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Davina never replied to my text I sent the other day. I'm not mad, I told her she didn't have to answer, but I'm kind of disappointed. She could at least said she was fine, but it's whatever.

It's still the weekend, but it's Alex's birthday so we're going out to eat.

"Hey, so I invited Amelia, because you know, I can. And she asked if she could bring Davina, would that be okay?" Alex says from the passenger seat.

"Well, it's not my birthday so I don't really care." I say, taking the turn.

He turns and squints his eyes at me. "I feel like you do."

"Why? 'Cause it's Davina?" I shrug, "it's fine, I don't really care." I really don't. She doesn't seem to like me and that's okay. I can just move on. I've only known her for two weeks so it shouldn't bother me, and I'm not letting it bother me.

"Okay then.."


We arrive at the restaurant, it's actually the one Jacob and Emily work at, but they're both off to be here with Alex.

We check in and get seated at a table and now we just wait for everyone to arrive.

"Do you think I should ask Amelia out tonight?" Alex speaks up. "It's been a few months, and I think she likes me, but I have doubts."

"I think she will. She seems to like you as well." I reply.

Then the bell to the restaurant door dings and Jake and a few other guys come in.

A couple minutes later the bell dings again and both Amelia and Davina walk in. They're talking and I only heard the end of it.

"-and then I went to bed and that note was there." Davina's voice.

A note? What note? Now I'm curious, but I don't want to be nosy.

Alex sits up smiling to himself.

I already know what's coming next "Amelia, come sit next to me"

"Amelia, you can sit next to me." Told you.

And of course, she does.

The only seat left is next to me. I mean I could've moved over to a different seat when I first got here, but I didn't. So now Davina has to sit next to me.

"Hey." I mutter.

"Hi." Quietly she says with a small smile, pulling out her phone.

Wow, what a great conversation.

It's quiet. Well, it's not, but it is because I'm blocking everything out. Alex is talking with Amelia, Jake is talking with the other guys, and Davina isn't really a talker, I've now assumed because she's not talking. Maybe she's shy and doesn't want to talk to people she doesn't know.

I used to zone out all of the time, still do. When I was younger my parents always argued. My house was big and empty so it echoed all around the house, so wherever I was, I could hear. I listened to them for years 'till I figured I can just silence it in my mind. A lot of the time I'd paint to help block it out, play some music. But now I can just block everything out on my own.

My thoughts get interrupted my Jake. "Henry, what do you want to order?"

"Oh, um. Just a burger." The waitress—that I didn't even notice was there—writes it down and asks everyone else what they want.


I'm walking out of the restaurant when Alex speaks up next to me.

"She said yes." He's smiling widely.

"Good for you." I say, glancing over at him then taking my keys out of my pocket.

"I know you said you don't want to, but you should really come to the party tonight. Davina will be thereee—"

I cut him off. "Why do you think wherever Davina is I am?" I say, getting to my truck and opening the driver side door.

"I thought you were into her?" Alex says as he opens the passenger door and gets in.

"I am, but she's not into me. There's no reason to try to get something you can't get." I say as I start the truck.

"There's no harm in trying."

There's not, but I don't feel like trying and not getting anywhere in the process.


Alex ended up dragging me to this stupid party. I don't even know what I'm doing here. Standing in a corner and drinking is all I ever do.

They do have games but they're the same boring ones. Makes sense though, most people in this neighborhood aren't very original when it comes to party games. People are still doing the spin the bottle shit in college.

I'm not the only one who hangs out in corners alone though, Davina is alone— oh, never mind. Amelia just walked over to her.

Well, I don't have anything to do so I should just leave.

I finish my drink and start walking towards the exit, but someone's hand on my chest stops me.

"Woah woah woah. Leaving the party so early?" Jacob. A drunk Jacob. Great.

"It's boring. I'm bored. Lying in bed is more fun than this party." I say, giving him a look.

He puts his arm around my shoulders, leading me over to the living area.

"Well, how about I make it less boring for ya? Someone has been asking for you for days."

Uh oh.

"Is that someone the person I've been avoiding for days?" I say.

"Maybe. But come on, Hen." He stops walking and removes his arm from my shoulders. "The girl you like clearly doesn't like you, but this beautiful lady does." He slings his arm around a girl.

Hallie. Hallie has been on my ass since freshman year. She has longish wavy black hair and light blue eyes. When I first met her, she was normal. The more I got to know her, the more she got... annoying.

She smiles at me.

I roll my eyes. "Listen, Jake, thanks for the offer, but I'm just going to head out. I'll see you at practice, alright?"

I pat his shoulder, then leave.

I don't want to deal with Hallie. She's a sweet girl, but she's annoying.


(A/N: I'm sorry I haven't posted a chapter in so long and I know this one is also really short, but I've had no motivation and zero ideas of what to do. So here's this chapter for you)

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