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Aria sat on the low wall outside the Patel Institute of Technology canteen, staring at her phone. The usual college gossip and memes about exams seemed distant, like white noise in the background of her thoughts.

Ever since her breakup with Aditya, everything felt off. The canteen, where they used to share samosas and laugh over the latest Bollywood releases, now felt empty. Even the chacha at the hostel, who always had a cheerful "Namaste, beti!" for her, had given her a concerned look that morning, sensing the cloud over her mood.

The worst part was walking through the campus and seeing familiar places where she and Aditya had spent time together. Now, those spots felt like scenes from a past life.

A group of guys passed by, laughing and joking loudly. Among them was Rishi, a senior from the mechanical engineering department. He caught her eye and flashed a quick smile. Aria barely had the energy to return it, but she appreciated the gesture. Rishi was known for being easygoing and charming, always ready with a joke to lighten the mood. It was a refreshing change from the somberness that had taken over her life.

Later that evening Aria sat at a corner table in the college canteen, her friends engrossed in a heated debate about the upcoming college fest. It had been a long day, filled with endless lectures and tedious lab work, and she was feeling the weight of it all.

The canteen was bustling with students , everyone chatting and enjoying their snacks. It was one of those nights where the energy was high. As she sipped her masala chai, she scanned the room, hoping to find something that would break the monotony.

That's when she noticed Rishi. He was standing with a group of friends near the snack counter, his voice booming over the chatter they'd never really talked but he seemed like a guy who seemed to know everyone, always in the thick of things. He had a confident swagger that made heads turn, and his laugh was infectious.

Rishi caught her eye and gave her a nod, a casual gesture that seemed to say, "I see you." Aria nodded back, a slight smile forming on her lips.

As the evening progressed, Rishi's group gradually dispersed, leaving him alone at the snack counter. He glanced around, his eyes finding Aria's table. With a smirk, he walked over, his laid-back demeanor making it seem like he'd known her forever.

"Hey" He looked down at her, his voice just loud enough to be heard over the general crowd. "So, I saw you earlier. Trying to avoid the crowd?"

She looked up from her phone, raising an eyebrow. "A little of both, I guess. And maybe hiding from the heat. It's been brutal this week."

He nodded, chuckling. "Tell me about it. I've been camping out in the workshop just to stay cool. They say the air conditioning works, but it's more like an industrial fan pretending to be an AC." He gestured towards the small cooler they set out, where a lone fan spun lazily. "This thing's not doing much either."

Aria laughed. "Yeah, I think it's more for decoration at this point. But at least it's a little better than the prime daytime hours huh?."

"True," Rishi agreed, leaning in slightly. "So, tell me, are you going to the college fest this weekend? I hear they're planning some big performances. Should be fun."

Aria shrugged. "I'm not sure yet. I know"

Rishi nodded, pretending to look serious. " I've heard rumors that there's going to be a DJ battle. You have to be there for that."

Aria raised an eyebrow. "A DJ battle? Really? I thought they were just having a regular dance party."

"Well, that's what they want you to think," Rishi said, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "But I've got insider information.."

Aria smiled at his theatrics."Okay, okay, I'll think about it. But only if you promise to keep me updated on all the insider information."

Rishi nodded, his grin widening. "Deal. I'll even bring you the best snacks—straight from the canteen. How's that for a bribe?"

Aria laughed, shaking her head. "You know what? That might just work. But you better make sure those samosas are fresh."

Rishi gave her a mock salute. "You got it. Only the freshest for you, Aria." He winked before heading back to his group, leaving her with a smile on her face and a slight flutter in her stomach.

The next day,
Aria was in a rush, her arms full of flyers for the upcoming college event, when she turned a corner too quickly and collided with Rishi. The impact sent her flying backward, but he moved with surprising speed, wrapping his arms around her waist to keep her from falling.

"Whoa, whoa!" Rishi said, holding her firmly, his grin both amused and teasing. "Trying to start a party without me, or are you just happy to see me?"

Aria felt a rush of heat at his touch and the closeness of his body. "Maybe I'm just checking your reflexes. You passed, by the way," she said with a smirk, trying to keep her voice steady.

Rishi's hands lingered on her waist, and he leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "Glad to hear it. But you know, if you need someone to catch you, I'm always around." His eyes held a playful spark, but there was a hint of something deeper.

