I only own April and Anna!
Jesse: it is my turn to do truths and dares! Leo you get a good dare! make robot undead teddy bears and program them to hunt down Octavian!
Leo: HEHEHE!!!!! (creates said teddy bears)
April: ( sneaks up behind Harry while rendered invisible) Hello, Harry!!
Harry: (eyes go wide, he turns around and sees..) MOANING MYRTLE?!?!?!?!
Myrtle(April): Hello Harry! Did you miss me? (does weird laugh thing and floats/sits next to Harry)
Harry: umm, so how are you, Myrtle?
Myrtle: Horrible, somebody started throwing books at my head!!!
Harry: that's horrible!
Myrtle: that's why I came and found you Harry! ( snuggles onto Harry's shoulder)
Harry: So, ummm, April can you....( looks around and can't see April) April! is this another one of your tricks?
April: grrrr, yes!!! ( turns back from Myrtle to April)
Jesse: anyways, Weasleys, there are some people I want you to meet. Introducing, the Stolls!
Travis: hello
Connor: there!
Travis: we are the
Connor: Stolls!
Both: pleased to meet you! we prank people
Weasleys: we do to!
Jesse: go on pranking Sprees a Hogwarts and CHB!
All 4: YESH!!!!!!!!!( poof!)
Jess: I got to think of more!
Kitty: MY TURN! Coal man, truth or dare?
April: who is Coal man?
Kitty: Peeta, DUH, cause of Peet coal?
April: ok!
Peeta: dare!
Kitty: purposely harm a loaf of bread!
Peeta: NOOOOO!!!( takes out sadness on a loaf of bread) WHAT'VE I DONE?( starts crying)
Katniss: ( slaps Peeta for crying over bread)
Kitty: Katniss, that was your dare!
Katniss: WHOA!!!!!!
Kitty: now Percy has to climb Mt. Olympus with Annabeth laying on his back!
Percy: shoot( poof!)
Kitty: oooo, somebody that goes by the name of Sarcastic_Gal98 has sent in a truth and a dare! I am gonna need a club for Ron's dare!
Ron: I'm scared!
Kitty: ( seizes club and knocks out Moine) not for you Ron! ( waves wand) that is for you Ronald!
(Ron is clad in a bikini)Ron: ummmm...
Kitty: now kiss Moine!
( Ron kisses Hermoine)Kitty-🐱: 😱😱 AWKWARD!!
April: what's awkward?
Kitty: Peeta's truth!
Peeta: Ummm...
Kitty: at least, for April! Peeta's truth is: would you rather kiss April or Glimmer?
Peeta: April, honestly! Glimmer was a career! Glimmer almost killed Katniss! So April!
Kitty: kiss her in front of Katniss!
April: umm, I did not agree to this!
Peeta:( keeps moving towards April and kisses her)
April: ( makes coughing and hacking sounds) excuse me a moment! ( runs to bathroom)
( Katniss and Leo both attack Peeta)
Leo: that's my girlfriend you nimrod!
Katniss: how could you Peeta? ( stabs Peeta) oops, can somebody bring him back?
April: does anybody know or care that there was a person in the Bible named Nimrod that was a skilled hunter?
Anna: I suppose you do learn something new every day! But anywho, No, wait a minute or two, and Peeta shall return! Anywho, who is next??
Kitty: ME!!!!!
Percy: TO THE...
Kitty: if the next words are bomb shelter, I swear I will blow it up.
Kitty: stupid loopholes
I am trying to use the dares from the contest I did, so today, I DEDICATE A CHAPTER TO JLgirl! thanks!
April the awesomely evil villain #2😈🐾😇
I have to do WHAT!!!! A game of truth or dare
Humorcome along for the adventure with characters from Percy Jackson, Harry potter, and Hunger games and their hostess, a.k.a kidnaper, April, for an embarrassing, hilarious, and just plain old strange game of truth or dare were revenge is served, truths...