Kitty's wheels of fortune!!! (oh, oops, I meant misfortune!)

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I give the credit for these truths/dares to the following people:




My marvelous brain!

Caite's marvelous brain!



April: I'm back!

(Everyone hastily attempts to clean up party)

April: you guys had a PARTY?!?!?!?!

Hermione: noooooooooooo......

Kitty:  they were just taking some off time before the wheels of fortune!

Percy: wheels of fortune?

Harry: that sounds fun!

Everyone else: yeah!

Kitty: you guys wanna play?

Everyone else: YEAH!!!!

April: ummm Kitty? You said wheels of fortune!

Kitty: oh, oops! Sorry! I meant wheels of misfortune! My mistake! But let's play! (Gestures and wheels appear) and our first winner is.... LEO!!!!!!!! Truth or dare?

Leo: ooh, I get a choice!

Kitty: no, you don't, you have a dare

Leo: then why did you ask truth or dare?

Kitty: because that's how the game is played! I dare you and Ron to switch powers!

Leo: YES!!!!!!! I'M A WIZARD! (Takes Ron's wand and shouts in Greek) oh, oops, sorry, Annabeth! 

Annabeth: (glares at Leo because he turned her hair black)

Ron: (screams like a little girl because he's on fire) HOW DO I MAKE IT STOP???????

Ginny: (giggles) well, now you match your hair, Ron!

April: (puts fire out just as she is hit by a rouge spell) Leo!!!! I am stuck to the ceiling!

Harry: (takes in scene before him as Ron catches fire again, Hermione got magically superglued to Percy's back, Annabeth shrunk 2 feet,  April had failed at getting back to the ground and was just floating in midair, Ginny was red and pink, and Katniss and Peeta got tied together to a chair, with Leo at the epicenter, with Kitty, Caite, Carter, and Sadie all hiding.) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! I guess I better do something... expelliarmus! (Leo/Ron's wand flies into his hand)

Leo: bruh! You took my wand!

Harry: I'm going to fix the chaos you caused!

Kitty: actually, you better let me do that.... (whispers spell) (everyone is normal again)

Everyone: thank you, Kitty!

Kitty: you're very welcome! Now, for the next victim! (Spins  wheel) April!!!!

April: what????????

Kitty: truth or dare?

April: dare!

Kitty: I dare you to go convince Mouldywarts that you got his nose!

April: but he doesn't ha- (disappears in the middle of her sentence)

Kitty: hehe, I love cutting people off!

April: (in Voldy's lair thing) HEY VOLDEMORT!!!! I GOT YOUR NOSE!

Mouldywarts: HEY! Give it back! (Runs at April)

April: Never! (Disappears into thin air)

Voldemort: that girl took my nose!

(Back in the ROR)

April: that was fun!

Harry: that was fun to watch!

Leo: (sneaks behind Harry) HA! I have reclaimed my wand!

Kitty: anyway, the next victim is.... Hermione! Truth or dare?

Hermione: ummm, Dare, I guess?

Kitty: brilliant! Your dare is to be locked in a room with Malfoy, but you can only be nice to each other!

Hermione: WHAT?!?!?!?! (Disappears)

Kitty: well, while Hermione's off having fun, our next victim is... Percy!

Percy: I knew this was going to happen eventually...

Kitty: truth or dare?

Percy: dare!

Kitty: I dare you to kiss Sadie!

Percy and Sadie: EWWWWWWWWWW

Percy: I have a girlfriend! Can I kiss Annabeth first?

April: (calls up Mist so Sadie looks like Annabeth) sure!

Percy: (goes to Sadie/ Annabeth and kisses her) ok, now where's Sadie?

April: hehe, funny story... (Mist wears away)

Percy: APRIL!!!!!!! I get to make up a dare for you, cause that was rude!

April: . Fine!

Percy: I dare you to...



April the terrible person

I have to do WHAT!!!! A game of truth or dareWhere stories live. Discover now