I give the credit for these truths/dares to the following people:
My marvelous brain!
Caite's marvelous brain!
April: I'm back!
(Everyone hastily attempts to clean up party)
April: you guys had a PARTY?!?!?!?!
Hermione: noooooooooooo......
Kitty: they were just taking some off time before the wheels of fortune!
Percy: wheels of fortune?
Harry: that sounds fun!
Everyone else: yeah!
Kitty: you guys wanna play?
Everyone else: YEAH!!!!
April: ummm Kitty? You said wheels of fortune!
Kitty: oh, oops! Sorry! I meant wheels of misfortune! My mistake! But let's play! (Gestures and wheels appear) and our first winner is.... LEO!!!!!!!! Truth or dare?
Leo: ooh, I get a choice!
Kitty: no, you don't, you have a dare
Leo: then why did you ask truth or dare?
Kitty: because that's how the game is played! I dare you and Ron to switch powers!
Leo: YES!!!!!!! I'M A WIZARD! (Takes Ron's wand and shouts in Greek) oh, oops, sorry, Annabeth!
Annabeth: (glares at Leo because he turned her hair black)
Ron: (screams like a little girl because he's on fire) HOW DO I MAKE IT STOP???????
Ginny: (giggles) well, now you match your hair, Ron!
April: (puts fire out just as she is hit by a rouge spell) Leo!!!! I am stuck to the ceiling!
Harry: (takes in scene before him as Ron catches fire again, Hermione got magically superglued to Percy's back, Annabeth shrunk 2 feet, April had failed at getting back to the ground and was just floating in midair, Ginny was red and pink, and Katniss and Peeta got tied together to a chair, with Leo at the epicenter, with Kitty, Caite, Carter, and Sadie all hiding.) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! I guess I better do something... expelliarmus! (Leo/Ron's wand flies into his hand)
Leo: bruh! You took my wand!
Harry: I'm going to fix the chaos you caused!
Kitty: actually, you better let me do that.... (whispers spell) (everyone is normal again)
Everyone: thank you, Kitty!
Kitty: you're very welcome! Now, for the next victim! (Spins wheel) April!!!!
April: what????????
Kitty: truth or dare?
April: dare!
Kitty: I dare you to go convince Mouldywarts that you got his nose!
April: but he doesn't ha- (disappears in the middle of her sentence)
Kitty: hehe, I love cutting people off!
April: (in Voldy's lair thing) HEY VOLDEMORT!!!! I GOT YOUR NOSE!
Mouldywarts: HEY! Give it back! (Runs at April)
April: Never! (Disappears into thin air)
Voldemort: that girl took my nose!
(Back in the ROR)
April: that was fun!
Harry: that was fun to watch!
Leo: (sneaks behind Harry) HA! I have reclaimed my wand!
Kitty: anyway, the next victim is.... Hermione! Truth or dare?
Hermione: ummm, Dare, I guess?
Kitty: brilliant! Your dare is to be locked in a room with Malfoy, but you can only be nice to each other!
Hermione: WHAT?!?!?!?! (Disappears)
Kitty: well, while Hermione's off having fun, our next victim is... Percy!
Percy: I knew this was going to happen eventually...
Kitty: truth or dare?
Percy: dare!
Kitty: I dare you to kiss Sadie!
Percy and Sadie: EWWWWWWWWWW
Percy: I have a girlfriend! Can I kiss Annabeth first?
April: (calls up Mist so Sadie looks like Annabeth) sure!
Percy: (goes to Sadie/ Annabeth and kisses her) ok, now where's Sadie?
April: hehe, funny story... (Mist wears away)
Percy: APRIL!!!!!!! I get to make up a dare for you, cause that was rude!
April: . Fine!
Percy: I dare you to...
Sorry,April the terrible person
I have to do WHAT!!!! A game of truth or dare
Humorcome along for the adventure with characters from Percy Jackson, Harry potter, and Hunger games and their hostess, a.k.a kidnaper, April, for an embarrassing, hilarious, and just plain old strange game of truth or dare were revenge is served, truths...