Dating Event

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They had never met, but they shared similar frustrations with the dating scene in the city.
Lepakshi was a spirited and intelligent woman, with a laugh that could light up any room. She was passionate about art and worked part-time at a local gallery. Her weekends were spent at yoga classes, cafes with friends, and exploring new spots in the city. Atharva , on the other hand, was an intern software engineer with a laid-back attitude and a love for music.

Both Lepakshi and Atharva had never seemed to find anyone who clicked. The conversations were either too shallow or too forced. So they decided to take a different approach: they signed up for a single-only event, hosted by one of the communities in their colleges.. It was an evening of speed dating, and while both were skeptical, they thought it was worth a shot.
The venue, a bar, was filled with groups of singles mingling, some nervously fidgeting with their drinks, others leaning casually against the balcony railing as if trying to exude confidence.

Lepakshi arrived first, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. She had dressed for the occasion in a simple but stylish black dress, her hair cascading over her shoulders. As she entered. . She was given a name tag and a numbered card, and then directed to a table on the rooftop terrace where the speed dating would take place.

Atharva walked in a few minutes later, wearing a crisp white shirt and well-fitted jeans. He wasn't one for formal attire, but he knew this event warranted some effort. He took a deep breath and made his way to the terrace, where the organizers were explaining the rules to the gathered participants. He caught a few nervous glances from other attendees, but he offered a warm smile in return.

The speed dating began. Each participant had five minutes to chat with a partner before the bell rang, signaling it was time to move to the next table. Lepakshi found herself talking about her work at the gallery and her favorite art exhibits, but the conversations felt flat.
Atharva wasn't having much luck either. His first few conversations centered around work and hobbies, but the exchanges were stiff and rehearsed.

When the bell rang again, Lepakshi moved to her next table. She sat down, glancing across at the person in front of her, and found herself looking into a pair of deep brown eyes. Atharva was equally struck by her gaze. They exchanged polite greetings, and then the awkwardness melted away.

There was an initial moment of silence, each one taking in the other's appearance and demeanor. Lepakshi noted Atharva 's casual but confident stance, his easy smile, and his deep brown eyes that seemed to be observing her with interest. Atharva noticed her graceful presence, her genuine smile, and the warmth in her eyes that immediately put him at ease.

"Hi, I'm Lepakshi," she said, extending her hand with a friendly smile.

"Atharva ," he replied, shaking her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"So, do you do this kind of thing often?" Lepakshi asked, half-jokingly, trying to break the ice.

"No, it's my first time," Atharva admitted with a grin. "I thought I'd give it a shot. How about you?"

"Same. My friends convinced me it might be fun," Lepakshi replied, leaning in a bit. "I figured, why not? If nothing else, at least I'll meet some interesting people."

Atharva nodded. "Definitely. What do you do for fun around here? Any favorite spots in Delhi?"

"I work at an art gallery as a part time job, so I spend a lot of time there," she said. "But I love exploring new cafes, trying out different street foods, you know, just getting lost in the city. What about you?"

"I'm an intern software engineer," Atharva replied. "I play guitar in my spare time and like to go on trekking trips when I can. But yeah, street food is my weakness. Do you have a favorite vendor?"

"Oh, definitely. Have you tried the golgappas at Chacha's?" Lepakshi asked, her eyes lighting up. "They're the best."

"Chacha's? I haven't, but now I have to," Atharva replied, scribbling a note on the back of his card. "What's your go-to order?"

"Golgappas, with extra spice," she said, smiling. "You?"

"I'm more of a momos kind of guy," he laughed. "The ones at the Tibetan market near my office are incredible."

The bell rang, signaling it was time to move on, but neither Lepakshi nor Atharva budged. They just kept talking, oblivious to the organizers' attempts to shuffle them along. When they finally realized they were holding up the event

"Looks like we're holding up the event," Lepakshi said with a playful grin

"Sure looks like it" he smiled tilting his head nodding.

