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"So.. you're telling me that these feelings just developed over night and that you don't know what they are?"

When it comes to expressing myself, Amelia is like my therapist. She knows everything. Well, obviously not everything, but when it comes to feelings she knows.

I just shrug. "I don't know. I've never felt like this and it's weird and freaking me out."

Since me and Henry ran from that security guard a few weeks ago and we hid in an alleyway and he accidentally pushed me up against a wall, I've felt really weird. I get nervous around him, and I don't like it. I want it gone.

"You might like him."

"No. I don't like him." I can't like him. He's an idiot, like an actual idot.

"Mmm, you like him. It's kind of obvious. You're nervous around him, can't stop thinking about him—"

"Okay. Enough. I don't want to hear that because I already know. But that doesn't mean I like him, Amelia."

I want to strangle her. I love Amelia. She's been my best friend since kindergarten, but when it comes to this I want to cover her face with a pillow.

"I think you like him. All signs come to that. I know a lot about this stuff, V. I'm an expert." She looks proud of herself, but she knows the real reason she's an expert is because of how many guys she's been with. I don't know how it connects to her knowing all this, but it does.

"Can I punch you?" I have the urge to punch her, or just anyone.

"No. You cannot." She gives me a bright smile. I love her smile, I want to steal it. It makes her look so much more pretty than she already is. Honestly, if Amelia was a boy, I'd love her non-platonically. "But, we're going to a party tonight, and Henry's going to be there. So you should dress up nice, even if it's not for him it could still be for you."

"You really think I'm going to that party?" I don't go to parties, I don't drink either. If I do drink and get drunk, it's from sitting on my couch drinking wine while watching "10 Things I hate About You".

"Uh yes you're going. I'm not going alone, and I already have an outfit picked out for you." She stands up, walks to her closet and pulls out a small black skirt and a shimmery satin top. "It'll suit you. And you can wear those boots you never wear with it."

"Absolutely not. I am not wearing that."

"Why not? You'll look hot." She sets the clothes down.

"It's too... I don't know. But I'm definitely not wearing that."

"You're definitely wearing it. Period. No room for argument."

Amelia is the most stubborn person I know. When something doesn't go her way, she'll find a way to get it to go her way. Just like this.

I roll my eyes. "Fine. Whatever. But don't expect me to get drunk. You know I'm gonna end up having to drive you home."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, you party pooper. Now lemme do your makeup."


It smells like sweaty drunk people. And I have to walk through all of them to get to a spot where no one will bother me—

"Hey." Ben, thank you for not leaving me alone.

I turn my head. "Hey."

"Never knew you were a party person." He runs a hand through his blonde hair.

"I'm not. Amelia dragged me here."

"Typical." There's a smile on his face, but it's not weird or anything, just a smile.

I nod.

"Do you want to dance?"

I shake my head. "I'm good. I'd rather not not be able to breathe, I already am like that."

He nods. "Do you want a drink, then?"

"If it's nonalcoholic, then yes."

"I don't think this place has anything nonalcoholic."

"They don't have water? Jeez what kind of people live here."

He chuckles. "Yes, they have water. I'll go get you that."

He walks off then comes back handing me a water.

"You didn't drug it did you?" I give him a playful look.

"No. Of course not."

"Ok. Thank you." I smile.

"Where's Amelia? Thought she'd be with you, trying to get you to drink."

"She went somewhere with that guy she met a while ago. I forget his name, Alex or something." I take a sip from the water.

A couple weeks ago, Amelia met this one guy named Alex. He was really sweet to her and now she's always talking to me about him. I think she likes him, like really likes him, but she's too nervous to tell him.

"Oh." I think Ben's drunk, from the way he's looking at me. He's never looked at me like that, it's not a creepy look but it's weird. "You sure you don't want to dance?"

"Yeah I'm sure."

He nods. "Okay. Well I'm gonna go get a drink and find something to do, I'll see you around."

I smile and he walks away.

Now I'm bored. I also need fresh air, the air feels tight in here.
I head for the back door and once I get out there I immediately go back inside. I was happy not seeing naked people doing it, thought maybe nobody was in the mood, but no. Everyone comes outside to do it.


I turn around, taking a step and bump into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

I don't know this guy, but I don't want to know him. He looks like a creep and definitely drunk.

"No worries, princess. Where you headed? Do you want a drink?" He even sounds like a creep.

"No I'm good." I try walking away, but he grabs my wrist.

"You sure? You look like you need one." The smirk on his face says it all. I want to get away from him, find Amelia and go home. This is the reason why I don't come to parties; creeps.

"No, I'm- I'm okay." I try to pull away but he's holding onto my wrist tight. "Can you please let me go? I wanna go find my friend."

"Your friend is fine. Just stick with me for a while." The smirk is still plastered on his face, and I just want to get away.

"Please leave me alone. I want to go home." I'm not pleading yet, but close to.

"Just stay with me for a bit. I'll keep you company."

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