Chapter 6: Team 2

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Midoria and Uraraka had just walked into the gym, and it looked like a completely different place, just the same walls. It kinda looked like... A maze?

"Wow, the place looks so different!" Uraraka yelled.

"I'm guessing Mr. Cementoss has something to do with the room change, it's very impressive" Midoria said, writing something down in his notebook then putting it back in his pocket.

The other students were watching the monitors, seeing Uraraka and Midoria. They also looked on the monitor that showed which teacher they were going up against.

"This is gonna be a weird fight," Kaminari said "Present mic vs Midoria and Uraraka? I don't know about that."

"Yeah... This fight can go both ways" Jiro agreed, giving a somewhat worried tone in her voice.

Uraraka and Midoria were discussing how they were going to defeat Present Mic, and they looked like they were pretty confident in their idea. After about 2 minutes of discussing, a buzz filled the room and the timer started counting down. It was time for them to defeat him.

"Their gonna have to figure out the maze AND defeat Present Mic at the same time?" Mineta asked. "That sounds kinda tough if you ask me."

"Well, technically, Midoria can just break down the walls, can't he?" Jiro wondered. "Unless their setback is just like Ida and Aoyama's."

Just as they said that, they noticed something on the monitor.

"Wait- Is Midoria putting a blindfold on his face?" Kirishima noticed the monitor.

"Yup. Only Midoria has to be blinded though. Uraraka can see freely and has to navigate him." Aizawa said.

"This'll be interesting" Sero said, crossing his arms and watching the monitor.

Uraraka grabbed Midoria's hand and started running into the maze. Them two looked like tomatoes as they were holding hands. Everyone gave a little snicker as they saw Midoria mumbling to himself as he looked like he was about to explode.

"They look like idiots" Bakugo muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Is it just me, or do you always get angry seeing Uraraka and Deku together" Kaminari asked, jokingly.

Bakugo gave Kaminari a death glare before looking at the monitor again.

"I'm about to kill you sparky." Bakugo said in a serious tone. "Why the hell would I care about those two fuck heads."

Kaminari thought for a moment and shrugged. "I don't know, maybe because Midoria can pull a girl but you can't."

Bakugo does a full 90 degree turn to face Kaminari and his eyes give a red glow.

"REPEAT THAT AGAIN SPARKY... WHILE I HAVE MY FIST IN YOUR FACE." Bakugo threatens, moving closer to Kaminari.

"Denki... What did you do" Kirishima asked, eyeing Bakugo.

"I- Uhm- I didn't-"

"Bakugo chill" Jiro interrupts, stopping him. "Kaminari is just being an idiot. That doesn't mean you have to blow him up for it."

"GET OUT OF THE WAY EARS." Bakugo says, coming closer to Jiro.

Jiro crosses her arms and gives him a glare. "No way in hell am I moving explosion boy. Get away from Jamming-way before I Jam-Your-Brain." Jiro threatens.

Everyone turns towards them, shocked at Jiros threat. They were expecting Bakugo to push her or yell at her. But instead, he puts his fist down and crossed his arms.

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