Seventh Letter

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hi daddy,

today's my eleventh birthday! i wish you could have come to wisconsin today. it would have been the best gift i could have ever received. it is kind of sad though...

could you imagine not knowing your father for eleven entire years, and having heart problems? well i do because that is my LIFE.

to answer your question: i am indeed mad. just as much as you are. you were right. i saw some families on the street with daddies, not just mommies, and i asked where my mommy's significant other was. she was reluctant at first, and it only angered me and got my heart racing – which wasn't good. so in the end after months and months of bugging she finally gave in. she doesn't know it, but i am mad at her for not telling me. for eleven years of my life i didn't know there was another man in the family. i was so alone, i thought it was just her and i. why would someone ever keep a secret like that? it only makes it worse to know that she has been keeping this a secret from you for eleven years as well. mommy is kind of a terrible person.

i am totally excited about our secret...plan. mommy will never know... it makes me feel so mysterious and adventurous at the same time. i'll be honest here, talking to you has been the most fun i've had in a very long time.

time for my special birthday dinner! all of the family from mommy's side is coming over today. i have a cousin around my age so we can play with steve and have such an amazing time! i can't wait for the presents and desserts. i asked for the newest toys for my birthday so hopefully i get all the good ones. oh, and i almost forgot about the dessert. there will be cake, ice cream, pie, and so much more! it is all so tasty it makes my mouth water. food is one of the most important reasons on why i like holidays. i know the food might be rotten and stale by the time you get here, but if you want i can save some of the delicious delicacies for you!

oh no, aunt and uncle have just arrived. got to go!

                                                                                                lots of love

                                                                                                the birthday boy,


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