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Have a shower whilst you wait, everything's in the bathroom,
Why do I smell bad?

Beast had led Juliana to a spare guest room they had and explained to her that she'd have to lay low for a little while until the citizens of auradon had calmed down about her staying there. Jules wasn't sure what he was gonna do about the situation but she knew he was gonna make a small speech justifying his reason for allowing her to stay.

She was currently walking laps around the room, touching everything in amazement. When she discovered the light switch she'd stood there for at least 15 minutes, continuously flicking it on and off, staring in awe.

It was safe to say she wasn't used to electricity.

She'd gone through all the cupboards in the private bathroom she had that came with the room and had smelt every bottle of shampoo, conditioner and body wash, sighing in contentment after each one. She was almost too afraid to use them, they smelt too nice to be used.

After scouring through the entire room, Juliana found herself sinking into the comfort of the king-sized bed she'd been given. But she didn't sleep.

She was too scared to fall asleep, wondering if when she woke up this'll just have been a figment of her imagination. So she lie there, staring up at the ceiling, which could've been a nice feeling. If thousands of questions hadn't plagued her mind, thoughts infesting every corner of her brain, tormenting her.

One stuck out the most however, how did I get here?

That question. That damn question.

Her excitement was fading rapidly as that question tickled her brain, tugging and pulling at the nerves. She wasn't getting any sleep that night.


'Rise and shine!' an agitating voice called out from across the room.

Okay, maybe she did get some sleep that night.

Juliana groaned in response rolling over before she heard the person shuffle over to the other side of her bed. Her bed had been placed in the middle of the room and it freaked her out a little. Back in the tower her bed had to be placed against the wall otherwise she'd fall out of it, yet her tossing and turning was a joke to this bed.

She felt the heat of the rising sun blanket over her face as she heard the curtains being opened.

She hissed dramatically at the feeling of it, pretending to be a vampire, and rolled back over, laughing at her own joke, whilst burying herself into the covers.

She heard a deep chuckle from behind her as the voice moved closer, 'Alright Dracula, up you get, you've got a busy day today,' Beast said before reaching over and pulling the covers off of Juliana.

Jules frowned, rubbing her eyes to wake herself up, 'What happened to laying low? Thought it was too risky to be up and about so early,' She replied, mocking his voice from when he said those exact words the day before.

Beast rolled his eyes as he dropped her blanket to the foot of the bed, 'It's too risky to be up and about in the public. You, have a meeting with fairy godmother.' He said, pointing his finger at her.

Jules gasped, 'What!? I can't have a meeting with fairy godmother! She watched me get my ass kicked yesterday!'

Beast raised an eyebrow at this, 'That's your biggest concern here?' He questioned amusingly.

'It's better than being worried about my outfit, oh my god I have no outfits!' Jules grabbed a pillow, hiding her face in it fake crying into it.

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