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What?! No! Just take me home!

She could practically feel her heart slamming against her chest as she struggled to calm down her breathing.

'This is not real. This can't be real.' Jules repeated these words under her breath over and over again, trying to somehow bring the words to reality.

It didn't work.

In a quick decision her hand reached up towards the board. Her body was moving faster than her mind could process and her mouth was letting frantic words slip past before she could even think of the possible consequences.

'Sir, sir, please, you have to take me home,' Jules had thrown the board into the middle section of the limousine and was pleading helplessly at the driver.

Finally, he seemed to realise there were five teen villains in the car previously rather than the original four he was ordered to bring.

The VKs were outside the limo and stood in front of what Jules guessed was the future king, fairy godmother and a princess? maybe, she wasn't too sure but she thought the girl was insanely beautiful.

Fairy godmother seemed lost in conversation with Mal, as Mal threw question after question at her, the other VKs stood at her side awkwardly as the princess eyed them all warily.

Jules couldn't blame her, Carlos had some brown stuff all over his face, Jay was staring at her like she was his next meal and Evie was manically searching through her mini purse before pulling out lipstick. Not really what you'd expect for a first impression at auradon.

Jules then took notice of the prince, well soon to be king, and how his gaze was fixed on the limousine. The limousine she was not meant to be in.

He was more than likely wondering why the driver hadn't driven away yet.

She stared at his eyes for a second, they were so pretty she felt like she'd began floating.

'Who the hell are you?!' well shit.

the fucking pope! is he an idiot?, she thought to herself. Had she not just begged him to drive back home. She was clearly a VK.

'It doesn't matter, take me home please,' how many more times does she have to ask him before he'll acknowledge her words?

'you snuck in here? you snuck in here!' somehow, he went from questioning if she snuck in to answering the question, incorrectly might i add, by himself, within three seconds.

Jesus i really don't like this guy, Jules was tired of him.

'No!' she argued, but it came out more as a whine as she grew more desperate to get home.

'The king won't be pleased with this.' he stated firmly, almost taunting her.

'What?! No! Just take me home!' her words fell upon deaf ears as she watched him climb out of the drivers seat and begin to walk around the car. To the boot. Where she was. oh for fuck sake.

Jules threw her arms over the chairs in front and began pulling herself over them, it was a slight challenge with the roof being so low.

As she began lowering her chest towards the seat she felt something on her ankle.

The driver had grabbed ahold of her ankle.

'No! Get off!' she was full panic mode now. Kicking her legs around, and thrashing about as he dragged her back.

'Could i get some assistance please!' assistance?!? Oh lord. Jules didn't know how, but she'd managed to wriggle around and fight back even more after hearing that.

She didn't like them touching her.

She didn't like them pulling her.

She didn't like them grabbing at her arms, where fresh bruises rested as they always did.

She didn't like it one bit.

Before she knew it, every single pair of eyes in that kingdom were on her.

She'd began breathing heavily and her face felt hot and wet. Had she started crying?

'Please!' she was still begging for mercy, despite being restrained, in front of the whole of auradon. In front of the king.

AN: IM BACKKK!! my holiday was amazing and i've been thinking of new possible ideas but for now it's a matter of writing when i feel motivated enough to and have it organised.

my mental health has kicked off a bit recently so bare with me please!

anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and maybe if you want to you can vote? and give opinions too i don't mind just try to be nice!


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