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relax carly, don't wanna lose your voice on your first day

'sir, sir, please you have to turn around i nee-' Jules had been on and off with the driver for about five minutes, trying to convince him to drive back but her words were falling upon deaf ears.

'hey kid, thought i told you to be quiet!' the driver interrupted Jules' desperate pleas, clearly not picking up on the fact she wasn't meant to be there.

During her continuous rambling, Jules had clumsily made her way from the boot of the car to the middle, squeezing herself between evie and carlos.

'no you don't underst-'

'God be quiet!' he once again cut off her words and before she could retaliate a high pitch scream caught everyone's attention.

'jesus, what now evie?' mal turned to her blue haired friend expecting to find her panicking about her makeup, instead she found evie pulling a face at her with her eyebrows pinched together in offence.

'it wasn't me!' she exclaimed pointing an accusing finger at carlos. Mal turned to face her friend rolling her eyes as if she didn't believe it was actually Carlos who had screamed yet evie's accusation was confirmed as all four of them were now staring at an extremely panicked Carlos.

Jules placed a comforting hand on his arm trying to get him to look away from whatever was causing his petrified demeanour, 'what happened Carlos, what's wrong?' she asked gently trying not to scare him even more. However, he only responded by furiously pointing his finger in the direction he was looking.

Instantly all of their heads turned to face what he was pointing at, all letting out screams of their own when they saw that the bridge they were about to drive over was broken off. Jules' once gentle grip on Carlos' arm tightened in panic, as he clawed at her arm in response, clutching tightly as the others did the same.

Jules turned her head away from the front of the car and buried it between Carlos' shoulder and the car seat.

Evie and Mal were holding each other with a death grip, almost as though they were in competition for who had the tightest hold, whilst Jay grabbed at Carlos and Jules, trying to back away from the front of the car as if that would make a difference.

Mal frantically grabbed at the remote she was playing with before they discovered Jules in the boot and began pressing any button she could in her panicked state.

All five of the kids continued to scream as they neared the edge of the bridge. at least i won't have to worry about accidentally breaking into a magical kingdom Jules thought to herself, trying to make light of the situation.

They all unknowingly shut their eyes in unison, as they plummeted to their death. wait. why weren't they falling?

Their screams slowly died down, well, nearly all of their screams. Carlos continued to scream as if he was being burned alive. It wasn't until Jules lightly shook his shoulder that he realised her grip on his arm had loosened and everyone had stopped screaming. He quickly let go of her bashfully, face burning with embarrassment as he coughed lightly under his breath, sitting up straight to try and diffuse the awkwardness his actions had caused.

Jules didn't think anything bad of his reaction though as she giggled lightly to herself, finding his situation anything but embarrassing. 'Relax Carly, don't wanna lose your voice on your first day,' she teased him, hoping he'd pick up on the fact that she didn't mind his behaviour.

Her light teasing worked as he let a small laugh slip past his lips and his body relaxed from its previous tension.

The build up of a possible new friendship for Jules made her ecstatic but her excitement dissolved as soon as Mal's loud voice caught everyone's attention.

'hey, HEY!' she called out to the driver, resulting to yelling when he ignored her first attempt at getting his attention. He grumbled lowly in response clearly fed up of all their screaming. Mal accepted his noise of acknowledgment and carried on speaking to him,

'Did this little button just open up the barrier?' she questioned quite dumbly in Juliana's opinion -why would they leave the button to open the barrier in the back with villain kids?

'No,' he responded his tone glum 'this button opens the magic barrier,' he pointed to a red button to the left of him 'that button opens up my garage, and this button,' he pressed another button on the panel in front of him, causing the frame that was blocking them from the front of the car to roll back up.

Jules felt a slight pang of hurt feeling rejected already. She wasn't meant to be at auradon and this guy already didn't like her without even knowing that, so how would people react when they found out she wasn't even meant to be there? would they think she broke in on purpose?

'okay, nasty, i like that guy.' Mal said referring to the driver and his rudeness causing the rest of the VKs to murmur sounds of agreement, while Jules just glanced at Mal from the corner of her eye, obviously disagreeing with her comment.

'okay, we'll we're not dead so can we please try and figure out how to get me home?' Jules panicked again, causing Mal to roll her eyes while Evie just looked at her sympathetically.

'Well this is auradon so maybe they'll let you stay?' Carlos tried to make Juliana feel better but by the tone of his voice Jules could tell he was questioning his own words. Rather than comforting her his words sent her into more of a panic, 'yeah, let me stay in a cell for the rest of my life locked up forever!' she exclaimed clearly believing that her thoughts were actually happening.

Her hands came up to cradle her own face as she turned pale, her jaw hanging open, 'oh my god i'm never gonna see the light of day again, i'm gonna be stuck in a cell for the rest of my life, oh my life's officially over!' she whined dramatically, sinking into her chair.

'Calm down Julie, it'll be fine.' Carlos tried to reassure the girl patting her back softly, but Jules didn't even pay much attention to his words, as her head whipped round to look at him at the use of the new nickname.

'Julie?' she questioned pulling a face at him, causing the boy to begin mumbling absolute nonsense. 'Woah, no, okay sorry i didn't mean to freak you out it's okay,' she said raising her arms as if she were surrendering to something.

'Oh, um, do people not call you that?' Carlos seemed slightly surprised that she questioned the nickname. Jules laughed as though he'd made the funniest joke ever 'You think people actually use my name?' she chuckled, saying it as though his question was the most absurd thing she'd ever heard, 'not even my own mother uses my name, to be honest i'm surprised you guys even used my name, nobody refers to me by name,' she stated acting as if that was totally normal.

All four of the VKs just stared at her, not believing anything she was saying.

'Oh right, you guys are popular,' she said as though she'd just remembered 'Commoners on the isle call me a freak because of my eyes and well, i'm an easy target seeing as i won't fight back,' she shrugged.

'That's you?' Jay asked curiously albeit sounding slightly mean. Evie slapped his shoulder scolding him for his upfront question. 'Ow,' he muttered rolling his eyes clutching his shoulder.

The VKs and their parents knew there was a 'weirdo' amongst the members of the isle but they didn't know it was Jules.

'Yeah,' her short answer was enough to send the whole group into silent shock. The silence was enough to make Jules uncomfortable as Evie just looked at her in sympathy and the others all turned away.

'Uh, well can we figure out what i'm meant to do before we get there?' She asked practically begging for a way to get out of this situation.

'I think you're too late.' Jay pointed at the window behind the girls' heads.

AN: no flipping clue what i'm doing but I love cameron boyce so obv we need some Carlos moments 🤗

anyways if you're a directioner be sure to follow my tiktok @cre.amy.daddy don't judge the name guys 😭 OKAY HAVE A BLESSED DAY YALL 🙏🏻

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