Dinner Party

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THE GHOSTS STOOD ROUND JAY. He was working on something on his Laptop, the ghosts watching due to the lack of entertainment in the house.

"Hey! I noticed someone ate all the Oreos I bought, which is crazy because I've had them in the house for less than hours." Sam explained to Jay, walking into the Kitchen holding a packet of empty Oreo's.

"I didn't want to say anything, but I think the contractor ate them." Jay began to tell her.

"Liar! He is a liar!" The ghosts began to react, calling out Jay for his actions while Jay was unaware of this.

"I watched him eat the whole thing." Trevor added full of energy, pointing directly at Jay.

"Really? The contractor?" Sam questioned Jay, now aware of the truth.

"Yeah. And if you want to blow up the renovations, cause of some cookies, I got your back 100 %, but I think that might be shortsighted." Jay continued with his lie.

"I witnessed the gluttonous feast; it was unseemly." Hetty told Sam, disgusted at Jays actions.

"Wait, what are you looking at? Is it the ghosts?" He began to catch on as Sam continued to look behind him. Jay turning around, like he would be able to see them.

"Crumbs everywhere! Why not use plate?" Thorfinn scolded the living man.

"They're telling on me, aren't they?" Jay was now aware of the situation.

"You are busted." Sam told him clearly,

"You've been caught!" Thea excitedly, enjoying the ghosts new spy work.

"This isn't fair. You got a whole team of spies watching my every move." Jay sighed responding to his wife.

"I mean, they don't tell me everything." Sam tried to clear up.

"Well, one of the cookies fell to the floor,
after which he ate it." Isaac started to explain some of the story in detail.

"Oh, you ate a floor Oreo?" She questioned him, now knowing basically everything.

"Not cool, guys! Not cool." Jay shouted at the ghosts after being snitched on, before living the room.

"I would have called it a "Flooreo." That's just my improv training kicking in. Flooreo.
I wish I possessed the ability to write that down." Pete made a joke, being the only one laughing, tying to get the other to join in.


SAM AND JAY WENT TO TALK TO THE CONTRACTOR. While the ghosts watched from the window of a room on the second floor. Seeing the Farnsbys (their neighbours) walk up to the couple.

"Sneezing in public. So unladylike. I told her a nip of cocaine would wipe that hay fever right out, but does she listen?" Hetty spoke up about the scene the ghosts were watching below.

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