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They shouldn't have hurt her, she wasn't a threat.

King beast stood at the top floor of the castle, his queen hanging off of his arm, staring down at the strange girl being held by his workers.

That wasn't their job. They weren't his guards, they were just drivers or cleaners, yet they were wrestling a young girl without being ordered to.

His eyes darkened with anger and he could feel his body trying to make the change into beast form, he couldn't allow that though.

Queen Belle took matters into her own hands when she heard him release a low growl, rubbing his arm gently in reassurance, turning him away from the window.

'Who's this girl? Look her up in the files please Lumiere.' She ordered politely.

That's what everyone loved about her, she was queen and held power and could treat their servants any way she'd like to, yet she chose to be sweet to everyone.

'As you wish ma'am.' Lumiere bowed his head dramatically, rushing over to the desk where all files were kept before running to the window to get a look at the girl.

'What's wrong?' Beast questioned urgently as he saw Lumiere's face grow paler and his eyebrows pinched together.

'Um-Uh- Nothing, she's here...somewhere,' His voice trailed off at the end skimming through the file rapidly now, sending the two rulers into more panic. Beast huffed in exhaustion and increased stress before hearing a commotion going on outside.

Belle rushed over to the window to see her son shoving one of the drivers. She gasped, clearly not expecting this behaviour from her son before muttering a quick I'll be right back and rushing out of the room.

'What happened, Lumiere?' Beast tried to question softly, though it was through gritted teeth at the lack of information.

'The girl, I can't find her in the file sir.' He stated shamefully, believing it was his fault he couldn't find her in the folder. Beast frowned and snatched the file from Lumiere,before scanning it himself -sure enough- no sign of the girl.

'I'll be right back.' he muttered, just as his wife had moments before and rushed out the room.


Juliana faced the floor in embarrassment, no longer able to cry as she had an audience.

oh god my life's over.

Juliana had stopped fighting against the men and had given in to her destiny -she was meant to be locked up forever. That's how the first 10 years of her life were spent, it was fate.

'What's going on here?' a high pitched, sickly sweet voice questioned almost accusingly.

These words set off the ticking time bomb in Jules' mind as her head shot up to look at fairy godmother who had her gaze on the driver. 'Ma'am I swear to you I-' Juliana's desperate words were cut off as she was slammed harshly into the ground.

Juliana winced and let out a small whimper as she made contact with the ground, causing Carlos to take a protective step forward before Mal placed her arm in front of him, giving him a daring look as if to say you ruin this mission and it won't be good.

Carlos wasn't the only one who felt a sudden protectiveness over Jules. The second Prince Ben heard the quiet cry come from the girl he took several long strides toward the driver before shoving him harshly away from her.

'Benjamin!' fairy godmother gasped at his actions, however he ignored her as he crouched down to Jules' level reaching towards her slowly.

what the fuck, Jules thought to herself, wondering why he's sticking up for someone who for all he knew had just broken into his kingdom.

He gently placed one hand on her back, holding the other out for her to hold onto. Jules glanced at his hand cautiously before slowly reaching out for it.

Jules made it her mission to avoid eye contact with him, because like always, he'd grimace in disgust and cower away from her. She didn't want that.

Ben pulled Juliana back to her feet as she dusted off the dirt that she'd picked up from the ground. He heard her mutter a small thank you, well, at least he thought he did, though it was hard to hear over his mothers' bellowing tone.

'Benjamin Florian!' he winced a little, she never used this tone with him, only his father. He was thankful she was close enough for only the small circle of people doing the introductions to hear her call him by his full name.

'What on earth do you think you're doing?' she questioned in disappointment.

'They acted aggressively without being ordered to, mom. They shouldn't have hurt her, she wasn't a threat.' he stated firmly, though it was obvious he was putting up a tough act against his mother, Jules could already tell he was a mama's boy and didn't want to argue with her.

To everyone's surprise, Belle let it go and nodded appreciatively.

It was silent for a few seconds, making Juliana feel slightly uncomfortable as Ben still had a hold on her back and was clutching onto her hand. Within those few seconds of silence, she caught Carlos' sympathetic gaze, to which she smiled slightly at him, so he was aware she knew he had wanted to help her.

Also within those few seconds King Beast had made his own appearance.

Jules felt sick.

AN: I'm not a great writer but i'm trying 😭

kinda making things up as i go but hey ho it's never gonna be perfect!

have a blessed day everyone 🙏🏻

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