My Dear Adrien

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My Dear Adrien,
I know how hard this must be on you, since we've grown so close over the years. Believe me when I say that doing this hurts me too. But I felt like I had no other choice. I couldn't take all the pain anymore. Please know that I always loved you. After your mother passed, I always saw you as a son to me. I know that you saw me as a mother to you, and I thank you for that. You brought peace to my life. Even when it was a life I wanted to end. Please promise me that you'll keep being the sweet, amazing boy you've always been, and that you'll keep being respectful to your father, and any new assistant that comes to replace me. If there's one thing you can do for me, is to keep being kind to everyone you meet, even if they don't deserve your kindness. I'll see you one day in heaven, my dear son, Adrien. Please keep living your life to its fullest potential and know that I will always, always love you,

I Love You
-Your forever mother, Nathalie

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