Crush On A Professor

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Niyati sat in the bustling college cafeteria, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts amidst the cacophony of chatter and clattering dishes. Amidst the chaos of lectures, assignments, and the ever-pressing weight of academic responsibilities, her thoughts unfailingly gravitated towards one figure: Dr. Himanshu Trivedi

Dr. Himanshu Trivedi was more than just an educator; he was a beacon of knowledge, a model of intellect, whose mere presence commanded respect and admiration. With his sharp wit, insightful lectures, and undeniable charm, he had effortlessly captured her attention, leaving her heart aflutter whenever he entered the room.

As she absentmindedly stirred her chai, Niyati couldn't help but drift into the realm of her daydreams, where she and Dr. Himanshu shared intimate moments amidst the hustle and bustle of Delhi. In her fantasies, they found solace in each other's company, engaging in spirited discussions about literature, philosophy, and the intricacies of life itself.

In one particularly vivid daydream, Niyati envisioned herself and him seated in a quaint café tucked away in one of Delhi's bustling neighborhoods. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the sound of distant traffic as they delved into deep conversations, their words weaving a tapestry of shared interests and mutual understanding.

"You know," Dr said, his voice laced with warmth and sincerity, "there's something truly remarkable about the way literature reflects the human experience. It's a testament to our collective journey, our triumphs, our failures, our hopes, and our fears."
He would say

Niyati listened intently in her fantasy hanging onto his every word, her admiration for him growing with each passing moment. As they continued their conversation, she couldn't help but feel a sense of connection—an inexplicable bond that went above the confines of the classroom and ventured into the realm of the personal.

But as the café scene faded into the recesses of her mind, Niyati found herself abruptly jolted back to reality by the sound of her friends.

"Thinking about your crush again huh?" they asked laughing
"Oh shut up guys" she replied belly laughing, shaking her head and staying in reality for now.

As Niyati sat in the college library later in the day, her heart still racing from her encounter with him in her dreams , she couldn't shake the feeling of excitement that coursed through her veins. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice when Himanshu  approached her once again until his voice broke through her reverie.

"Mind if I join you, ?"he asked, his warm smile sending a flutter through her chest.

Niyati looked up, surprised yet delighted by his presence. "Oh, uh, of course, Professor. Please, have a seat," she replied, gesturing to the chair opposite her.

As he settled into the chair, his eyes met hers, and Niyati felt a rush of warmth spread through her cheeks. "So, what brings you to the library today?" he asked, his voice gentle and inviting.

Niyati bit her lip, momentarily flustered by the intensity of his gaze. "Just some research for my literature assignment," she answered, hoping she sounded composed despite the butterflies that danced in her stomach.

he  nodded, his eyes lighting up with genuine interest. "Ah, literature. One of my favorite subjects," he remarked, a smile playing on his lips. "What are you studying?"

Her heart skipped a beat at the opportunity to discuss her passion with him. "I'm exploring the themes of identity and belonging in contemporary Indian literature," she replied, her voice growing more confident with each word.

he  leaned in, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "Fascinating. And what have you discovered so far?"

As they delved into a spirited discussion about literature, Niyati felt a sense of connection blossoming between them. Despite the academic setting, their conversation flowed effortlessly, each exchange leaving Niyati feeling more exhilarated than the last.

Before she knew it, the library was closing for the evening, and Niyati reluctantly gathered her books, realizing that their time together was coming to an end. "Thank you for the enlightening conversation, sir" she said, unable to hide the smile that tugged at her lips.

He  returned her smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "The pleasure was all mine. I look forward to our next chat."

As they bid each other goodbye, Niyati couldn't help but feel a sense of euphoria wash over her. Though she knew it was just a brief encounter, she couldn't deny the joy it brought her, and she looked forward to the next opportunity to engage in conversation with the man who had captured her heart.

Later that evening, Niyati adjusted her laptop screen, ensuring that her camera was positioned just right for the Zoom meeting with the Professor's class. As the virtual session began, her heart skipped a beat at the sight of his face appearing on the screen, his warm smile sending a flutter through her chest.

Throughout the lecture, Niyati found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on the academic content. Instead, her mind wandered, her gaze involuntarily drifting towards his image on the screen. With each glance, she couldn't help but imagine scenarios straight out of her daydreams.

As he spoke, his voice smooth and captivating, her thoughts drifted into a realm of fantasy. In her mind's eye, she envisioned herself sitting across from him in a cozy café, their conversation flowing effortlessly as they shared intimate moments amidst the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

Lost in her reverie, Niyati barely registered the words he was saying, her attention solely focused on the image of him before her. She imagined him smiling at her, his eyes twinkling with warmth and affection, and she felt a rush of exhilaration wash over her.

