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,,Wahhh Wahhh''this was the scream that some Hunters by the Varden heard when they want to hunt some Animels but because the Animels heard the scream they run fast away and the Hunters are surprised that a scream from a Humen is on this place that is 500 meters from the next village away one of the Hunters ask the other Hunters ,,am im the only one that heard that scream''he thougt that he has hallucinations but as the other Hunters say they heard the scream too was he afraid and ask the other Hunter ,,What should we do next'' one of the other hunter say ,,Lets see what there is when we are there can we still go'' The other Hunter are fine with the decision.When the hunters where one the place were the scream came from they just see a infant a Hunter say ,,why is hear a infant and what should we do with it.I say we should bring it to Ajihad'' The other Hunters had no other idea what they shoud do with the littel infant and brought it to Ajihad

Ajihad POV:

I was in my Office as one of the Hunters came in my Office he had a littel infant in his hand i ask him ,,why do you have a infant in your hands''The Hunter say's ,,we found it on our trip we wont let her die her''after the Hunter say This Ajihad say,,Ok Nazuada had now no Sblings and i dont want that she would by alon when i am no more i Think i Adopt her''then the Hunter ,,ask and What is her Name'' ,,Rimuru''say'd ajihad

Rimuru in EragonWhere stories live. Discover now