"So.... see you around i guess" she mumbled knowing there's so many meetings in store for them. She stood up and walked back to her spot for the evening without looking back at him and could only hear the sound of his laugh behind her back

As the speed dating event drew to a close, the once-crowded rooftop terrace began to empty. People left in small groups, chatting and laughing as they descended the staircase to the city below. The bar staff moved around, clearing away glasses and tidying up the tables. Lepakshi stood near the edge of the terrace, resting her arms on the railing, her gaze fixed on the horizon. The lights of Delhi stretched out before her, a shimmering sea of activity against the darkening sky.

"Hey," came a voice from behind her.

Lepakshi turned to see Atharva standing there, a warm smile on his lips. His presence felt like a comforting familiarity amid the noisy rooftop. He stepped up beside her, leaning on the railing with her, looking out over the same view.

"Hey," she replied, smiling back at him. "So, how'd you like your first speed dating experience?"

"It was... interesting," Atharva said, chuckling.

"Same here," Lepakshi said. "Some conversations were, well, let's just say I don't think I'd like to repeat them."

Atharva laughed, nodding, "But ours was pretty fun, right? I mean, I'm pretty sure we held up the whole event for a bit." he hesitated shrugging his shoulders

"But I think it was the best part of the evening." Lepakshi laughed.

"Definitely," Atharva agreed, looking at her with a twinkle in his eye. "I'm glad I met you tonight, Lepakshi. I was hoping we could continue our chat over coffee or something, without the time limits."

"Ooof it seems you like me" she grinned raising her eyebrows.

"Well i're not all awful" he smiled taking a step towards her

"Oh yeah?" she giggled.

"Ha ha ha aren't you the funniest?" he grinned walking straight into her caging her between his body and the railing

"Oh i know i am" she bit her lip looking up at him tilting her head

He leaned over wrapping a hand around her waist and she sucked in a breath thinking he would kiss her

"Tomorrow?" he whispered grinning

"If you're that insistent ok sure" she replied in a teasy tone

He smiled wide pulling his phone out to her

"Your phone number please. And it's my date" he mumbled as she typed her number and gave him his phone back

"Yeah, see you then," Lepakshi replied, looking up at him as he pulled himself back giving her room to breathe.
Atharva gave her a playful salute and walked toward the stairs, but before he descended, he looked back over his shoulder and caught her eye. Lepakshi waved, and he waved back, both knowing that this was just the beginning of something special.

Lepakshi arrived at the restaurant. The restaurant was intimate, with dim lighting, plush booths, and a low hum of jazz playing in the background. Atharva walked in moments later, his eyes immediately finding hers across the room. He wore a fitted shirt that showed off his toned arms, and his smile was as warm and inviting as ever. As he approached, Lepakshi couldn't help but notice how his gaze lingered on her, his eyes sweeping over her with a mix of admiration and mischief.

"Hey there," he said, stepping in for a hug. The embrace was brief but firm, and she felt the warmth of his body against hers.

"Hey," she replied, her voice smooth and inviting. As they pulled apart, his hand lightly brushed against her lower back, a touch that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Glad you could make it," he said, his eyes locked on hers. "I was worried you'd have second thoughts."

"Why would I? I mean, you're the only reason I came here," she teased, giving him a playful smirk.

"Flattery will get you everywhere," he said with a wink. "Especially with me."

They took a seat at a corner table, the kind that offered a bit of privacy from the rest of the restaurant. As they settled in, Atharva leaned across the table, his eyes glinting in the candlelight

"I've got some recommendations, and I think you're going to love them."

"Ooooh what kind?" she laughed raising her eyebrows teasingly

"Oh so we're having that talk already? Damn Lepakshi give the gentleman some time to shuffle in before getting into the nitty gritty will you?" he fake gasped

She laughed throwing her head back nodding
"Of course the food. I was waiting for the expert. This is your favorite spot, right?"

"Yeah, I live like ten minutes away," Atharva said, gesturing toward the street outside. "I come here all the time. The food's amazing, and the owner is a friend of mine."

"Oh, so you get special treatment?" Lepakshi teased.

"Only the best for my favorite guests," Atharva said with a wink. "What are you in the mood for? The chicken here is legendary."

Atharva flagged down a waiter and placed their order, throwing in a few extra dishes he thought she'd enjoy.

