She felt his muscular arms wrap around her too, pulling her that tiny bit closer.

"Bucky," she breathed, pulling away and giving him a smile.

"So my eyes are you favourite colour?" He teased. Lara smacked his shoulder lightly, before she went and got her shoes on.

The brunette then proceeded to exit the apartment, locking the door behind her. Bucky's arm went around her waist as he escorted her out of the building, a smile on both the couple's faces.

"You look beautiful, by the way," Bucky told the shorter girl, who blushed and gave him a small smile. "And that blush does make you more beautiful."

Lara pouted. But then she smiled. "You don't clean up bad yourself, though David actually wore a suit."

She felt his hand tighten it's grip on her waist. Lara let out a laugh, before stopping the man and kissing his cheek. "I'm sorry, James. I'm kidding. You look more handsome than David in your Sergeant Apparel."

"Apparel?" Bucky questioned, raising an eyebrow. Lara blushed again.

"Shut up, I am a teacher!"

As the two walked, they chatted animatedly. About the army, about their families. Lara told James about how Wesley was doing. James told Lara how Steve had saved him heroically.

Lara commented that he was brave enough to make sure Steve got out of the base. Bucky sent her a smile, and kissed her cheek.

When they arrived, the first person Lara noticed was Steve Rogers himself. And it seemed like he had grown taller since the last time she saw him. If that's possible.

She gave him a hug, and jokingly asked about Peggy, the woman who held Steve's affections. And then Bucky led her to the dance floor.

The song Bucky taught her to dance to was slow, and the girl stepped on Bucky's toes a couple of times. She cringed each time, apologizing, and he'd just laugh. It was as if he felt no pain.

Once Lara was a little better at dancing, Bucky started to do a bit more stunts. He'd spin her, and dip her at the end of a song. And each time he did, she felt her heart beat a thousand times per minute.

When Bucky did some of the more advance stunts, like flipping the girl over his arm, Lara had let out a laugh. She was having the time of her life, and it was all because she was with the man in front of her. The music slowed down again, and Lara found her arm wrapped around Bucky's shoulder, her other hand in one of his. His other hand was respectable placed in her hip, and the two swayed to the music.

Lara was looking into Bucky's eyes, the cerulean blue making her lost. The world around them disappeared, and the girl smiled.

"I love you, Bucky," she whispered, as if it was their own little secret.

Bucky pulled her closer, both his hands resting on her hips as her's wound around his neck. He felt her fingers start playing with the hair on his neck, and he sighed contently.

"I love you too, Lara," Bucky whispered back, making the both of them smile widely.

Steve, who was watching the two, smiled to himself. He was glad Bucky had found an anchor in the girl, as well as Lara in him. They were both looking cute as they slowly spun and swayed to the music, and Steve almost felt bad. He had to take Bucky back with him though. He wanted to make sure that Bucky wasn't hurt.

He had to make sure his best friend came back to his other best friend. Rather than have him shipped off with another team, where Steve can't watch out for him.

Lara and Bucky made their way off of the dance floor, smiling at each other. They made their way to the Steve, and they all ordered a drink from the bar. Suddenly, Lara felt her shoulder being tapped, and turned to see a beautiful woman standing in a red dress.

Peggy Carter.

Lara smiled at Bucky lovingly, before pointing to Steve with her chin. Bucky smirked at her in return, before Lara pulled Bucky away to leave Steve and Peggy to talk.

She pulled him back out to the dance floor, and they started dancing, again. But this time, their eyes were locked together, as they swayed slowly together. In sync.

For every song after that, the two slowed danced, whispering to each other and sharing slow, tender kisses. By the end of the night, Lara's feet hurt, and Bucky had carried her part of the trip to her apartment. Once arriving, Lara invited Bucky in.

They ended up falling asleep on her bed together, Lara on top of Bucky's boxer cladded body.

(Before you ask, no, they didn't have sex. They simply cuddled until they fell asleep.)

The few short days Bucky had off, the two spent all their time together. Whether it was cooking in the kitchen, to walking down the street, you wouldn't see Bucky Barnes a foot away from Lara Roth, and vice versa. A lot of people complimented on how well of a couple they were, and Connie had told the girl she was jealous.

Bucky Barnes was a gentlemen when he was with her. He was respectable, and Lara and him got along great. Connie had told Lara she wished she had that chemistry with someone.

Lara just laughed her off, saying she'd be that lucky girl sooner or later.

But, Lara didn't realize just how lucky Connie would be. Because she didn't fall in love with a soldier.



yay! some lucky face to face! :3

hope you enjoyed! bye!

Travelin' Soldier ° BUCKY BARNES | VOL. 1Where stories live. Discover now