She nodded  "I'll keep that in mind" She didn't step back, and neither did he.

Rishi's gaze drifted over the scattered flyers at their feet.  "Need any help picking these up, or do you just want to leave them for decoration?"

Aria chuckled, reluctantly stepping back, but his hand brushed against hers as she reached down to collect the flyers. "I could use a hand, but only if you're not afraid of getting caught helping the event team. You know, it's serious business," she said, trying to sound stern but failing to hide her amusement.

"I like to live dangerously," he said, his voice low and smooth. "Besides, there's a pretty cool rooftop spot where you can see the whole campus. Perfect for taking a break from all this work. What do you think?"

Aria looked up at him, the suggestion hanging in the air between them. The thought of a quiet spot with him sounded appealing. "A rooftop with a view? Are you sure you can keep up with my pace? I tend to move pretty fast," she replied, enjoying the game they were playing.

Rishi's smile widened, his eyes locked on hers. " in five?"

She nodded and Rishi winked, giving her a playful salute. He turned and walked away, leaving her with a flutter in her stomach and a smile on her lips. The rooftop sounded like just the escape she needed, especially with someone like Rishi by her side.

Aria arrived first, feeling the evening breeze play with her hair as she looked out over the campus.. As she leaned against the railing, she heard footsteps behind her, and soon Rishi was at her side. He slid his arms around her in a warm hug. The embrace lingered. When he finally let go, he was still close enough for her to feel his warmth.

"Hey," he said, his grin easy but his eyes locked on hers. "Glad you made it. Thought you might stand me up."

Aria chuckled, feeling the intensity of his gaze. "You think I'd miss a chance to see this view? Besides, you made it sound like it was worth it." Her voice was light, but there was a hint of flirtation beneath the words.

Rishi nodded, leaning against the railing beside her, still keeping a slight touch on her arm. "It is. Especially when you have good company." He glanced at her. "So, what was up with you earlier? You seemed kind of distant when I first saw you."

She sighed, "Yeah, I've been dealing with some stuff. Just got out of a relationship, and it's been... a lot." She tried to sound casual, but her voice betrayed a hint of vulnerability.

Rishi nodded, his expression softening, but his eyes didn't leave hers. "Ah, I get it. Breakups are never easy. I've been there." He hesitated for a moment, then added, "I'm not exactly the commitment type. I like to keep things casual. Don't really do the whole long-term relationship thing."

Aria turned to face him, her expression curious. "So, you prefer to keep your options open? No strings attached?"

Rishi shrugged, his smile returning, "Something like that. I just like to have fun, you know? No drama, no complications. Life's too short to get bogged down by all that." His voice was low, almost a whisper.

Aria nodded, taking in his words. It made sense. And after her breakup with Aditya, maybe that was exactly what she needed.

"I'm not really looking for anything serious either. Just... taking things one day at a time."

He smiled, stepping a little closer. "Good. Then we're on the same page." He paused, his eyes locking with hers, his hand lightly resting on her back. "But if you ever need a distraction, you know where to find me."

Aria felt a flutter in her stomach at his words. Maybe Rishi was the perfect person to help her dip her toes into the waters of moving on.

Her voice was soft but with a hint of playfulness. "I might just take you up on that."

Rishi nodded  "Anytime, Aria. Just let me know, and we'll make it happen." He leaned in slightly, his voice barely above a whisper. "For now, let's just enjoy the view, yeah?" As he spoke, his hand brushed against hers, the touch lingering longer than necessary before he gently took her hand in his.

Aria nodded, feeling the growing chemistry between them. It was a start and for now, that was enough.

Rishi broke the silence, "Hey, are you going to the college event tomorrow? It's supposed to be pretty big."

Aria nodded, turning to him. "Yeah, I'll be there. why?"

Rishi's smile widened. "Great! Just wondered if i should wear my fancier shirt." he teased in an inviting tone looking at her lips "easy to take off too"

Aria laughed , feeling a spark of anticipation. "Yes to the shirt"

Rishi laughed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "You might really have fun tomorrow darling." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, his touch sending a thrill through her.

Aria nodded, the rooftop suddenly feeling like the perfect start to something new. "I'll keep that in mind," she said, her voice soft but playful. "See you tomorrow, then."

