Eleventh Letter

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sup dad,

i did what you said! i did it, i really did! are you happy? i sure am. are you excited? i know i am. the reason i used the word "sup" was because once i spoke with a girl my age out at the park, she taught me all about life for 11 year olds in today's world. there was so much i didn't know, so much i have to learn. being kept inside the house all the time really took a toll on my social development.

i really like her! her name is alyssa, she has frizzy red hair and freckles like line the bridge of her nose. she wears thick-rimmed black glasses. she has a...colourful language to say the least. she is so outgoing! it's unreal. i think we're meant to be and it must be true love and we'll be getting married. i feel it in my bones. we may be polar opposites but like magnets, opposites attract. steve likes her too.

i've played with her at the park exactly four times, and after this letter i am going to play with her again. but this time alyssa's mommy invited us to her house, so that's where we will be going.

so now that i have completed this task of yours, may i have the clue? i'd really like to meet you soon, if that doesn't bother you. i'm sort of giddy with anticipation.

thank you for blessing me such an opportunity. i've made a best friend because of you.

i think she's a keeper.


                                                                        your son,


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