Chapter 7: Team 3

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It was finally time for Kirishima and Minas turn. The high-tech monitors flickered, capturing every moment of Kirishima and Mina. The rest of Class 1-A gathered around the screens, eyes wide with anticipation and curiosity. After a couple of seconds, the whole class had their mouths wide open, seeing who Kirishima and Mina were going up against.

“Man, this is going to be intense,” Kaminari said, leaning closer to the monitor. “This might be the hardest round, even for Kirishima and Mina”

Jiro, standing next to him, nodded, her earphone jacks twitching slightly. “They’ve been preparing for this." Jiro said "I don't know how but, them two somehow knew they were going against Mr. Aizawa. It’ll be interesting to see how they handle Mr. Aizawa without their Quirks.”

Kirishima and Mina looked at eachother with a serious gaze. It seemed fun to them before, but this time they knew that had to be serious. Instead of the room being changed, this time, the room was back to normal. It was the way it had been before they had gotten changed into their hero uniforms. After a couple of seconds, which has felt like years had gone by, there was an alarming buzzing sound yet again, and the timer started counting down. It was finally their time to go,

Kirishima and Mina immediately started to sprint towards Mr. Aizawa.  Kirishima launched a barrage of powerful punches at Mr. Aizawa, his hardened fists aimed with precision. Mina, agile and quick, danced around the edges of the fray, looking for opportunities to assist Kirishima.

Mr. Aizawa moved with surprising speed, his eyes locked on Kirishima as he deftly dodged and countered every strike. He twisted and turned, his movements fluid and calculated. With a swift motion, he grabbed Kirishima’s extended arm, pulling him off balance and sending him skidding across the floor.

Mina seized the chance to strike, kicking towards Mr. Aizawa’s side. But with a sudden spin, Mr. Aizawa evaded her attack, grabbing her leg mid-air and tossing her aside. She landed with a roll, springing back up with a grin that masked her slight frustration.

Outside, the rest of Class 1-A watched intently as Kirishima and Mina fought on.

“Mr. Aizawa is so quick,” Momo commented, her gaze fixed on the screen. “It’s no wonder he’s one of the top Pro Heroes.”

“Yeah,” replied Shoji. “And Kirishima and Mina are giving it their all. It’s impressive.”

Inside the gym, Kirishima and Mina were breathing heavily but undeterred. Kirishima nodded at Mina, and she responded with a determined look. They exchanged a silent agreement and re-engaged with renewed focus.

Kirishima charged again, his hardened body clashing with Mr. Aizawa’s defenses. Mina darted around, creating a flurry of distractions. Their teamwork became evident as they synchronized their efforts, Kirishima drawing Mr. Aizawa’s attention while Mina used her agility to strike from different angles.

Mr. Aizawa’s expression remained focused, but a hint of appreciation flickered in his eyes. He matched their pace, countering their every move with precision. The struggle between them was fierce and relentless, and it was clear that Kirishima and Mina were pushing themselves to their limits.

Back outside, the students watched with bated breath. “They’re really giving it everything,” said Kyoka Jiro, her eyes fixed on the screen. “I can see how much they’ve improved.”

Todoroki nodded in agreement. “They’re showing excellent teamwork and resilience.”

"But, why hasent Mr.Aizawa used his quirk that much?" Mineta asked. "He only used it once"

"I'm guessing it's because of his dry eye." Midoria said, laughing a little bit.

The match reached its climax as Kirishima, with a final burst of energy, executed a powerful punch that Mr. Aizawa narrowly avoided. Mina, using the distraction, landed a quick kick that threw Mr. Aizawa off balance. They pressed their advantage, coordinating their attacks with newfound synergy.

Mr. Aizawa, clearly impressed by their improvement, allowed them to land a decisive blow. He may have let them take the blow, but then his face was filled with a small grin. After the blow, Mr. Aizawa stood up.

"You guys completely forgot the point, didn't you." He asked.

Kirishima and Mina looked at eachother in confusion, and looked back at Mr. Aizawa.

"You guys were supposed to grab my headband, yes. But, you completely forgot about your setback." After Mr. Aizawa finished his sentence, Kirishima and Minas face turned as pale as a ghost.

"Wait- What the hell was their setback?" Kaminari asked, paying full attention to the bright screen.

"Your guy's setback, was to defeat me without using and full power blow." Mr. Aizawa revealed. "And Kirishima, or should I say Red Riot, just earned your team an F on this exam."

Kirishima's face had a mix of emotion's. Anger, embarrassment, and guilt. All in just one expression. Then suddenly, Mina placed her hand on his shoulder.

"It's alright Red Riot, I still think we did a damn good job." She said, giving him a bright smile.

He smiled back at her and stood up straight. "Yeah, we fucking did huh?"

They both laughed, and gave eachother a fist bump.

"Wow... I'm lost for words" Jiro said, looking at the monitor.

"Yeah... Me too" Sero said.

"I think they still did good though" Kaminari added, laughing a little. "They might have failed, but hey, they still put on a show."

Jiro smiled a little as she heard his soft laugh. "I could hear him laugh all day" She thought for a moment, then immediately shutting up the thought. "He's just... A really good friend."

Mina and Kirishima eventually walk outside, and everyone starts clapping for them.

"Good job you guys!" Uraraka yells, smiling at them.

Kirishima scratches the back of his head. "Cmon guys, we didn't even pass."

"You still fought well shitty hair" Bakugo mutters, only loud enough for Kirishima to hear. "You just didn't win. Stop whining about it."

Kirishima smiled wide, knowing Bakugo was just trying to make him feel a little better. He just sucked at cheering people up.

"Thanks, Bakubro" Kirishima gives him a soft punch in the arm then wraps his arm around him.

"Well, I guess it's our turn now, huh Jamming-way" Jiro reminds Kaminari, heading towards the entrance to the gym.

Kaminari rolled his eyes, running towards Jiro.

"Thats not my hero name Jiro, It's chargebolt!" He yells, trying to hide a small smile, even though he feels annoyed.

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