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When I wake up, I have a horrible headache, like excruciating. But I also have a million text messages. Some from Amelia, some from Ben, and some from— Unknown?

I open it.


Hey, it's Henry.
Amelia gave me your number
I just wanted to check to see if you're okay. You don't have to answer btw


I open Amelia's texts.


Soo, don't be mad at me butttt, I might've given Henry your number..

I know, he texted me.

You're not mad??

I am but I have a headache and
I'm too tired to deal with you.

Well, just checking on youu
C u laterr

I don't feel like opening Ben's texts right now. They're probably just him texting me some gibberish from last night or something. I think he got pretty drunk last night. That's also really the only thing I remember, Ben being drunk.

I hesitantly stand up and walk into my kitchen. Grabbing a glass and filling it up with water. Chugging it down, I realize I have work today. Yay. Hungover and serving people is the best thing ever.

It's fine tho, I still have a couple of hours, it's— 12:00PM. Great, I'm going to be late.

I rush into my room, change into my uniform, and as I'm out the door I'm putting on my shoes.

Keys in hand, I rush down to my car and leave.


The restaurant is packed, my boss is mad at me for being late, and we're short on staff. It's only me and another girl serving today. I guess everyone decided to call in sick the one day i actually feel sick.

I'm on break right now though, most customers are served and we're too packed to let anyone else in at the moment.

Then some random guy—he looks like some business dude—walks up to me, slams his food down in front of me.

"You got my order wrong."

"I'm sorry sir, I'm on my break right now. That young lady over there can help you." I say kindly.

"Okay. But you're the one who got my order wrong, so you're going to be the one to fix it. Now." I don't get paid enough for this.

I sigh. "Im sorry, sir. But I am not able to help you at this moment, I am on my break. If you would like a refund or a new meal, you can go ask that young lady over there." I say, again kindly.

"Does it look like I give a shit if you're on your break or not? No. I do not. So you will be giving me my money back, and the correct meal, right now."

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