Chapter Nine

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Gray's POV

Gray had to be staring at his bedroom ceiling for at least 15 minutes. Just staring. And thinking.

He drove Juvia home after their little moment in his bathroom. He told her she could've stayed a little longer, but she insisted on going home. Which was very unlike her, considering she was the one always asking to hang out and texting him.

All he could think about was her. Was she okay? What was she doing right now? Was she cleaning her cuts like he told her to? Boy, he hoped so. He was just so... worried.

He reached for his cellphone, not even realizing. When he finally snapped out of his daze, he saw he was on Juvia's contact.

Since he was already there, he thought he might as well give her a call. Just to see what she was doing.

The phone rang three times before she finally asnwered.

"Hello?" She sounded choked up.

"Ah, hey. What's up?" Gray was a bit anxious for aome reason, but tried his best to not sound it.

"Nothing. Just... sitting around." Something seemed off. She wasn't seeming like herself.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yes. Juvia is fine." She tried to lighten her voice so he wouldn't worry.

"Are you sure? Do you want me to come over?" Gray was ready to spring right off his bed and head over, which was odd of him.

"No, it's fine. Juvia is okay. Really. There's no reason for Gray-sama to worry so much." She giggled, teasingly.

"I-" His cheeks burned "I wasn't worried. I was just-wondering." He huffed.

"Sure, sure." He heard the playfulness of her voice, and it put him at ease. "Well, is that all Gray-sama wanted?"

Something in his mind was trying to think of an excuse to keep talking to her "Uh, yeah. Just wanted to see what you were doing."

"Then Juvia's going to go. I have to do laundry and some cleaning. But thank you for checking in on me." Her tone sounded calm, but still with a hint of mischief.

"I wouldn't call it checking in but-" He immediately tried to defend himself, but gave in. He sighed. "Just- make sure you clean the cuts, okay?" He said, defeated.

"Juvia will." She hummed. "Goodbye." And with that, she hung off.

She sounded okay- but something was still off. Gray concluded it would be best to let it go. She probably had a lot on her mind at the moment.

The rest of the day was pretty nonchalant for Gray. He just sat around. He watched some t.v, played some video games, and worked on some little sculpting projects he had downstairs.

When night neared, he felt pretty confident about sleeping. It sounded weird, but he usually didn't feel too uneasy about going to sleep and possibly having a night terror. The picture of Juvia comforting him was still fairly fresh in his mind, and it gave him peace.

It was around 11:00 when he actually fell asleep. He tried his best to relax and not think about anything, just like Dr. Dreyar told him.

He opened his eyes and he realized he was not in his bed. Not in his current bed, anyway. The bed was small, and creaky. He sat up and held his pale blue bedsheets in his fists. As he looked around, he saw old pictures of him and his mom along with posters of cartoons, trains, and a few superheroes.

He inhaled a warm, faintly cinnamon scent as he breathed in. It took him a moment to realize he was in his old home.

His body was so little, he couldn't have been any older than four or five. He hesitantly got out of his bed and walked through his bedroom door. The floors were old and wooden. The creaks of the ground beneath him was so nostalgic.

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