Rishi winked, stepping back but keeping his hand in hers a little longer. "Can't wait. Tomorrow's going to be fun. Trust me." He gave her a playful salute before heading toward the exit, leaving her with a sense of excitement for what the next day would bring.

The day of the event had been a whirlwind for Aria. She'd been running around since morning, coordinating with vendors, checking the stage setup, and making sure everything was ready for the evening's festivities. It was almost time for the main event, and the campus was buzzing with excitement. She'd just gotten back to her hostel to change into her black dress, a sleek number that hugged her curves in all the right places.

She reached the venue walking in with stride as her eyes immediately found his, Aria's heart skipped a little. She took a deep breath, smoothing down her dress. Rishi stood there, dressed in a crisp white shirt and dark jeans, looking effortlessly handsome. His grin was immediate, his eyes scanning her from head to toe.

"Wow," he said, his voice low and appreciative. "You look... amazing."

Aria felt a blush creeping up her cheeks. "Thanks. You clean up pretty well yourself," she replied, trying to keep her tone light despite the flutter in her stomach.

"I try. So, are you ready for the big event? Or should we sneak away and find something more interesting to do?"

Aria laughed, shaking her head. "No way. I'm in charge tonight. I can't just disappear. Besides, I thought you were going to keep me from getting stressed."

Rishi raised an eyebrow, stepping a little closer. "I can do that. But I might need to distract you a little along the way."

Aria felt the tension between them, the subtle undercurrent of attraction. "Well, I hope you brought your A-game, because tonight's going to be busy," she said, her eyes locking with his.

Rishi nodded, his gaze steady. "Don't worry, I could always steal you away for a moment. No one would even notice . I have my room  just beside the venue, they're all out. We can have our own fun if you know what I mean" His voice was low and filled with suggestions.

Aria chuckled, feeling the chemistry growing between them. "I'll keep that in mind. But if I get into trouble for disappearing, I'm blaming you."

Rishi shrugged, leaning in slightly, his breath warm against her ear as he leaned in  "I can handle the blame."

Before she knew it, Rishi had closed the distance between them, his hand gently cupping her cheek as he leaned in for a kiss, his other hand wrapping around her waist.. When they finally broke apart, Rishi's grin was softer, but his eyes still held that mischievous glint.

Aria nodded, "I could get used to that," she replied, her heart racing.

"Let's make tonight interesting. No strings, just fun."

Aria laughed, "Deal. Just don't disappear on me, okay?"

Rishi's eyes sparkled. "I wouldn't dream of it."

The campus grounds were filled with students, music playing from large speakers, and colorful lights lit up the pathways. It felt like the whole campus was pulsating with energy.

Rishi led Aria to the center of the dance floor, his hand firmly on her waist as the music blared around them. They moved together, their bodies in sync, the crowd fading into the background. The bass thumped through the air, and Rishi's grip tightened, drawing her closer. He leaned in, his lips brushing her ear. "You look amazing tonight," he murmured, his voice low and smooth. The words sent a thrill through her.

Aria smiled and the music slowed, and Rishi moved even closer, his hand sliding to the small of her back. But the dance floor was crowded, and the heat was becoming too much.

"I need some air,"
Rishi nodded, his eyes following her as she stepped away. "I'll be right here," he said, his voice promising "Don't take too long," he said, his grin widening. "I don't want to dance alone." His hand lingered on her waist, the touch promising more to come.

Aria walked toward the refreshment table. She took a bottle of water and took a few sips, trying to steady her breathing. But Rishi was there before she could gather her thoughts, his presence intense as he stood beside her.

"Missing me already?" she asked, smirking, taking another sip of water. "You wish," he replied
Aria turned to face him, and he leaned in, pressing his lips to hers before she could utter a word in a slow, lingering kiss.

"So, how about we find somewhere quieter? My room is just over there," he said, nodding toward a nearby building. "It's a lot more comfortable than this noisy dance floor."

"Lead the way," she replied, her voice soft but eager and took her hand, his touch warm and sure as he led her away from the event and toward his room.

He unlocked the door and let her walk in first as he locked it after her. He turned around and watched her fumbling with her fingers.

He can tell she's nervous. And  she knows he's staring. "Well, first things first, nothing happens that you don't want." He's kind. Considerate. Hot. It makes her stomach flip.
"Great, I mean. That's...that's good."

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