Empty Void

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"Gabriel... I-I can't see..." Nathalie informed him, afraid of the fact that she was now alive, but blind.
"What?" Gabriel felt horrible that his wish hadn't gone like he had asked for. "Oh, Nat I'm so sorry."
"Why did you bring me back?! I didn't want to be here anymore!"
"No, Nathalie please don't say that."

Adrien watched as the two adults spoke to each other. He saw such love in his fathers eyes. He did see that Nathalies eyes seemed foggy. He was devastated that she could no longer see. But Adrien knew that his father would find a way to help her see again.

"I can't. I can't take living like th-" Gabriel pressed a sweet kiss on her lips. Nathalie melted right into it. Adrien stared in shock.
Although Nathalie couldn't see, she could imagine Gabriel's face as he kissed her.
He slowly began to part the kiss.

Nathalie let out a small whimper in fear. Since she could no longer see, whenever she couldn't touch anything or hear anything, she became afraid of the empty void around her.

Gabriel noticed how Nathalie had gotten uncomfortable, and quickly grasped her hand. A small smile began to form on her face. Then Adrien finally spoke up.
"So, can we get out of here now...?"
"Adrien?" Her face flushed a dark shade of pink out of embarrassment. She had just shared a kiss with Gabriel in front of him.
"I forgot to tell you he was here." Gabriel said sheepishly.


Nathalie was surprised at how well the two Agrestes had handled her suicide. She hadn't actually seen them, but she assumed they didn't take it too bad, since they had been really quick to being her back. She still couldn't belive she had been brought back to life by the man, who only a couple months ago, was crazy obsessed over bring back his dead wife.

She could hear whispering, and couldn't help but get desperate at the thought of what the two were talking about. She only stood there, still numb and confused about everything that had happened in only a matter of hours. Suddenly, she felt herself being lifted from the ground. She knew Gabriel had scooped her up and was now carrying her.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Can't you see?" Gabriel said without thinking.
"Oh, I'm so sorry my Nathalie."
Gabriel Agreste could be stupid at times.

"We're going to the kitchen. I'm starving!" Adrien said, trying to break the akward moment. It didn't work, there was still a loud silence, but at least the boy had tried. Nathalie wasn't mad at Gabriel for saying that. She had actually giggled a little, but Gabriel was too busy apologizing to notice.

Nathalie felt herself being plopped down onto a couch. She knew exactly which couch it was just by the feel of the texture. She felt the soft texture of the couch, small beads on the cushions that were on both sides. The velvet feel of the cushions felt so nice on her hands.

She recalled when she had tried to take one of the cushions up to her room, and was caught a couple days later. She smiled at that thought.

She could feel her eyelids shutting, although everything looked the same. The same void of sad emptiness. Her body just refused to keep her eyes open any longer. Dying and being brought back to life sure is exhausting. She thought, making herself chuckle. She could feel her body begin to shutdown, as she drifted off to sleep.


Gabriel had just finished cooking for Adrien, when he turned and saw Nathalie asleep on the couch. He smiled sadly, thinking about all she's gone through. He hated that he had put her through so much pain. He didn't want to think that she had tried to kill herself because of him and everything he had done to her.

He went up the stairs, to call Adrien for dinner. It had been a long, long day, and all Gabriel wanted was to enjoy dinner with his son and Nathalie.
"Adrien? Dinner!"
"Is Nathalie eating with us?"
"No, I don't think so, she's asleep."
"Oh, then I think I'll also be skipping dinner."
"Fine. Come down so you can wake her while I serve the food."
"Yes, father!"
Adrien opened the door and ran downstairs to wake up Nathalie. Gabriel was angered that Adrien only wanted to eat dinner if Nathalie was there. But the feeling began to change.

He knew that Adrien would be eating dinners by himself soon, so he didn't want his anger to take over their last dinner together for a while. Gabriel and Nathalie would have to leave tomorrow for a business trip to California and they would be staying there for two weeks.

He began to serve the food he had made onto three plates. Steaming hot smoke came out of the pot when he pulled the lid off. He looked into the pot and saw the burnt rice. He face-palmed himself and wondered what he would serve his son and Nathalie. He plated the fish and salad and stared at how empty the plate looked. He shifted and knew he had no time to make the rice again, since Adrien had already woken Nathalie up.
"Adrien? Nath?" Gabriel called for them. They had been sitting in the living room watching TV waiting for the food to be ready.  They both got up and walked towards the kitchen.
"I burnt the rice." He blurted awkwardly when he saw them walking in. Nathalie laughed at him. And although she couldn't see, she was an amazing cook.
"Oh, Gabriel, where's the rice?"
"Nathalie, please. Sit and rest. I can do something as simple as cook rice."
"You're just going to burn it again, let me." She said as she felt around to try and locate where she was. She found the sink, and knew that over it and a little to the right, was where the rice was kept. She hovered her arms in the air, until she thought she had the right cabinet. Gabriel and Adrien didn't think she would find the rice. But Nathalie, the totally professional chef, knew right where the pots were. The two Agrestes stared in awe as she began to cook the rice at the perfect temperature. After a couple of minutes, Nathalie seemed to magical know that the rice was now cooked just the way Adrien liked it. She didn't really know too much about Gabriel. Gabriel could not belive he had just been out-coocked by the blind woman he was so in love with.

They all sat at the table, and Nathalie stabbed her fork aimlessly into her plate, trying to scoop something up. They were all eating quietly, so once again, Nathalie was left in her empty void of nothingness.

To Be Continued

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