Fifth Letter

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father, i have such bad news. mother said you cannot come to where i live. she said it was too dangerous for you to come here; to wisconsin. we did some research and it turns out your mother and father are security guards or police officers at our local airport.

if you come you'll have to tell  what you're here for. if you told them, they would kill you for "reckless behavior." it all makes very little sense to me, and i feel like someone in this entire situation isn't quite telling the truth. whatever, i'm over it.

but... we could be defiant, and you could come regardless of what mommy told me. you could just fly in to a different airport. you could stay in a secluded motel or hotel so no one you know runs into you. i could visit you while you stay there.

i would tell mother i am going to a friend's house, since she is always nagging me to invite people over, because i don't get out enough. plus i should really be more social.

well, i better be going now. steve is waiting for me. we're going on an adventure! (under the sink) oh, and one more thing. when you arrive in wisconsin, i want you to meet steve. i have a feeling you guys will hit it off instantly!

                                                                                                until next time

                                                                                                your son,


p.s. i tried using complicated words, i want to be just like you.

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