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Im on the ice again, doing the same routine I have been for the past week and a half.

I flunk the same move that I've been messing up on every time.

"Dammit." I mutter, standing up and dusting the bits of ice off.

"Davina!" I'm irritated just from his voice, not because of my mistake. "You messed up with the same thing for the tenth time.

"You're acting like I can self teach myself something like this. You don't bother giving me advice on it." I snap back. I don't like arguing, but I will argue with him. He always finds a way to get mad and make me feel bad.

He starts the music again, and I start my routine over, for like the fifth time today.

Then, the music just stopped. What does he want now? I didn't do anything this time.

I sigh, turning around to look at him. I don't smile, nothing. Just frown.

"Davina, if you keep messing this routine up, I'm going to have to partner you up with Ben. I understand that you don't like partner skating, but if you can't get this routine down you're gonna have to." My coach knows only one way to get me annoyed, telling me I might have to partner skate. I despise it, to the bone. It's annoying and maybe even harder than normal skating.

"I'll get it eventually." I mutter, clearly irritated.

He was not amused by my response though. He sighs. "Davina, you've been struggling with this routine for weeks now. You're wasting time if you don't try something different. Maybe partnering with Ben will help you."

He tells me I have to partner up with someone, and it's the worse person possible. I mean, I don't hate Ben, but from what I've heard, he's not the kindest partner ever. I don't talk to him much though, because I'm never in a pair, so I don't need to talk to him.

"Im not partnering up with Ben, or anyone else. Period." I don't know what just gave me the confidence to say that, but I'm honestly glad I did.

He pinches the bridge of his nose, clearly frustrated. It makes me feel accomplished, that I can make him mad. He makes me mad so I can make him mad.

He finally speaks, "Davina, you can't keep refusing to partner up with anyone. You have to work with people if you want to improve." As if he's ever helped me with anything. "And Ben is one of the best partners out there, he—"

I cut him off. "I'm gonna get it!"

For some reason I yell it, he doesn't seem happy about that but I am, it feels good to yell.

He lets out another frustrated sigh. "Davina," I hate the way he says my name, don't know why, maybe because he starts every sentence with it, but I'll never like it. "You've been saying that for weeks and you're still not any closer to getting it. You can't keep refusing help and expect to get it right. I'm starting to think you're more concerned about your pride than your skills."

Ew, never. I'm more concerned about why you're starting to bald. Thank you.

I don't say that though, I always start to feel defeated after arguing for a while. So I just mutter a small, "I'm gonna get it."

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