Interlude 3: Cynthia

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Cynthia flipped through the old journal sat on her lap. A leather-bound book, with elegant Unovan script. If she didn't know any better, she would have said a little modern for the era, but what did she know? After all that was happening in Kanto, she had taken great interest in the nation's history. A war between Kanto and Johto- yikes, Lance was champion of both. Surely there would be bad blood between them, but with anybody she had spoken to so far, they seemed unaware a war even happened.

She had heard a few older people in Kanto mention the Reuniter, but that was only occasional. The older ones were more likely to hate Johto too, so she bit back many a question to them. She ran her fingers through the fluffy parts of her coat and straightened it up a little, looking at Aaron. He had insisted on coming along, seeing as there were problems with a powerful Psychic-type around, he thought that bringing him, a bug specialist with a dark type would be safer.

Cynthia hadn't argued. Aaron was also very knowledgeable when it came to the natural world- more than her, so having that expertise at hand was better. Lucian was more of a book reader, Bertha was quite busy and Flint would have brought Volkner.

She glimpsed about the Viridian Pokemon Centre, where they had both decided to rest up for a while on their little Kanto tour that had been going on for a few days now. Karen of the Johto Elite stormed through the door, her Umbreon tagging along nervously. The blue-haired trainer had her hair in an intricate braid, and she looked a little more tired than the lady normally allowed herself to be. Cynthia flicked her eyes up from the journey she had been engrossed in. Aaron was already standing up and approaching her.

"Karen! Nice to see you." Aaron smiled, bowing in respect to the Johto Elite Four member. Karen turned around and made a small, alarmed yelp. She took a staggered breath and laughed. "Aaron, Aaron, you know, you sound awfully similar to Will if he was from Sinnoh.."

Cynthia straightened up and paid more heed to the conversation at hand. Karen continued. "Anyway, have you seen Will around? He's been acting a little erratically after he came home from Saffron, I'm worried you know.."

"No, sorry. Me and Cynthia have been caught up on a research and archaeology trip. We're currently on this theory-" Aaron rambled a little. "that Indigo was a Unovan man. But then he was sent to Hisui, cared for a Sneazler, and then moved to Kanto? It doesn't make a lot of sense, I know.."

Karen seemed far more interested than normal in Aaron's ramblings when a thud rang from outside the Pokecentre. Will sort of walked in, a little unsteadier than normal. Karen whipped around, sighing in relief. "Oh, oh are you okay?"

Will nodded. He rubbed his eyes beneath his masquerade mask momentarily, when Cynthia spotted something odd. "Will, why are you closing your eyes?"

Aaron blinked at his Champion, before staring at Will and noticing it too. Karen didn't say anything while Will straightened out his outfit and floated the six, no, seven Pokeballs on his waist to the counter. However, one ball was a Cherish Ball.

Why would he ever feel the need to use a Cherish Ball, Karen wondered in her head. Will grabbed Karen's shoulder to steady himself, before turning to face Cynthia who had at this point stood up to be beside Aaron. She didn't trust him- for good reason, she hoped. Will's mouth twitched up into a little smile.

"How is Lucian?" Will asked, his voice wavering on the name of the Sinnoh Elite Four member just a slight. Aaron hummed. "I mean, he's well. Stuck in this fantasy series about a world on a disc, with elephants carrying it about and stuff. He lovesss the idea of Death being a guy with a Giratina."

Will shook his head. "Psychic. Has Lucian presented any Psychic ability?"

"No. The only Sinnoh Elite Member with any form of alternate ability is Cynthia's ability to feel aura. And it is small, she already knows she cannot do much with it." Aaron jabbed a thumb in her direction. Cynthia hadn't even considered using that on the two Johto Elites. She closed her eyes.

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