With each passing moment, her fantasies grew more vivid, her daydreams blending seamlessly with the reality of the Zoom meeting. Though she knew it was just her imagination running wild, she couldn't help but savor the thrill of the connection she shared with Professor, even if it was only through a computer screen.

As her mind wandered into the realm of her daydreams, her fantasies of Himanshu  took on a decidedly more provocative tone. Lost in the allure of her imagination, she barely registered the academic discussion unfolding in the Zoom meeting, her attention wholly consumed by the image of him before her.

In her daydream, his voice took on a husky timbre as he leaned in closer, his eyes smoldering with desire. Niyati imagined herself drawn irresistibly to him, their bodies inches apart as the air crackled with tension.

He would pull her into his room and wrap his arms around her waist. His face tilting to the side as he would lean down and kiss her. Her hands would travel up his arms. Slowly wrapping around his neck as she would arch her back. She would softly whimper. And one of his hands would travel to the back of her head softly pulling on her hair pulling her head back so he would kiss down her neck. She would moan under her breath gasping as he would bite down on her skin. She would tug on his hair and pull his head back so they could kiss again, his tongue battling hers. He would lick down the side of her neck down to her collarbone and then to her boobs.

Just as their imagined encounter grew more heated, a sudden interruption jolted Niyati back to reality. "Niyati , could you please share your thoughts on the topic we're discussing?" Professor's voice cut through her daydreams, his gaze penetrating through the screen and into her soul.

Flustered and caught off guard, Niyati scrambled to regain her composure. "Oh, uh, yes, of course, Professor" she stammered, her cheeks flushing crimson as she struggled to focus on the academic discussion at hand.

Despite her best efforts to shake off the lingering effects of her daydreams, Niyati found herself unable to shake the sensation of his gaze lingering on her. With each passing moment, the memory of their imagined encounter fueled her desire, and she couldn't help but wonder if his  interruption had been more than just a coincidence.

As the Zoom meeting continued, her thoughts drifted back to her fantasies of her Professor, the tantalizing allure of their imagined connection lingering in her mind long after the virtual session had ended. Though she knew it was just a fleeting distraction from the realities of her academic life, she couldn't deny the thrill of the forbidden fantasies that had taken root in her mind, and she eagerly anticipated the next opportunity to indulge in her daydreams of the man who had ignited her desires.

Niyati clicked the "End Meeting" button on Zoom, watching as his  image disappeared from her screen. The sudden absence left a void that she couldn't quite describe, a longing that seemed to intensify with each passing second. She closed her laptop with a sigh and leaned back in her chair, staring at the ceiling for a moment.

Slowly, she stood up and stretched, feeling the tension in her muscles from sitting too long. The late afternoon sun streamed through the window, casting a warm, golden glow across her room. She walked over to her bed and collapsed onto it, her body sinking into the soft mattress. Turning onto her back, she gazed up at the ceiling, her mind inevitably drifting back to Dr. Himanshu.

The way he had called her name during the meeting lingered in her thoughts. His voice had been firm, yet there was an underlying warmth that made her heart flutter. She imagined him looking at her with those intense eyes, not through a screen, but in person, his gaze holding her captive.

In her daydream, they were alone in his office. The air was thick with tension as he approached her, his steps slow and deliberate. Niyati felt her pulse quicken as he leaned in, his face inches from hers. She could almost feel the heat radiating from his body, the scent of his cologne intoxicating her senses. His hand reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, his touch sending shivers down her spine.

"baby," he would murmur, his voice low and husky. "You have no idea how much you captivate me."

Her breath hitched at his words, her body responding to the proximity of his. She imagined his lips grazing her ear, his breath warm against her skin. The thought of him whispering sweet nothings, his hands exploring, left her feeling breathless and yearning for more.

She turned onto her side, hugging a pillow close to her chest, trying to hold onto the fleeting fantasy. Her room was quiet, the only sound the faint hum of traffic outside, but her mind was filled with the echoes of his voice, the phantom touch of his hands.

With a sigh, she closed her eyes, letting the daydreams wash over her, allowing herself a few moments of blissful escape before reality inevitably called her back and tried to sleep but everytime she closed her eyes he'd be there. She closed her eyes and imagined them in his classroom.

There he would stand in front of the class, struggling to concentrate during the lecture he was giving. Her mind paid no attention to his words only to the way his hands clenched, extenuating his veins under his rolled up sleeves. This little affair she imagined between her and her professor had been going on for a while in her head.

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