Chapter 9: After Exams

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After everyone's exam, they all changed back into their uniforms and walked out of the changing rooms, where most of Class 1-A were relieved they passed, but some...

"HOW THE HELL DID I FUCKING FAIL" Bakugo yelled, slamming the dressing room door as everyone started leaving.

"Well, maybe it was because you ignored my warnings the whole time as you were just trying to beat up Principal Nezu," Shoto said, in his usual nonchalant voice. "Who clearly planned everything precisely to counter your attack wit-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP ICY HOT BASTARD" Bakugo interrupted, shoving his hands in his pockets with an irritated look on his face.

Kirishima walked up from behind Bakugo and placed his hand on Bakugo's shoulder, sighing in disappointment.

"Looks like we're both loser's today" Kirishima sighed, patting Bakugo's shoulder.

On another side of Bakugo was Jiro, Mina, Momo, Uraraka, and Tsuyu. As expected, Mina was the only one with a saddened look on her face as she stared at the ground, replaying the moment she was told that she failed the exam.

"This is the second time I failed," Mina whined, slumping her head "I really thought we had it this time."

"You guys still did really good with combat" Momo said, trying to cheer Mina up.

"Yeah, compared to you, I had horrible defense" Tsuyu said, putting her finger to her chin "Me and Sero did have a decent amount of combat though"

"You shouldn't worry to much about it," Jiro said, putting her hands in her pocket while chewing gum "I'm pretty sure this was only 30-40% of the exam, the big portion you need to study for the actual paper exam."

"I'm probably gonna fail that one too!" Mina groaned. "You know I can't study for the life of me!"

"I'll help you study Mina!" Momo said, her smile beaming.

"R-really?" Mina mumbled, her eyes glowing as she looked at Momo as if she was an angel.

Momo nodded and Mina ran up to her and hugged her, tears streaming from her eyes.

"Thank you!" Mina said, crying from joy.

Jiro was trying to listen to Mina's whining, but couldn't help but snicker a little as she watched Kaminari from the corner of her eye as he was scratching the back of his head while Bakugo was threatening him with a fist full of explosive sparks. She only guessed that Kaminari probably said something idiotic to Bakugo to get on his nerves, which was a common Kaminari move.

"What do you think Jiro?"

Jiro flipped her head to Uraraka, not knowing what she meant

"Uh... About what?" Jiro asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"About what we should do as a group this weekend." Uraraka said, wondering what Jiro was looking at before she questioned her.

"What group?"

"Me, Momo, Mina, Tsu, You, and Hagakure."

Jiro thought for a moment, thinking of what they could possibly do, her mind still going back to the look on Kaminari's face only a couple moments ago.

"Going to the mall seems kinda fun to do. It's been a while since we went there" Jiro suggested, blowing a bubble with her gum before popping it.

"Oooo that sounds fun!" Mina cheered, clapping her hands together.

"Hold your horses Mina. It's only Thursday. And we've got the paper exam tomorrow. So you better study your ass off tonight." Jiro said, remembering her whining earlier.

Mina groaned and crossed her arms.

"Fineee, but can't we at least do something fun tonight? After I study of course." Mina asked, a small grin tugging on the corner of her lips.

"I don't know about that Mina..." Momo hesitanted, her face showing a hint of worry.

"Yeah, when you say "fun" it always involves some sort of party game." Jiro said, also a little worried.

"Oh c'mon guys! It'll be something to celebrate my hard work for studying!" Mina said, her face giving a bright smile.

Jiro and Momo exchanged glances before looking back at Mina.

"Fine. But only if you promise to at least try and study." Jiro said, as if she were Mina's parent or something.

"Thanks you guys!" Mina squealed, Jiro knowing damn well she had something up her sleeve.

After a long day at UA, they finally made it back to heights alliance (Or their class dorms) as class that day had ended after all their exams. Well, all their combat exams at least. It was around dinner time, about 5:30 pm.

Jiro was sitting in her room, working on a new song she'd been writing for a long time. She didn't tell anyone though, she kept her song writing and guitar playing or some other instrument playing to herself. In the middle of writing the song, she stopped for a moment and leaned back in her chair, staring at the ceiling. "Today was weird as hell" She thought, he mind slowly wondering somewhere else.

On the other hand, Kaminari was in his room with Kirishima and Mineta with him, as he sat on the bed where the other two sat on the ground.

"I still can't believe I failed" Kirishima said, his voice dripping with disappointment.

"You've been hung up on that all day" Kaminari laughed, playing his bright yellow electric guitar, not hooked up to any speakers.

"I know but, I feel like I made a terrible impression on Mina."

Both Kaminari and Mineta's heads perked up, suddenly turning on their ears.

"Wait, since when did you care about what someone else thinks?" Kaminari asked, raising his eyebrow in curiosity.

"Yeah, and Mina for that matter" Mineta agreed, sitting criss cross as he laid his elbow on his knee and sat his chin on his fist.

"I didn't mean like that. It's just... She's also strong and brave, I just don't want her to see how weak I really am." Kirishima said, his voice turning from disappointing to upset.

Kaminari and Mineta exchanged glances before looking back at Kirishima.

"But your not weak. It's just like Bakugo said, your strong willed and you can put up a good fight." Kaminari said, putting on his usual cheery smile.

"Your way stronger then I could ever be, and you definitely get the ladies" Mineta agreed, putting a thumbs up for reassurance.

Kirishima laughed. "Thanks guys" He said, smiling from ear to ear, his upset tone turning back to his "manly" voice.

While they were discussing more, Jiro was still at her wooden desk in her room, focusing hard on her song she had been writing for a while, still thinking of the chorus and the notes that would go right with it. She was thinking hard when she suddenly heard a knock on her door. She sighed quietly as she stood up from her desk, expecting that it was Momo or Mina at the door.

"Who is it-"

Jiro cut herself off when she saw who was at the door, pretty suprised as to who was standing there.

"Me, dumbass." It was Bakugo, standing there with his usual black shirt with a single skull design on it while matching it with black sweatpants.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2024 ⏰

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