-Chapter 7: Always at Dinner-

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Uhhhhh Corey lore, she's like 12 in this so good luck guys 😔

Tw: Sh, @buse, use of substances and alcohol, gore, child murder.

I would say enjoy, but don't. This child is traumatized.

(Also When their parents are speaking, they will say their deadname Jocelyn, when it's their POV it's Corey, hope that helps)

Corey was in their room, reading as their phone was taken away for no reason. She had lost all contact to their friends during the summer.

It was almost Corey's birthday, she had invited everyone to it. Though now with a lack of contact she doubts anyone will arrive. More or less, her parents even going through with it.

She lived in a nice house at the time, not much wrong. Her half sister Daniel was really the only person who actually cared in such a bad household.

Corey's father was an alcoholic and had really no morals. Their mother went to prison for 10 years for multiple reasons Corey did not want to remember. Which even now their mother is an alcoholic abusive drug addict son of a bitch.

She had a brother, before he got shot by their dad for coming out as bisexual and gender fluid.

Corey was scared the same thing would happen to them if they came out. None the less, even if they were kept alive. Their life would probably end up being hell.

"Jocelyn! Time for dinner!" Susan called from downstairs.

God how much Corey hated that name, why is it even a thing? It's so fucking bad.

Daniel got home from work just in time for dinner, she grabbed a plate of food before sitting in her room. Which Corey can't do as the youngest. They always had to eat at the dinner table. Even worse, they felt like their parents were judging them for the way they eat.

They always grabbed smaller portions because they felt too sick most of the time to get any more. Their parents always yelled at them to get more and that they needed to eat or else they would turn into a skeleton and homeless.

Corey never liked the idea of not being able to eat properly. They had a thing where if they got in trouble before or during a meal. They loose their appetite. Which worsens things. They can't leave until they finish their dinner. So they just suck it up and puke it out later.

Susan signed Corey up for more than one sport against their will. Despite the fact they were diagnosed with multiple leg problems. Causing them to not be able to walk, their legs giving way, or their legs hurting constantly.

Their mother always thought it was excuses when she literally had the diagnosis paper.

When Corey sat down at the dinner table with her food, her grades were brought up.

"Young lady, you have an F in history and you're missing practices in all of your sports, why is that?" Susan asked in a half annoyed tone.

Shit, what do I say?

Corey hummed, trying to think of an answer that would cause hopefully less problems.

"Are you ignoring me?" Susan stared.

"No no! I was thinking of a-" Corey was stopped, before her mother slapped her in the face multiple times.

"When I speak to you, you respond instantly. No thinking because you could be lying. NEVER LIE" Susan hit Corey again.

There goes Corey's appetite. They ate fast before getting up to excuse themselves.

They waited in their room for their stomach to churn.

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