"So, do you always bring your dates here?" Lepakshi asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Only the special ones," Atharva replied, his gaze steady on hers. "But you're the first I've invited back to my place."

"Is that so?" Lepakshi said, feigning surprise

"So, Lepakshi, what all have you done this week?" he asked, his tone playful but suggestive nodding his head

She replied, raising an eyebrow. "I might tell you... if you're nice to me."

"I'm always nice," he said, feigning innocence. "Well, usually."

Lepakshi laughed, her eyes locking with his. "Good to know. So, what about you? Have you been a saint?"

"Far from it," he replied, a mischievous grin on his lips.

"So, what's at your place that's so interesting?"

"Plus, it's quieter than a crowded restaurant. We could chill, listen to music, and keep this conversation going." Atharva said.

Lepakshi considered his offer. The idea of spending more time with him, away from the noise and distraction, was tempting.

"I'm intrigued," she said, meeting his gaze. "But I need to see if this butter chicken lives up to the hype first."

"It will," Atharva assured her. "And if it doesn't, you can blame me."

Their food arrived, and the conversation continued with laughter and playful teasing. Atharva suggested they take a walk around the block before heading to his place, and she agreed. They strolled through the quiet streets, holding hands.

"You have really soft hands," he said, his voice low.

"Thanks," she replied, tilting her head slightly. "You should see the rest of me."

"Oh with a face like that and a personality like that with a good sense of humor? Oh I'm sure I'd be lucky" he whispered, bending down to her height wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"In your words, Flattery will get you everywhere," Lepakshi replied, leaning in slightly.

"My flattery needs to get me back at my house with you and some drinks. What do you think?" Atharva asked as they approached his building.

"Lead the way," Lepakshi replied, a hint of excitement in her voice. "Let's see if you can keep impressing me."

He opened the door to his apartment, and Lepakshi stepped inside, taking in the cozy vibe. The living room had a comfortable couch, a few guitars propped against the wall, and an open window letting in the city sounds from below.

"Nice place," Lepakshi said, her eyes scanning the room.

Atharva replied with a smirk. "Want a tour, or are you more interested in... other things?"

Lepakshi shot him a playful look. "What kind of 'other things' are we talking about?"

"Why don't you come sit down, and I'll show you?" he said, gesturing to the couch.

She moved closer, her shoulder brushing against his as they took a seat.

"You know, I'm not that easy to impress," she teased.

Atharva replied, leaning in. "How about this?" He reached out, his fingers lingering on her cheek. "Any better?"

She felt a shiver run down her spine. "You're getting warmer," she said, her voice dropping to a sultry whisper.

"What about now?" he asked, his eyes locking with hers. He moved even closer, his lips almost touching hers.

She smiled, her lips hovering just above his. "I think you need to try a little harder," she whispered

"Okay," Atharva replied, finally closing the gap between them. He kissed her gently at first, but the intensity grew quickly, the kiss deepening with every second. His hand slid to the back of her neck, pulling her closer, and Lepakshi's hands moved to his shoulder.

When they pulled back, their eyes met, both of them breathing heavily. "So, did I pass?" Atharva asked, his voice low and playful.

"Sure but you might need to take a few more tests just to be sure." Lepakshi replied, her smile teasing.

"I think I can handle that," Atharva said, kissing her again. He pulled back smiling looking into her eyes "as much as I would want to impress you more with my other talents. How about a movie and maybe a drink to get you comfortable?"

"Oh- uhm yes please" she replied nodding licking her lips as he got up to pour them two drinks

"Oh don't you sound pretty saying please" he teased before sitting down with her on the couch, putting the drinks down giving her the remote

"Whatever the lady wants. Cheers" he tilted his head putting his glass up to hers knowingly teasing her with his words.

The two of them watched the movie in silence sitting on the couch in his living room. His arm was thrown around her , his fingertips brushing circles at the back of her neck. If it had been any other time, it would've been comforting, but in that moment, it only felt like a tease–everything felt like a tease
She leaned into his side and his arm dropped to her shoulder. She placed her hand on his thigh, close to the hard-on she knew he had and started rubbing. He leaned over and kissed her on the temple. "If you don't stop doing that, we're going to have a serious problem on our hands." He whispered.

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