"Hey Jiro, wait up!" Hagakure yells, catching Jiros attention.
She runs to Jiro, who is walking to Gym Gamma.
"Phew, you walk fast, huh?" Hahakure laughs.
"Nah" Jiro says "I just, leave a little earlier than everyone else to get a headstart, y'know?"
"That makes sense. Do you have any idea why were meeting up at Gym Gamma first before the classroom today?"
"I have no clue. The only reason I know we're even going is because someone from class 3-B came to the door of our dorms and told me"
"Well, it seems as if the big 3 will be joining us in class today. There's no other explanation on why an upperclassman would show up at an underclassmen door. That doesn't explain why we won't be meeting in class first thought, almost seems like a prank if you ask me" Momo says, suddenly showing up next to them.
Jiro and Hagakure jump, suprised that Momo suddenly appeared.
"Where did you come from Yaomomo!? I'm supposed to be the invisible one, not you!!" Hagakure yells.
"Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to frighten both of you..." Momo says, feeling embarrassed. "I was actually right behind you guys, I just didn't really seem to make your line of vision and didn't make any noticable sounds for you to notice"
"It's alright, don't worry about it." Jiro laughs and smiles. "But now that you mention it, where did Midoria and the others go?"
"Well, I didn't see Todoroki this morning" Momo says, in a somewhat worried voice "And I saw Ida walking with Midoria and this morning, It looked like they were heading to the school instead of Gym Gamma."
"I also saw Tsuyu and Uraraka while I was getting ready to walk with you Jiro. I think they were also getting ready to walk to Gamma with us." Hagakure says.
"And I saw the three musketeers this morning already. They were still getting breakfast ready." Jiro sighs.
"The- Three musketeers?" Momo and Hagakure ask, in sync with eachother.
"Oh, I mean Bakugo, Karishima, and Kaminari." Jiro explained. "Sorry, I sorta have a group nickname for them"
"I can't tell if they are the best trio or the most toxic trio" Hagakure laughs.
"I get what you mean." Momo smiles "They have the energy of a bullet, but then density of a depressed elephant"
"I'm pretty sure Kaminari is the one with energy and has the IQ of a 5 year old" Jiro snickers. "He's definitely an idiot" Jiro smiles, and gives an almost affectionate expression.Momo and Hagakure notice her expression, and look closer.
"Are you feeling ok?" Hagakure asks. "You don't usually look like this when your making fun of Kaminari"
Jiro snaps out of it and shakes her head.
"What?! What do you mean! I just, don't feel great, y'know? Yeah. Plus, I look just the way I do when I make fun of that peanut brained moron." Jiro says, angrily. "Enough about them, let's just stay focused on what were gonna do for training today."
After walking for a couple minutes, they finally made it to the Gym Gamma. Bakugo, Karishima, and Kaminari seemed to be the first ones there.
"Wow, I'm suprised you guys made it here before us. I thought you guys were still making breakfast." Jiro said.
"We were" Karishima agreed. "But a certain someone somehow managed to burn the rice by using their explosions, so we basically just didn't eat anything"
On the corner of Jiros eyes, she could see how close Bakugo was to Karishima to blow him up.
"I'm soooo hungry" Kaminari groaned, as his stomach growled of hunger.
Jiro looked at Kaminari and started laughing.
"What? What's so funny?" Kaminari asked, having a pouty look on his face.
"It's nothing" Jiro laughed. "I just noticed how you look and I couldn't contain myself."
"Huh?!" Kaminari Panicked. "Is there something on my face?!"Jiro started laughing even harder, this time Hagakure and Karishima joined in.
"No, no, it's just the look on your face" Jiro said, still laughing.
Kaminari crossed his arms and looked the other way.
"Whatever, I knew what you meant." Kaminari said, making a pouty face.
Jiro took a couple steps forward towards Kaminari, and nudged his arm.
"C'mon, stop pouting" Jiro said, smiling.
Kaminari's eyes widened of suprise, she usually wasent in such a nice and cheery mood.
"Jiro, are you sick?" Kaminari asked.
He took his hand then placed his hand on Jiros forehead, trying to check her temperature. She then immediately took her earphone jacks, plugged them in his ears, then blasted sound waves in his ears, which made him electrocute himself. She turned to look the other way.
"I'm fine, peanut brain!" Jiro said, feeling a little flustered. "And keep your hands off."
Kaminari made a distraught face, and put two hands up and made a thumbs up. Everyone started laughing so hard that they fell to the ground. Bakugo snickered a little.
"Idiot" He mumbled
After a couple minutes, the rest of the class showed up with Mr. Aizawa, and looked at eachother with a puzzled look.
"Why didn't you guys go to the class first?-" Sero asked, making them seem like idiots.
The 5 of them turned to Jiro, who was covering her face with her hands.
"Because some bone headed upperclassman's from class 3-B told me we were meeting at the gym first" Jiro mumbled.
"Well, now that I know you 6 are here, I'll have to send in a new attendence for marking you 6 absent." Mr. Aizawa said, in a tired tone. "Whatever, let's start class already."

He Talks, She Listens (Kamijiro)
FanfictionChapters usually come out on Saturdays and Sundays so don't miss out! (Before you read, the story is a little rough in the beginning and the writing kinda sucks, but I swear after a couple more chapters it'll get better!) About the 2 main characters...