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I hate practice. I really do. It's just full of sweaty guys where most of them are hungover. I know I'm complaining for no reason because I am one of those guys. But it still annoys me.

I was listening to whatever Alex was talking about when I saw something in the corner of my eye.
A girl — well more precisely a figure skater, a talented one at that — gliding across the other ink.

It was beautiful. Watching her skate so perfectly. I've never seen anyone skate so... majestically.

Despite everyone surrounding and watching her, she acted like they weren't even there and seemed unfazed, immersed in her own world on the ice. It intrigued me, honestly. She was so careless.

"Dude, you're practically drooling." Alex teased as he elbowed my side.

Alex has been my bestfriend since... well, forever. We met in middle school when I was trying to ask out this girl. He gave me advice, then one day when he needed advice, I gave it to him. We never left each other's side since then.

I only spared him a glance before I turned back to watch the girl.
She was honestly a sigh to behold.

I continued to watch her as she performed a simple spin, her slender frame seemingly defying gravity as she effortlessly spun in the air. I'm trying to ignore my heart beating fast in my chest, but it only became more insistent. There was something about her that seemed to draw me in. It was almost unbearable to look away.

"Who even is she?" I said out loud, not realizing that I directed the question more to myself than to my friends. Everyone just chuckled, giving me teasing smirks.

The girl continued with her routine, executing a perfect landing after a jump. Her movements were so fluid and precise, it was as if she had spent years perfecting her craft. After watching her more, I found myself becoming more enthralled.

"She's gorgeous," I muttered, still fixated on her every move.

Alex let out a low whistle. "Looks like you're smitten, my friend."

I just grumbled in response, not wanting to admit that Alex's words held some truth. I was captivated by her, and it was a feeling I'm not used to experiencing. As the girl continued her routine, I started to lean against the railing, mesmerized.

One of my teammates approached, a smirk on his face. "You've been staring at her for sometime now. Why don't you go introduce yourself?"

I shot him a look, not sure if he was being serious or just messing with me. A part of me wanted to say no, that it was stupid to approach her, but the other part couldn't seem to tear my eyes away from her. Finally, I let out a frustrated sigh.

"I can't just walk up to her while she's in the middle of practicing," he protested, but I didn't even believe my own words. If anyone knew how to flirt with women, it was me. I could easily strike up a conversation.

Alex shrugged, the grin still plastered on his face. "Why not? Worse she can say is no."

I hesitated for a moment, my eyes flickering back to the girl as she executed a spin.
"Yeah, but I don't want to bother her," now I'm just making up excuses.

Jacob — another one of my teammates— who had been quiet until now, spoke up. "Or, you're just afraid that she'll reject you."

I shot him a glare, not appreciating the jab at my ego. "I'm not afraid of rejection," now I'm getting defensive. This is not normal.

Alex chuckled, clearly enjoying this exchange. "Then what's stopping you, man?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but then, I watched her land a complicated jump. Dammit. I can't deny it, she's incredible.

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