Ummmm awkward!!!¡¡¡

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I only own April and Anna!

Jesse: it is my turn to do truths and dares! Leo you get a good dare! make robot undead teddy bears and program them to hunt down Octavian!

Leo: HEHEHE!!!!! (creates said teddy bears)

April: ( sneaks up behind Harry while rendered invisible) Hello, Harry!!

Harry: (eyes go wide, he turns around and sees..) MOANING MYRTLE?!?!?!?!

Myrtle(April): Hello Harry! Did you miss me? (does weird laugh thing and floats/sits next to Harry)

Harry: umm, so how are you, Myrtle?

Myrtle: Horrible, somebody started throwing books at my head!!!

Harry: that's horrible!

Myrtle: that's why I came and found you Harry! ( snuggles onto Harry's shoulder)

Harry: So, ummm, April can you....( looks around and can't see April) April! is this another one of your tricks?

April: grrrr, yes!!! ( turns back from Myrtle to April)

Jesse: anyways, Weasleys, there are some people I want you to meet. Introducing, the Stolls!

Travis: hello

Connor: there!

Travis: we are the

Connor: Stolls!

Both: pleased to meet you! we prank people

Weasleys: we do to!

Jesse: go on pranking Sprees a Hogwarts and CHB!

All 4: YESH!!!!!!!!!( poof!)

Jess: I got to think of more!

Kitty: MY TURN! Coal man, truth or dare?

April: who is Coal man?

Kitty: Peeta, DUH, cause of Peet coal?

April: ok!

Peeta: dare!

Kitty: purposely harm a loaf of bread!

Peeta: NOOOOO!!!( takes out sadness on a loaf of bread) WHAT'VE I DONE?( starts crying)

Katniss: ( slaps Peeta for crying over bread)

Kitty: Katniss, that was your dare!

Katniss: WHOA!!!!!!

Kitty: now Percy has to climb Mt. Olympus with Annabeth laying on his back!

Percy: shoot( poof!)

Kitty: oooo, somebody that goes by the name of Sarcastic_Gal98 has sent in a truth and a dare! I am gonna need a club for Ron's dare!

Ron: I'm scared!

Kitty: ( seizes club and knocks out Moine) not for you Ron! ( waves wand) that is for you Ronald!
(Ron is clad in a bikini)

Ron: ummmm...

Kitty: now kiss Moine!
( Ron kisses Hermoine)

Kitty-🐱: 😱😱 AWKWARD!!

April: what's awkward?

Kitty: Peeta's truth!

Peeta: Ummm...

Kitty: at least, for April! Peeta's truth is: would you rather kiss April or Glimmer?

Peeta: April, honestly! Glimmer was a career! Glimmer almost killed Katniss! So April!

Kitty: kiss her in front of Katniss!

April: umm, I did not agree to this!

Peeta:( keeps moving towards April and kisses her)

April: ( makes coughing and hacking sounds) excuse me a moment! ( runs to bathroom)

( Katniss and Leo both attack Peeta)

Leo: that's my girlfriend you nimrod!

Katniss: how could you Peeta? ( stabs Peeta) oops, can somebody bring him back?

April: does anybody know or care that there was a person in the Bible named Nimrod that was a skilled hunter?

Anna: I suppose you do learn something new every day! But anywho, No, wait a minute or two, and Peeta shall return! Anywho, who is next??

Kitty: ME!!!!!

Percy: TO THE...

Kitty: if the next words are bomb shelter, I swear I will blow it up.


Kitty: stupid loopholes


I am trying to use the dares from the contest I did, so today, I DEDICATE A CHAPTER TO JLgirl! thanks!

April the awesomely evil villain #2😈🐾😇

I have to do WHAT!!!! A game of truth or dareWhere stories live. Discover now