12. Resolving Some Issues

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"That didn't really go well, did it?" Ink piped up, popping out of an Ink portal beside Error.

For a while Error continued to stay silent, still in shock and his soul still painfully aching. The blue tear streaks on his skull held more real tears, and he hastily wiped them away.

"N̴͖̤̍o-ot the tì̷̹me-e Ink." Error snapped crudely, more static sounds emitting from him at his enemy's unexpected arrival. 

Take it to Ink to show up when Error least wanted him to, butting himself into any business that was worthwhile or entertaining. Error always tried to alter codes and put certain defences up in his Antivoid to keep the Protector out, but like Nightmare and Fresh, they weren't enough and Ink slipped through them, making himself appear uninvited.

His annoyance was swept away by more heartbroken despair, but Error quickly got himself together, firing strings towards Ink. While they didn't latch around the other's nonexistent soul, they did tie around Ink's limbs, holding him a couple centimetres above the ground, tight enough that if Ink could feel pain he would.

"H-hey! No need to tie me up, I wasn't doing anything!" Ink protested, struggling against Error's hold.

"You're alw-ways doing something-g annoying." Error muttered, swallowing hard to try rid of the lump in his throat. "Wh-hy are you her-re? Give me on-ne reason not to chuck-k your ass out of m-my business."

"Believe it or not Glitchy, I'm here to help! That was a pitiful show and the story between you and Dream was going so well! I'm honestly disappointed." Ink explained, a tear and triangle forming as he blinked.

Error groaned, "How come s-so many kn-now ab-bout us? How did you fin-nd out?!"

"Don't give me that look." Ink huffed and Error scoffed at it, his pissed expression hardening, "The Creators kept rambling on and on about you two! I had to see for myself-"

"Fine. Let-t me rephrase th-hat, how did you eve-en remember?"

Ink pointed at his scarf, grin too carefree for someone trapped in sharp strings. Error rubbed his sockets some more, far from being able to deal with Ink. What could the bothersome artist even do to help him? He was the least likely monster to understand how Error felt. Having no soul, Ink probably hadn't even ever fallen in love, let alone gone through a heartbreak. Error's soul dropped again, the invisible crack in it digging deep when thinking about what happened with Dream.

... He hoped Dream was alright. While Error still had little clue on why the guardian fled, the look Dream held wasn't one of comfort to Error. He'd been foolish to believe that Dream could always seem so positive.

"Error buddy, stop with that sad look. It's weird on your face." Ink laughed, an unnatural grin still fixed on his skull. Error's socket twitched as he pulled his hand down hard, leaving Ink face first on the floor as the other let out an 'oof!'.

"Not th-he time." Error repeated, rubbing his forehead harshly and shakily walking to sit down on his beanbag. The blanket him and Dream had been making continued to lie untouched. Error also didn't think he could use the fluffy one Dream first gifted him without risking tears.

Cutting up the remaining strings with red paint, Ink slipped out of their hold and skipped to sit beside Error. Error narrowed his eyes with a scowl.

"Are y-you deaf as well a-as idio-otic? Leave me al-lone, I thought you hated the Antiv-void with all it's white an-nyway."

Ink didn't move, he quickly took a small gulp of his blue vial (Sadness? Sympathy? Error never bothered to learn their emotions) before speaking again.

"Well, you decorated the place some more with all those strings and souls, so it isn't completely white and mostly bearable." He shrugged, "But anyway! Dream kinda ran from you after that kiss of confession, didn't he?" 

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