DISCLAIMER: I only own April. Kitty belongs to bellatrixfan1, and Laura belongs to hockey4eva101!
Kitty: moving on, AND UP NOW, KATNISS EVERDEEN!!!!!!!!
Katniss: oh, poop!
April: gasp! Katniss, you do not use such naughty language as *poop*!!! Go sit in the corner and think about what you said!!!!!!
Katniss: :o >:( (Katniss goes to the corner)
April: what will we do while Katniss is in the corner?!?!
April: oooooo, can I do it, I have a good one!!!!!
Kitty: Sure!!!!
April: YAYZ!!!!!!! ok, so, Percy, Harry, and Ron, I accidentally forgot to take care of my pets this morning, can you watch them for a while?!
Percy: I can tell, there's a catch!
Percy: really April? If you say take cover one more time, I will start calling you armadillo! Or even better, April the ape!
April: ok, so, my pets are a dragon named crystal, a unicorn named silver, a Pegasus named sapphire, a hippogriff named Goldie, and a Phoenix named ruby. They need to be fed, watered, played with, and yes, cleaned up after. Now, OFF WITH YOU!!!!
Kitty: good one, April!!
April: I have another awesome power! I can speed up time to get them back faster!!! ( snaps fingers)
Ron: that was
Harry: NOT
Percy: fun!!!
Kitty: I know! Now katniss, you can come out of the corner for your dare now!!!
Katniss: do I HAVE to?
April: yes, your dare is to write a short story about a pig and publish it on Wattpad!
Katniss: oh, that will be easy! ( writes a short story about a pig and publishes it)
Kitty: ( goes and whispers in Peeta's ear)
Peeta: ( goes to computer and starts reading the story) OMG, SERIOUSLY, WHAT KIND OF BEGINNING IS ONCE, THERE WAS A PIG?!?! AND IT'S TO SHORT!
Katniss: :o >:( ( shoots peeta for insulting her)
April: Katniss, honey, that was a dare.
Katniss: :o
April: imma bring back peeta and Ginny now!!!( snaps fingers)
Peeta and Ginny: being dead is NOT fun!!!!!
April: hey kitty, would you like to hang out for a while longer?
Kitty: sure!!!!!
April: }:) ok! So let's put our heads together for now!!!!!
Kitty: sure!
That's right, kitty is part of the party now!!!! Send in some truths and dares!!!!
April the awesomely evil villain #2
I have to do WHAT!!!! A game of truth or dare
Humorcome along for the adventure with characters from Percy Jackson, Harry potter, and Hunger games and their hostess, a.k.a kidnaper, April, for an embarrassing, hilarious, and just plain old strange game of truth or dare were revenge is served, truths...