Chapter Four

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Juvia's POV

"Hello." Mira perked up and happily said when she saw and Gray and Juvia walk through the front doors.

"Hey." Gray smirked.

"When did you two become all buddy-buddy?" Mirajane mischievously smiled.

"We- uh-" Juvia began, flustered. "We just have a couple classes together. That's all." She finished.

It was a little more than that, though. To Juvia, anyway. Gray was driving her to and from school all week, and now he was offering to drive her to and from therapy. She felt really lucky to have him.

"Ah, I see." Mira typed something on her computer.

"You can go in, Juvia. Dr.Dreyar is waiting." Mira instructed.

Juvia nodded. She began to walk to the room, but turned back to Gray.

"Is Gray-sama going to wait here?" She asked.

Gray shugged and rubbed the back of his neck. "Might as well. I don't got anything else to do." He avoided eye contact with Juvia, but she could see he was blushing. Ever so slightly, but it was there.

"Well, alright. See you in an hour." She smiled softly and walked into the office.

Makarov was sitting at his desk, typing something onto his computer. He looked up and smiled at Juvia.

"Hello, Juvia." He stood up from his desk chair and walked over to his other chair beside the couch.

"Hello, Dr.Dreyar." Juvia smiled shyly.

"Sit, sit." He nicely instructed her.

Juvia did as he said and took a seat on the couch. She crossed her legs and rested her hands in her lap.

"So, how have you been?" Makarov asked.

The rest of the session went on as normal. It seemed normal to Juvia, anyway. But she wouldn't really know. It was only her second time in Dr.Dreyar's office.

They talked and discussed some things that happened this week. Makarov never pushed Juvia into talking things she didn't want to talk about, and she really loved that about him.

"You know Ms.Lockser," Juvia looked at him, attentively.

"I didn't say anything the last session because I wanted to fairly evaluate you, but last week I would've said you were depressed."

It caught Juvia's attention. She sat up straight and opened her eyes a bit more.

When she really thought about it, though, it didn't surprise her.

"It wasn't anything too serious. You're still so young, so who knows. It could've just been hormones. Either way, after this session I was going to let you know and discuss your options. I could've prescribed you with medicine, or you could've been treated through therapy. I would've suggested the latter. It wasn't major depression, but still. It was very evident." He continued to explain.

"Oh." Juvia didn't know what else to say.

"But there's something different about you this week." He squinted his eyes a bit, like he was thinking about what it was that changed her.

"Now I may be a good doctor, but I'm not that good. I can't change a person from just one session." He chuckled slightly.

"You never know, Dr.Dreyar. You've helped Juvia out quite a bit already." She softly said.

He smiled. "You talked a lot about Gray this session. You really lit up whenever you talked about him. It leads me to believe that he's the cause of your change in attitude." He leaned back in his chair.

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