Twelfth Letter

39 13 2

Salutations Stewart,

Hello, I see you have finished your first task. Thats wonderful! But remember to be careful with the ladies. They can be lots of trouble. A prime example is the case between your mother and I, where I am just finding out now that I have an eleven year-old son.

Here are some tips on getting the girl and keeping her.

Step One: Make her laugh - make sure you make her laugh. Make her laugh a joke, but do not making fun of somebody.

Step 2: Don't flirt with other girls, she will catch you and will be mad at you for the longest time. You will have a broken heart and so will she.

Step 3: DONT CREATE DRAMA! MAKE SURE YOU DONT GET INTO ANY FIGHTS, CONFLICTS, OR ARGUMENTS WITH FRIENDS, PEOPLE,TEACHERS, OR HER! (Okay, now that my lovely lady advice has been strictly said, we can move on to more important news.)

So lets talk about that long deserved clue. I have decided that you will get the clues once you have completed all of the tasks. Since you made friends with Alyssa, take her to the park. Just you two. Once you arrive at the park with her, my next task that you must complete will be there. I am not going to tell you exactly where... but I am telling you its in the park. You can get Alyssa to help you if you want but nobody else. If anybody other than Alyssa helps you trouble will occur.

That is all I have to say for now. Have a nice day!

                                                                Lots of Love,

                                                                Your Father

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