Dorm Room

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The music reverberated through the common room of the Vikraman Dormitory, creating a throbbing rhythm that set the tone for the night. Bright lights spun and flickered across the room, casting shifting patterns over the crowd of students dancing and mingling. The scent of popcorn and soda mixed with the distant smell of incense, a curious concoction that told Mira she was in for an interesting evening.

She entered the party with a mixture of excitement and nerves. It was her first night at Vikraman Institute of Technology, and everything was new and exhilarating. The dormitory's modern design, with its sleek furniture and vibrant artwork, added to the festive atmosphere.

As she made her way toward the bar, Mira felt the eyes of other students on her, assessing, curious. She adjusted her dress and reached for a brightly colored drink when a voice beside her cut through the noise.

"First night at Vikraman?" Aadi asked. His voice was warm and friendly, with a hint of playfulness. He was tall, with tousled dark hair and a confident stance, leaning against the bar as if he owned the place.

Mira turned to face him, a shy smile playing at her lips. " that obvious?" she replied, raising an eyebrow.

"A little," he said, flashing a charming grin. "But don't worry, everyone's a bit jittery on their first night. And they are always nervous about the welcome party" he laughed a little, looking down at her,  "I'm Aadi, by the way."

"Mira," she responded, shaking his outstretched hand. His grip was firm but not overbearing, and his eyes sparkled with a mix of mischief and interest.

They fell into easy conversation, discussing their backgrounds, classes, and the quirky traditions of the campus. He had a way of drawing people in, his charm and quick wit making it easy for her to relax and forget about her initial nerves. He cracked jokes, shared stories of his freshman year, and made her laugh so much that she nearly spilled her drink.

As the party continued, the room grew more crowded, and the lights dimmed to a softer glow. The thumping music stayed , but Mira and Aadi had found their own rhythm, talking and laughing as if they were old friends. It was clear that the chemistry between them was more than just on the perimeter. Each shared story seemed to reveal a new layer, and the playful banter grew increasingly intimate.

At some point, their hands brushed, and neither pulled away. Aadi leaned in closer to be heard over the music, his lips almost grazing her ear as he spoke. "Do you want to step outside for a bit? It's getting a little stuffy in here," he suggested.

She nodded, grateful for the excuse to escape the crowded room. They made their way through the crowd of dancing students and out into the hallway, where it was much quieter. The cool evening air greeted them as they stepped out onto the dorm's balcony, which offered a view of the campus lit up at night.

They stood at the railing, shoulders brushing as they leaned against it. The night was clear, the stars twinkling above, and the distant sounds of the party fading into the background. Aadi glanced at Mira, his eyes catching the reflection of the lights, giving him an almost ethereal glow.

"You know, I'm glad I met you tonight," he said, his voice soft but sincere. "It's not every day you meet someone you can talk to so easily."

Mira felt a flutter in her chest, his words sending a warm rush through her. "I'm glad I met you too," she replied, meeting his gaze. There was a charged moment of silence, the air between them filled with unspoken possibilities.

Aadi took a step closer, his hand gently brushing against her arm. "Would it be okay if I kissed you?" he asked, his voice low and full of anticipation.

Mira nodded, her heart racing as she looked into his eyes. "Yeah, it's okay," she whispered.

Aadi leaned in, closing the distance between them, and pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss. It was soft and tentative at first, but as the kiss deepened. The moment feeling like an electric spark, igniting something new and exciting in both of them.

When they finally pulled away, her cheeks were flushed, and Aadi had a broad smile on his face. The party still raged on behind them. The kiss on the balcony was a moment of intense connection, full of the promise of something more. The sounds of the party were distant now, their focus solely on each other.

Aadi offered his hand, and Mira took it without hesitation. There was an unspoken understanding between them, an invitation to continue the night more privately . As they walked back into the dormitory, the hallway was quieter, the party sounds fading as they moved away from the common room.

"Want to come to my room?" Aadi asked, his voice soft and inviting.

Mira nodded, a shy smile on her lips. "I'd like that," she replied, her heart racing with anticipation.

Aadi led her down the hallway, past a few groups of students chatting and laughing. The Vikraman Dormitory was large, with multiple floors, and Aadi's room was on the third floor. As they climbed the stairs, their hands remained intertwined, and they exchanged glances that carried the same spark they had felt on the balcony.

When they reached Aadi's room, he opened the door and gestured for Mira to enter first. It was a typical dorm room, with a small bed, a desk, and a few personal items scattered around. A guitar rested against the wall, and a collection of books lined a small shelf. The room was simple but had a cozy feel to it.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Aadi said with a grin, closing the door behind them. He turned on a small lamp, casting a warm glow over the room.

She took in the surroundings, feeling a sense of comfort in the intimate space. It was a stark contrast to the noisy party downstairs. Here, it was just the two of them, with no distractions.

He looked at her slowly walking up to her, his shoes thumping over the floor. The thumping came to a halt, and the next thing she knew, she was trapped between the cool wall, and Aadi's warm body.

"You look so beautiful" he whispers, admiring the sight in front of him.

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