I Was Right

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He noticed Nathalie had fallen asleep, so carefully picked her up and carried her to his bed. Gabriel figured that she would be asleep for a while so he left the room to buy her a pregnancy test. Just to make sure. He still didn't understand how she could have gotten pregnant. Then a horrible thought came into his mind. She couldn't have...?
"That's why she couldn't talk about it."
He thought out loud. He became filled with rage as he thought about someone doing that to his Nathalie. But then guilt started to creep in, since he knew she had only gone through that because he had kicked her out. It was his fault and he couldn't forgive himself for that. He would find the man that raped her. And he would kill him.


Adrien carefully entered the mansion, trying not to alert his father. However, when he opened the door, he bumped right into his angry father.
"Adrien?" The designer asked.
"Hello father." The boy said glumly, knowing he would be punished for sneaking out of the house.
"Why were you out, you know you aren't allowed to go anywhere without your bodyguard."
Adrien was shocked at how he had become so randomly calm. His father had been on the verge of killing himself the other day, and now he was talking as normal as ever.
"I had to go look for Nathalie, father. We need her! Please bring her back, we can't live without her!" Adrien, tearing up, almost started yelling. He knew he couldn't raise his voice at his father so he didn't yell, but he got his point across.
"Don't worry, Nathalie is with us now. And she is safe. Just please go up to your room. Do not bother her. She needs rest."
"Yes, father."

Adrien was shocked to hear his father so calm. He finally spoke to him too. Usually he just had Nathalie tell him what to do, but now his father actually spoke to him. Adrien was glad Nathalie was back, since he could now see a change in his father. He ran up to his room and went to sleep peacefully.

Meanwhile his father waited in a long line at a pharmacy. Sadly, he couldn't go anywhere without paparazzi following him, so there was a huge mob of paparazzi at the door trying to enter. Security was trying to control the huge crowd but it was nearly impossible to contain such excited reporters.
"Is that a pregnancy test in his hand?"
"Who is he expecting a child with?"
"Who could he have gotten pregnant?!"
"Could it be his assistant?"
"Gabriel Agreste got his assistant pregnant!" Was the final conclusion.

Gabriel hated how quickly rumors formed. And how he couldn't seem to leave his mansion without a mob of paparazzi following his every move. He purchased the pregnancy test and was escorted out of the store by security, while the reporters got pictures and asked questions.


When he finally made it home it was 12:00am. He saw Adrien at the kitchen table with a bowl of soup in front of him. Then, he saw Nathalie, serving herself a bowl of soup as well. He could see tear stains on her face from the door. It made him feel horrible that she had been crying and he hadn't been there to comfort her. But at least she had Adrien in the house to keep her company. Gabriel cleared Jo's throat loudly. Both Adrien and Nathalie turned to see him, and they instantly smiled.
"Oh, great, you're back! Would you like some soup? Or will you not eat with us today?" Nathalie asked him.

She had been crying when she woke up and saw that he wasn't in his room anymore. Nathalie had gone downstairs to make something for her to eat but she dropped a pot, making a loud banging sound. Trying to pick it up, she dropped a plate and it shattered on the ground. Hearing all the commotion, Adrien had run downstairs to see what had happened. He was delighted to find Nathalie and ran up to hug her. They both sat on the floor and cried for a while until Nathalie decided she had to clean up the shattered plate. Adrien had helped her clean while she made soup for them.

"Yes, I will eat with you two, but after you take this Nath." He lifted up the plastic bag, which contained the pregnancy test.
"What is it?"
"Yeah, what is it?" Adrien also asked, curious. Also, had he just heard his father call Nathalie, Nath? What the hell happened in the hours I was gone? He wondered. Whatever it was, he was glad it happened.
"Nothing you should know about. Now, come on Nathalie. Go take it and tell me what it says." Gabriel handed Nathalie the bag. She wanted to peek in the bag but decided not to. She didn't know how she would react to whatever was in the bag and she didn't want to have a random outburst in front of Adrien.

Nathalie walked into the bathroom and took the item out of the bag. When she saw it was a pregnancy test, she burst into silent tears. She wanted to make sure Adrien wouldn't hear her crying and get worried. Nathalie always kept her emotions to herself. Growing with alcoholic,psychotic parents taught her to do so. They had killed her own sister, and would kill her next if she didn't keep quiet. She was only at the young age of twelve but she had mastered a fake smile she'd put on for everyone. Even herself. She had turned to knives, harming herself for comfort, since she had never had anyone to love her. Now, she wanted to cut herself more than ever, but she realized she already loved the baby that may it may not be growing inside of her, and that she didn't want to hurt it. Even if she wasnt sure if she would be having a baby ir not she loved the idea of having one, although she was afraid. Nathalie took the test out of the box.

"Father you should ho check on Nathalie, she's been gone for a while." Adrien said, worried for Nathalie, even though he didn't know what was happening. Gabriel got out of his seat and went to the bathroom he had seen Nathalie go into. He knocked on the door of the bathroom, awaiting a response.
"Nathalie, darling are you okay?"
"I'm done, Gabriel. Just waiting." She said, in an emotionless tone.
"Can I come in, Nath?"
"Come in." She said, in a now saddened tone. She played with the pregnancy test in her hands.
"So? Can I see?" Asked Gabriel, anxious.
"I was right..."

To Be Continued

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